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1Leena McLaugherty Empty Leena McLaugherty Sun Jun 15, 2014 11:00 am

Leena McLaugherty

Leena McLaugherty

    Leena McLaugherty 500px-Anime_GOTW_Lee_Moon_Young
    "I challenge you to a contest of strength!"

Name(s): Leena McLaugherty
Age: 24
Sex: Female
Birthday: 04/12/X756
Sexuality: Leena has never had to form a sexual preference, so until a later time, she's considered asexual.
Class: Scavenger: Always keeping their eyes open for tombs to loot during their travels. The scavenger likes fancy and valuable objects. Scavengers get 5% more jewels from their requests.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Rank: D-Rank
Guild: Fairy Tail
Guild Tattoo: Left upper arm. Lime Green.
Face Claim: Moon Young Lee – Girls of the Wilds


Height: 5'6
Weight: 123.46 lbs
Hair: Long, light orange, often pulled up into a messy bun
Eyes: Red
General Appearance: Standing at an average height, Leena's fit and toned body is of fair skin, though faint scars exist around her wrists and ankles. Her scars aren't usually visible, however, as Leena hides them under strike gloves and cloth wrappings. Her outfit consists of a simple pair of track pants and a sports top, both of a dark maroon color with a white strip running down the seams of the pants. Leena's hair has never been cut and therefore she keeps it up in a bun to prevent it from becoming a nuisance to her in a fight. If ever let down, her hair would come down to her knees.
Extra: Leena has scars along her ankles and wrists from when she was a slave.


Personality: Not much as changed about Leena even after the head trauma. Leena was acted feral for the longest time and only recently learning to integrate into society. The training she received from the Behemoths left the savagery of their nature forever embedded in her psyche, which occasionally undermines the manners lessons she'd received from her guild family. Part of it gives her a penchant for taking shiny objects from around the guild hall and storing them somewhere else. When around people who look physically strong or capable, Leena has the habit of starting competitions with them to see who is stronger. But even with all of the bluntness, Leena is a kind soul who lacks a killing intent. It is because of this, she has disciplined restraint into her strikes.

If she is around too many people though, a small part of her subconscious recalls the Arena from the slave days. Leena's normally loud and outgoing personality takes a dive and she is left being shy and constantly looking to flee from the crowd. On the flip-side of the coin, Leena is afraid to be all alone again and will actively pursue the company of absolutely anyone if they don't attack her.

Because of her lack of experience with people, Leena isn't very familiar with lying and will often take people at their word.

    -Competitive fighting.
    -Shiny things.
    -Desert landscape
    -Large animals.


    -Large crowds of people.
    -Being completely alone.
    -Unprovoked attacks.

Motivations: Strength: Leena has a desire to be the strongest mage in the world. Why? Because she feels she has a chance.
A Debt to Pay: With all the kindness that Fairy Tail has shown her, Leena feels it is only right to repay that kindness by joining and working towards their betterment.

    -Autophobia: Leena has a fear of herself. Since waking up without her memories she is terrified of who she really is. From the stories and statements of the rampage she went on when she first woke up on the shores of Fiore, she worries that her original self was a just a beast of rage.

    -Leena is afraid of large crowds. She gets stage fright whenever she is aware of being watched my groups of people.

Positive Traits:
Positive Traits:

Negative Traits:
Negative Traits:


Magic: Behemoth Take Over
Caster or Holder: Caster-type
Description: Behemoth Takeover was formed in a distant land by Leena under the guidance of a pair of Behemoths she knew as a slave. At full Takeover, Leena stands 150 feet (45m) tall. This is what Leena's Behemoth Form.

Strengths: - Ability to enhance Physical Strength
-Ability to enhance Physical Durability
-Size Increase: Leena's body undergoes size increases depending on the spell
Weaknesses: -Low Range: Behemoth Takeover might give some reach to Leena's punches, but it has no long range capabilities.
-Heavy Weight: The density and weight of the Behemoth makes traversing certain terrains, like water or sand, difficult to impossible while transformed.
-Low mobility: The stature, size and weight of the take over restricts how Leena can move with a Behemoth limb or more.


History: Leena never knew her parents. She was born into slavery in a place across the ocean. She spent most of her young life bound in some way or another. She was given a job as soon as she was able to walk delivering small letters from one side of the slaver compound to the other. As the years passed and she witnessed the cruelty of her captors, she grew angry and resentful of them. Much to the dismay of the others, she often talked back to her 'masters.' One day, a rather vile member of her captors had their nose broken for trying to put his hands on her.

Needless to say, the slavers were not too happy about a free spirit in their slaves. To teach her a lesson, they beat her and left her tied to a post outside the compound to feel the wrath of the elements. Leena stayed out there for several days until her masters could decide what to do with her. When they went to retrieve Leena, she was in a state of Catatonia brought about by hunger and thirst. To get her responsive once again, they gave her a small amount of stale bread and water. Once she had some of her faculties back, they announced to her, with cruel grins on their faces, that she had a new and special job. Instead of going back to the slave barracks, she was brought out of the compound again and into a massive building to the south. It seemed to constructed haphazardly with what seemed to be massive trees ripped right out of the ground to form a roof.

They opened a door and shoved the girl in, laughing as they shut the door behind her. Leena was trapped in the darkness of the building, but she learned that she wasn't alone. The sounds of growling draw her concerns. Suddenly the lights came on and Leena was able to view her surroundings. The small girl was inside what appeared to be a large, make-shift arena. Two large doorways still stayed in the shadows, but Leena could tell there was something massive lurking just inside.

