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1Spells for Poppins Empty Spells for Poppins Sat Dec 20, 2014 8:45 am

Azabel Poppins

Azabel Poppins
Name: Blast Off
Rank: C
Magic Cost: 15 mp
Requirements: Ballistic Magic
Class: Offensive
Element: None
Cooldown: 5
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user will look at a object and from his eye a swift moving orb of energy will rush at the target. When it reaches the desired distance of nine meters it will ignite, consuming up to one meter of space causing deep internal bruising to anyone caught in the blast itself. It is able to destroy gates and metal doors on its own. It is a contained explosion, and does not have concussive force, rather it focuses on harming the opponent outright. It is originally fired out as a baseball sized object before expanding into its 1x1x1 meter form.

Name: Banger
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 5 mp
Requirements: Ballistic Magic
Class: Offensive
Element: None
Cooldown: 3
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user will generate multiple smaller orbs all around their body numbering to twenty-five. They are the size of walnuts. The orbs will detonate instantly from when formed covering the user in a concussive sphere that extends from their body outwards a distance of two meters in all directions. Anything caught within range of the blast will be bruised wherever they are hit. It has enough force to destroy a small wooden shack.

Name: Pow
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 5 mp
Requirements: Ballistic Magic
Class: Offensive
Element: None
Cooldown: 4
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user forms a orb of energy around their fists opposed to in their palms. When the opponent lands a punch with the energy glow it will automatically explode causing bruising to the opponent. It amplifies his punching force and sends the opponent flying back three meters from the location of the user. He can sustain this energy to pummel an opponent.

Name: Pop
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 5 mp
Requirements: Ballistic Magic
Class: Offensive
Element: None
Cooldown: 3
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user first makes their hand take the shape of a gun gesture, they begin to generates a small orb on the tip of their finger as a result. Once the orb has loaded a orb no bigger than a walnut is shot outwards towards a target that explodes on impact with whatever it touches. It will only travel five meters from the location of Azabel before it dissipates into nothingness. Upon impact with a target it will leave a bruise the size of a fist on the opponent. When used against objects its enough force to blow down wood doors. It travels at five meters per second.

Name: Crackle
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 5 mp
Requirements: Ballistic Magic
Class: Offensive
Element: None
Cooldown: 3
Duration: Instant
Effect: Crackle allows the user to form a sphere of energy in the palm of their hand that expands to the size of a baseball. The user can press this sphere against an solid object causing the sphere to explode in a meter radius. The damage it does is minimal, leaving bruises in the affected area. The concussive force made from this attack allows the user to knock back their opponent a meter from their original position (Even farther if opponent is airborne. Up to five meters.) It has enough force to blow down a wooden door.

Last edited by Azabel Poppins on Sat Dec 20, 2014 9:21 am; edited 1 time in total

2Spells for Poppins Empty Re: Spells for Poppins Sat Dec 20, 2014 9:07 am

Ardere Kasai

Ardere Kasai
-How large is the orb?


-Make the knockback 3 m

-You can make the speed 5 m/s if you want.

-Change the airborne to 5 m not 10

3Spells for Poppins Empty Re: Spells for Poppins Sat Dec 20, 2014 9:22 am

Azabel Poppins

Azabel Poppins
Edits made, however I do not know why I was asked to reduce my knockback from 5-3, is there a different policy for knockbacks than projectiles here?

4Spells for Poppins Empty Re: Spells for Poppins Sat Dec 20, 2014 10:23 am

Ardere Kasai

Ardere Kasai
There's no real set rules for knockbacks, so we just start it at 3 and kinda go up accordingly. For D's it's like a bit over half the range if that makes sense, unless airborne like you stated.

Anyways approved. :3

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