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1Astral's chill [starter spells] Empty Astral's chill [starter spells] Fri Oct 03, 2014 3:09 pm


Starting spells:

Name: Snow Fall
Rank: D-Rank
Magic Cost: 10
Requirements: Snow Magic
Class: Offensive
Element: Snow
Cooldown: 1
Duration: instant
Effect: The user extends a palm out at an opponent and releases a large volume of liquid like powder snow. The brief flowing flying river of snow is about 4 meters in diameter thick. The snow flies out at very high pressure throwing anyone back a decent distance. Travels 5 meter(the furthest extent of its range) in one seccond. The actual attack itself doesn't cause any damage but the fall from being thrown back causes light bruising.

Name: Powder Bomb
Rank: D-Rank
Magic Cost: 10
Requirements: Snow Magic
Class: supplementary
Element: Snow
Cooldown: 1
Duration: instant
Effect: The user makes a motion as if throwing something on the ground. At that instant a meter of thick powdery snow appears like smoke from a smoke bomb hiding the user for a very brief moment.

Name: Snow Body Double
Rank: D-Rank
Magic Cost: 10 and 5mp sustain each post
Requirements: Snow magic
Class: defensive
Element: Snow
Cooldown: 2 posts
Duration: 2 posts
Effect: Using snow magic the user creates an exact replica clothing colors and all made of snow. The replica doesn't move and stays in whatever position it was created in. It doesn't have any resistance to attacks and will puff into snow as soon as its attacked. If used cleverly it can cause confusions and daze opponents for a short while. Pulling off such a trick in the mist of battle is very difficult to pull off though.

Name: Snow Dagger
Rank: D-Rank
Magic Cost: 10
Requirements: Snow Magic
Class: Offensive
Element: Snow
Cooldown: 1
Duration: The dagger only lives for one post
Effect: Using snow magic the user can create a dagger with a blade length of 6 inches. The dagger can be used to inflict small puncture wounds.

Name: Winter Assassin's tool kit
Rank: C-Rank
Magic Cost: 20 and 10mp to sustain each post.
Requirements: Snow magic
Class: Offensive
Element: Snow
Cooldown: 10
Duration: 10 posts
Effect: This spell has a few varients. The daggers have a blade length of 6 inches and can cause small puncture wounds. The long swords have a blade length from hilt to end of 3 feet. The weapons are as durable as their metal counterparts.
Variant 1:
The user creates two long swords made of snow. They are like regular swords both in piercing, slashing, and defending.

Variant 2:
The user creates 10 snow daggers which come with their own sheathes and attach around the user. The snow daggers are like regular daggers in terms of piercing and defending.

Variant 3: A combination of the other two variants the user creates 1 sword and 5 daggers.

Last edited by Astral on Sat Oct 11, 2014 4:00 am; edited 5 times in total

2Astral's chill [starter spells] Empty Re: Astral's chill [starter spells] Fri Oct 03, 2014 4:52 pm

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Wings of the Snow Fairy
-This spell cannot be approved. Flight spells must be a minimum of A rank. At most, a D rank spell would allow you to hover 3 meters above the ground.
-Please provide a set numerical duration and cooldown.

Snow Dagger
-You cannot create multiple daggers with the same casting of the spell. To create a second dagger, you would be required to wait until the cooldown has passed and then cast the spell a second time. More than one dagger is too strong for a D rank spell.
-How big is the dagger? What kind of damage does it do?
-In no way is making a dagger supplementary. Please make this offensive.
-All spells require a cooldown of at least 1 post, regardless of what they do. Please provide a cooldown.

Presence of the Snow Queen
-Please provide a set numerical duration. No rank of spell can create an item to simply last through the duration of the topic.
-Again, only one item can be created per casting of the spell. More than that is simply too many for a D rank.
-Again, all spells require a cooldown of at least 1 post.
-Please provide a sustain cost of half the original casting cost.
-Please give a maximum size of item that this spell can create. Keep in mind that this is a D rank spell.

The Snow Queen Arrives
-Again, all spells require a cooldown of at least 1 post.
-Provide a set duration. Again, no spell can last whole topic.
-Provide a sustain cost for this as well.

Winter Assassin's Tool Kit
-This spell is every bit of offensive.
-Please increase the cooldown to 5 posts, as the cooldown needs to be at least the number of posts as the duration.
-How big are the swords and daggers? What kind of damage do they do?

Please make sure you have read through the rules and make sure you have an understanding of what the ranks allow.

3Astral's chill [starter spells] Empty Re: Astral's chill [starter spells] Sun Oct 05, 2014 3:33 pm


bump edited and added a new spell in place of the winged snow fairy one

4Astral's chill [starter spells] Empty Re: Astral's chill [starter spells] Mon Oct 06, 2014 1:11 pm

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Presence of the Snow Queen
-Spells cannot be sustained this way. The duration should simply read 5 posts while the Magic Cost should read 10/5 sustain. This is because the cost to sustain a spell is half the original casting cost per post.

The Snow Queen Arrives
-See above.

Snow Body Double and Winter Assassin's Tool Kit also need sustain costs.

Make these edits and I will approve.

5Astral's chill [starter spells] Empty Re: Astral's chill [starter spells] Mon Oct 06, 2014 1:16 pm


So each post a spell is sustained costs half the initial cost?

6Astral's chill [starter spells] Empty Re: Astral's chill [starter spells] Mon Oct 06, 2014 1:19 pm

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Correct. For example, you Snow Queen Arrives spell will cost 10 MP initially plus 5 MP every post afterward you keep the spell active. To be perfectly honest, I would suggest making a spell to replace that spell along with the spell that makes small furniture. Little things like that can be done passively, such as a Requipper changing their clothes with their magic. But that's your choice.

7Astral's chill [starter spells] Empty Re: Astral's chill [starter spells] Mon Oct 06, 2014 2:10 pm


Edited took your advise and replaced those spells with 2 new ones. Also thanks for the help. Also added 2 A-Rank and 2 B-Ranks to be trained spells.

8Astral's chill [starter spells] Empty Re: Astral's chill [starter spells] Thu Oct 09, 2014 3:33 pm

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Snow Fall just needs a speed at which the snow travels.

Powder Bomb needs to be supplementary.

Sustain costs need to be under your Magic Cost, not Duration.

Bonus spells for A rank need to be made in a different topic due to needing trained.

9Astral's chill [starter spells] Empty Re: Astral's chill [starter spells] Sat Oct 11, 2014 4:00 am


for some reason it took me forever to notice you posted here EDITED

10Astral's chill [starter spells] Empty Re: Astral's chill [starter spells] Mon Oct 13, 2014 2:21 pm

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Well done! Approved!

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