From above, several of her captors told her to shout at the doorways to get the creatures to move. They wanted the two monsters to fight. Leena refused their demands. One of the slavers then started hurling small clay pots at her. They all missed, but upon impact with the ground, burning oil spewed out. Terrified of the possibility of being burned, Leena screamed.

Almost immediately, the massive creatures came out of their gateways, charging directly at the small girl. The slavers cheer as the monster collided with one another and began to fight. Leena, terrified, fell down and attempted to crawl away from the colossal beings. Though something seemed off. From where they were, both of the Behemoths, as the slavers called them, had stepped onto the burning oils, putting out the fire, but had avoided stepping on the girl. From where she was, it looked like the creatures had gone out of their way to save her from suffering.

Once the behemoths and finished, the slavers turned off the lights and left, leaving both the monsters and Leena alone in the dark together. Despite her shaking, the young girl approached the creatures. Their scaled and spiny bodies were cool to the touch. It made a massive noise like a bark and it hurt Leena's ears, but she didn't run away.

The Behemoths were gentle in their nature and for the next decade they nurtured the young slave. Through the fights they were forced into by the slavers, they taught Leena their savage, yet elegant, methods of combat. Along with that, the creatures taught her their very being; on what it is to be a Behemoth. Somehow they were aware of the talent within her and saw it as the key to all of their escapes.

In those ten years, Leena became almost feral, barely capable of speaking complete sentences to her captors or to the slaves that gave her comfort her. On her 23rd birthday, their plan was enacted. For the first time ever, Leena used her power in the presence of other humans, becoming a 50 foot version of the terrifying 150 foot Behemoths. Using her size and strength to assist the duo of monsters, Leena broke through the reenforced walls arena. The trio made a break for the shoreline. Their escape was a beeline through the slave compound for the purpose of breaking the other slaves out as well, if not to give them a shot at freedom, then to create more chaos for them to escape into the sea.

The slavers at first could do very little to stop the rampage. But as they realized what was happening, they unleashed something powerful. Leena never saw who or what the slavers' secret weapon was, but in the home stretch of their escape, dunes of sand began to explode as if shot with a cannon. At this point all Leena could do was try to run faster. She wanted to change back into a human form, but the possibility of being hit by one of the blasts was too likely and she was better able to survive it if she was a Behemoth. Finally, they reached the ocean. The escape was only a mile in length, but it left as if they had just crossed an entire continent.

It was when they reached the deeper waters did the young girl realize one final thing about the Behemoths: they can't actually swim. The two beasts instantly disappeared beneath the waves and Leena was soon to follow. The girl panicked as salt water entered her nostrils and stung her eyes. She was too scared of drowning to focus on her Takeover and began to change back. Instead of sinking like her mentors, the young woman floated on the choppy waves.

The blasts followed the behemoths to a certain point before they apparently gave up on them and focused purely on the escaping mage. The first blast was the only one needed as it was a direct hit. Fortunately, the magical explosion was more concussive force than heat and death. Unfortunately, the hit connected with the back of Leena's head, knocking her unconscious for a long time. Her body floated out to sea, never to see the slaver compound again.

Eventually, Leena's still unconscious form was discovered by dock workers in a quiet village along the southern coast of Fiore. Some of them went for help while other did their best to resuscitate the young woman. The succeeded in waking her up, but there was nothing in her but senseless fear and anger. Acting on instinct like a Behemoth, Leena performed her magic, becoming a rampaging beast again, becoming a terror to the town.

By pure luck, a skillful member of the guild Fairy Tail was in town and quickly dealt with the situation. Being still woozy from the concussion and from nearly drowning, Leena lost consciousness once again. This time when she awoke, she was much calmer. Seeing as she was a mage and was too dangerous to stay in this small village, The Fairy Tail mage took her with him back the Guild Hall. On the way, he discovered that the slowly closing wounds on her wrists and ankles.

As Leena found in the the following days, this man was called Kazuki Kobayashi and many people followed him. When the arrived, she was placed in the softest bed she ever slept in (not that hard of a feat as she'd never slept on a bed before) and was visited by a lot of people in white who were constantly poking her with things and talking to Kazuki. They went away after smearing something over her wounds and wrapping them in clean bandages.

Other people showed up of all sizes and shapes all talking to her or just looking. For a while, she could barely understand them, but slowly her mind started to put itself back together. She started talking just a week into her recovery. Not full sentences, but it was something.

Over the course of several months, Leena became a functioning member of society. The Fairy Tail guild treated her kindly and patiently taught her to talk, read and write, and to generally be civil. Though there was a level of savagery at her very core that could not be tamed. Her memories as a slave were too hazy to be of use anymore and she considered that version of her dead, but the training she gained from her Behemoths was too important a part of her to let go. Instead, she chose to use the gifts of her forgotten past to aid her new family.

On the eve of her 24th birthday, Leena Mclaugherty formally joined the Magic Guild Fairy Tail.

Last edited by Leena McLaugherty on Tue Oct 28, 2014 9:08 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Leena McLaugherty Empty Re: Leena McLaugherty Wed Jun 18, 2014 12:43 am

Jabo Devine

Jabo Devine

3Leena McLaugherty Empty Re: Leena McLaugherty Mon Oct 27, 2014 11:48 pm

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
Pulled for character revamp.

4Leena McLaugherty Empty Re: Leena McLaugherty Tue Oct 28, 2014 9:12 pm

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
Re-Approved. Welcome back to the best damn RP site out there.

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