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Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
Name: Fire Dragon's Talon
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10
Requirements: Fire Dragon Slayer's magic
Class: Supplementary
Element: Fire
Cooldown: 1
Duration: Instant
Effect: Kazuki wreathes a foot in flame, reaching up to his knee, and let's loose a kick fueled by a jet of fire from his heel. The force behind the blow is such that when struck the opponent is pushed back five meters, even if the attack is blocked. On contact this spell does D rank damage and first degree burns.

Name: Wild Fire
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10, 5 Sustained
Requirements: Fire Dragon Slayer's Magic
Class: Offensive
Element: Fire
Cooldown: 8
Duration: Until Dismissed
Effect: The caster coats their body and the immediate area around him in flames. The flames consume the caster, and an area of two meters around him. While the flames are active, they burn anyone within that area, causing first degree burns every post the person is within the flames, but no direct damage. This spell can be deactivated by being struck with a D rank.

Name: Dragon's Firing Hammer
Rank: C
Magic Cost: 20
Requirements: Fire Dragon Slayer's Magic
Class: Offensive
Element: Fire
Cooldown: 4
Duration: Instant
Effect: The caster coats a single fist in flames. A magic circle appears on the elbow, once the fist is swung, sending out an explosion of fire to jet propel the blow, increasing it's hitting power. The blow, thanks to the propulsion of flames, travels faster than a normal at ten meters a second. Upon contact, the blow leaves a deep bruise and causes first degree burns, as the contact is so fast the flames don't have time to cause more. The force is enough to push an enemy back five meters, even when blocked. This spell can be stopped by a C Rank defensive spell of a non-opposing element, and a D rank defensive spell of an opposing.

Name: Fire Dragon's Crushing Fang
Rank: C
Magic Cost: 20
Requirements: Fire Dragon Slayer's Magic
Class: Offensive
Element: Fire
Cooldown: 3
Duration: Instant
Effect: A stronger version of Fire Dragon's Iron Fist, the user coats their fist in fire and performs a heavy haymaker like attack. Upon contact, this spell causes deep bruises on impact, and the fire coating the fist causes second degree burns. A trail of fire is left behind after the swing, one meter long by one meter thick. The flame themselves cause no direct damage, but instead incur first degree burns. The flames only last three seconds before burning out.

Name: Fury of the Fire Dragon
Rank: B
Magic Cost: 30, 15 Sustained
Requirements: Fire Dragon Slayers Magic
Class: Supplementary
Element: Fire
Cooldown: 8 Posts
Duration: 4 Posts
Effect: An improved version of Fire Dragon's Rage, the caster coats both their hands and feet in flames. The heat is strong enough at this point to show sweltering waves of heat coming from the caster, the temperature around him has risen. The flames around his appendages greatly increase increases strength to allow deep bruising to 1 inches deep. The flames around the hand, on contact, cause third degree burns and can catch opposing elements alight. These attacks are not "spells" and count only as physical attacks.

Crimson Lotus:

Name: Secret Art: Crimson Lotus - Dragon's fist
Rank: B
Magic Cost: 30
Requirements: Fire Dragon Slayer's Magic
Class: Offensive
Element: Fire
Cooldown: 7
Duration: Instant
Effect: One of the legendary secret arts wielded by this kind of magic, this serves as one of the casters few trump cards. Coating their arms in flames up to the elbow, before unleashing a barrage of thirty punches over the timeframe of a few seconds, each blow traveling at ten meters a second--causing ones arms to be a near blur. Each flame-coated blow explodes on impact, producing bruises on the surface as well as first degree burns. The final blow is a heavy haymaker (usually a heavy hook) that causes an explosion with enough force to push the opponent back to a total of ten meters. The final explosion can result in second degree burns, bruising and a simple fracture.

Last edited by Kazuki Kobayashi on Tue Nov 11, 2014 12:33 pm; edited 6 times in total

Alyssa Strauss

Alyssa Strauss

I approve of this.

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Fury of the Fire Dragon
-As this is a buff spell, it would not be able to be destroyed, only dismissed.

The rest are approved.

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Approved for training.

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi

Done with training.


Training accomplished, all spells are added to your profile.

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Pulled for spell revisions on Spontaneous Combustion. Spells are not allowed to be made that increase abilities of a subsequent spell.

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
Change Spontaneous Combustion to Fire Dragon's Talon.

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Approved. Have fun.

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