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1Ben Willows (Done) Empty Ben Willows (Done) Tue Nov 04, 2014 7:53 pm

Ben Willows

Ben Willows

   Ben Willows (Done) Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQxFPQEURgbPRHd0fwiwNDdmpuxQ8DD1jAB2iUVWlBhKcrsOON0VA
   "Personal quote can be placed here"

Name(s): Ben Willows
Nickname(s): Benny
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Birthday: 10/April/X763
Sexuality: Straight
Class: Mystic
Alignment: Neutral (Depends on personality disorder)
Rank: B-rank
Guild: Raven Tail
Guild Tattoo: On his left shoulder.
Face Claim: Allen Walker-D-Gray Man


Height: 6'4
Weight: 184 lbs
Hair: White
Eyes: Blue
General Appearance: Ben is average height, slightly more taller. He has white spiky hair, each piece moving in its own direction with two short bangs that sometimes cover his eyes. His skin is semi-tan for staying outside too much. He has light blue eyes that sometimes looks darker when his hair covers up his eyes. His hair also covers up a weird tattoo he had ever since he was little. The tattoo is red, A long line crosses his left eye with another small line crossing through it. He likes to wear clothes that matches with his hair color, white. Ben usually wears a white jacket, fur covers the top of his jacket. Under his jacket is a plain white short sleeved shirt. He has white skinny jeans with a white and gold belt. Ben is one of the few people that would go bare feet or simple white sandals.
Extra: Red tattoo near his left eye.


Personality: Ben is a man of his words, he'll never go back on a promise. Its hard to take him serious as he constantly goof around with others. He's very childish around his friends and often goes too far. He love to pull pranks on fellow guild members and enemies. He purposely embarrasses himself to cheer others up or make funny jokes. He's sometimes gets serious in fights to protect his friends and doesn't hold back on people who hurt others. A whole different side of Ben is shown when people anger him, he suddenly stop feeling joy. He quickly calms down when someone very close to him tells him too. His personality differ from other dark guild members, that whats makes him one of a kind. The main reason why he joined Raven Tail is that he can learn to become different.

Another side:

He has moments when he become as dark as his fellow guild members. Just in case he doesn't get kick out of the guild, he acts semi-evil around his guild members. He can be easily manipulated into doing the wrong stuff. With enough encouragement another side of him is shown, his split personality. He's not acting whenever he changes, he was born with a rare personality disorder that can make him go for good to evil. His split personality made it that no other light guilds would accept him, the only guild he could join was dark guilds. His split personality is uncontrollable and once entered he turns into a power hunger brute that would do anything do gain more power, that is what makes him a Raven Tail member.

  • Food


  • Doing work

  • Reading

  • Weak people

  • Fish

Motivations: One day become a Guild master. He also wants to find his adoptive parent and be accepted by a light guild. He is motivated to get rid of his split personality for good.
Fears: Ben fears that one day his other personality will take over for good.

He fears being rejected by everyone due to his personality disorder.

Positive Traits:
Persuasive (+2): You have a way with words and body language. Somehow you manage to persuade weaker minded people easily.
Explanation: When using this feat, players will have to roll a bronze die. Failure to land on a number results in them agreeing with you.
Negative Traits:
Reckless (-1): You lack the emotion of fear. Unfortunately, it is often an important cue that keeps men from doing foolhardy things. Sure, you don't flinch at the sight of even the most hideous monster, but neither do you feel the need to run away when outclassed.
Explanation: You can never flee from a fight with someone who is stronger than you.

Talkative (-1): You have a problem keeping your plans to yourself. Your ideas are simply so clever that you tell them to other people, so that you can watch their astonishment creep across their faces just before they tell you just how smart you are. Your flaw gets you to reveal your plans or evil scheme to the wrong people. There's nothing to prevent you from dropping them into a deathtrap afterwards, but should they survive, then you've got problems.
Explanation: You cannot keep a secret, and thus must announce the name of every one of your attacks.

Magic:Poison Dragon Slayer Magic
Caster or Holder: Caster
Description:  Is a type of lost magic that is only taught by dragons. Dragons take on Human disciples to teach them. It was used to teach Humans a type of magic in order to slayer a dragon. Vezoth element is poison, other dragons has different elements. Being taught this magic gives their user dragon like characteristics.
Strengths: Being trained by a dragon enhanced his sense of smell. It also enhanced his strength and speed, giving him dragon like characteristics. The poison dragon taught him how to produce, control, and manipulate poison. He has the ability to eat poison to gain power, but is unable to eat poison magic from a God or Demon slayer. Lower poison magic does less damage to him, other than that he is on equal terms with a poison mage.

Weaknesses:  Like stated before, he is unable to eat God or Demon slayer poison magic. They'are also stronger than most Dragon slayers. All dragon slayers gets motion sickness when they're riding on transportation. Fire can set poison ablaze and Poison is diluted by water. Its very hard to master dragon slayer magic and takes intense training. Poison magic isn't the strongest magic to use for defense.He can only uses 2 defensive spells per rank. His magic can be negated by other types of powerful magic.


History: Ben was left in a forest when he was born, he never knew about his parents. He made loud crying sounds until one day a dragon found him, the Poison Dragon. The dragon had pity on the infant and carried him away. At first, the dragon simply wanted to help the baby and find a caretaker. After a few months, the dragon began to care for the infant. When Ben was 7, the Poison Dragon taught him Dragon slayer magic. Day by Day, Ben slowly gained more power. What he and the dragon had not known was Ben was born with a rare personality disorder. During his training, his dark personality was shown and dragon was worried.

Ben was 14 when he increased his power in Dragon Slayer magic. One day, the poison dragon disappeared. Ben searched for his father, but never found him. After 2 more years of training his magic, he left the forest to live with Humans. he made it to a town called Balsam and soon adjusted to the Human lifestyle. He heard about other people possessing magic and powerful guilds. Ben decided to join a guild. His dark personality got him kicked out of 3 light guilds. Not a lot of guild wanted him, he was force to join a dark guild. Ben joined Raven Tail where they accepted him. The main reason why they wanted him was due to him being a Dragon slayer. Ben didn't get along with other members, he was still an outcast. Until they later on figure out about his dark side. The guild used his power, Ben slowly gained the guild's approval. He was then recognized as one of the guild's top D-rank mages. At the age of 16, Ben dragon slayer magic grew stronger as so did his greed for power. One day, Ben was told by a guild member that he had another side of him, a rare personality disorder. The only thing that made Ben happy was his dragon parent. Ben would never forget his parent and he will never stop searching for the dragon. When he was 17, he found out about his split personality that affected his performance in the guild. In order for him to find his father, he sent out to find more dragon slayers like him to get some information about his parent's whereabouts. Still trying to contain his inner lust for power.

Last edited by BennyGo on Thu Nov 06, 2014 3:11 pm; edited 2 times in total

2Ben Willows (Done) Empty Re: Ben Willows (Done) Thu Nov 06, 2014 2:59 pm

Ardere Kasai

Ardere Kasai
-Gimme a bit more in the motivation section

-Your positive and negative traits can be found here:
They're each assigned a number, and basically you need them to cancel each other out so the total is 0. Hence the positives and negatives having positive and negative numbers.

-Poison is diluted by water and set ablaze by fire. So you can add that to the weakness.

3Ben Willows (Done) Empty Re: Ben Willows (Done) Thu Nov 06, 2014 3:13 pm

Ardere Kasai

Ardere Kasai
Alrighty, approved for B rank.

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