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1Rarda Yana (Ready!) Empty Rarda Yana (Ready!) Sat Sep 20, 2014 11:08 pm

Rarda Yana

Rarda Yana

   Rarda Yana (Ready!) Anyone-need-rebel-girl--large-msg-116626061632
   "Can we dig here? Please?"

Name(s): Rarda Yana
Age: 16
Sex: Female
Birthday: 13/03/X765
Sexuality: Bisexual(?)
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Rank: D-class
Guild: Crime Sorcière
Guild Tattoo: Light Purple Color, Left Upper Hip Area
Face Claim: Unknown


Height: 5'04"
Weight: 130 lbs.
Hair: Red, messy.
Eyes: Purple.
General Appearance: Rarda wears very baggy clothing, seeming to be too large for her, but she doesn't mind this. Baggy shorts held up by a snug fitting belt, and an orange fishnet shirt over a short black tank top. She wears goggles, and can often be seen with her bright red hair tied in a pony tail, that refuses to stay put. Her skin is a bit tan from working in the fields, but her eyes are very bright, and oddly colored.
Extra: She has been branded a criminal, and thus avoids authorities at all costs. Her brand encompasses her upper back area.



An innocent minded young woman, she loves to talk, and finds it difficult to lie or deceive others. She can not even take candy from a baby without feeling super guilty about it. She almost always has a smile on her face, whether she has dinosaur teeth or her regular teeth when she smiles. She is a helpful individual when she can be, even to total strangers, which at times isn't good for her, being a wanted criminal and all.

She is exceptionally trusting, and doesn't even consider the idea that someone might be lying to her. She rarely gets sad, even when being insulted,. If someone breaks her fossils or other items that are precious to her, she will begin to cry, and if they did it on purpose, she will attack outright, usually with her dinosaur teeth to begin with.

Although normally friendly and open to most people, when she is confronted by Rune Knights or other officials of the government she is nervous, fidgety, and sometimes simply runs in the opposite direction. Her fear of losing her freedom, of being arrested and never being released, causes her to take off at the first sign of government legal mages, often making her and obvious target.


* Fossils

* Ancient Ruins

* Her Freedom

* Helping Others


* Rune Knights/Government Officials

* Slavery

* Baseless/False Accusation

* Anyone who breaks her fossils on purpose, sometimes at all


* She likes her personal freedom, the ability to go where she wants.

* Investigating ancient ruins and finding fossils to clean up and pieces together.

* She also wishes to prove her innocence, as unlikely as it is, but still wishes to try, while helping people.


* Being Alone - Rarda is afraid of being alone, as she doesn't know what will come next, and if shes found by anyone of "official" status, rune knights or legal guild mages, she could easily be arrested.

* Being Arrested - She does not wish to go to jail, for she knows she did nothing wrong, and fears what life would be like to be locked up and losing her freedom and any friends that she has.

Positive Traits:

Acrobatic (+3): You have excellent body awareness and coordination.
Explanation: Character can perform flashy moves such as back flips, cartwheels and various other moves when dodging an attack.

Fortitude (+3): You are tougher than normal. You can take more hits than the regular Joe.
Explanation: Passive C Rank endurance buff.

Diehard (+2): You can remain conscious after attacks that would fell others.
Explanation: Allows for 1 A Rank spell to be shrugged off. Damage is still applied, but no pain is shown. Limit of once per battle.

Negative Traits:

Compulsive Honesty (-2): You cannot tell a lie, nor can you behave in a deceitful fashion. You tend to be blunt rather than tactful, even if it means insulting someone who you and your companions are trying to impress.
Explanation: You can't lie and you will tell the truth when someone asks you something instead of lying. So if your team is impressing an ogre and the ogre asks if you guys are truly from the guild you guys claimed you were and lied about it, you will screw it up and say the truth.

Talkative (-1): You have a problem keeping your plans to yourself. Your ideas are simply so clever that you tell them to other people, so that you can watch their astonishment creep across their faces just before they tell you just how smart you are. Your flaw gets you to reveal your plans or evil scheme to the wrong people. There's nothing to prevent you from dropping them into a deathtrap afterwards, but should they survive, then you've got problems.
Explanation: You cannot keep a secret, and thus must announce the name of every one of your attacks.

Branded (-2): You have fled for a crime committed and now have a prominent brand. You may have been a criminal, a slave, or some other such illicit individual. The brand is such that it cannot be easily covered, and a cursory search reveals it each time. Law enforcement agents of any lawful land will immediately take you into custody if they see the mark, for extradition or imprisonment. It is your choice as to whether or not you were falsely accused of the crime.
Explanation: You have a visible sign on your body that can not be hidden. This sign reveals itself clearly when you are in the presence of Rune Knights which will allow them to freely arrest you. Every time you get arrested you must pay a fine to the local authorities to get out. Resisting arrest will result into a larger fine.

Brand - Scarred wrists from Rune Knight Handcuffs

Merciful (-1): For a villain, you have a terrible weakness--you don't like to hurt people. Given the choice, you'd rather exile your deposed brother to another country than do him in. Whether this is because you want him to live knowing that you beat him, or whether you just have a small soft spot down in your heart somewhere, the result is the same: your enemies keep coming back again and again.
Explanation: You are unable to ever kill someone, NPC or otherwise. This means Requests that specifically request slaying a beast or person cannot be done by you.

Trusting (-2): You don't like to believe that other people are capable of misleading and lying to you. After all, people are basically good, right?
Explanation: If someone lies, you automatically believe it.


Magic: Fossil Take Over

Caster or Holder: Caster

Description: Allows the user to take the form of extinct animals and creatures, from dinosaurs, ice age creatures, to the earliest of life forms swimming in primordial soup. The user may gain the strength, armor, or abilities of these primordial creatures while taking their form.

* Depending on the spell, the user may have increased physical attributes(Strength, Durability, Speed, ect)
* They may also grant other abilities(Flying, breathing Underwater/holding breath for long periods of time, heightened senses, ect).

* As with many take over magics, this magic is not long ranged at all, only effecting the users melee range of abilities. They must still be able to catch up with an enemy/target in order to use this magic effectively.
*This magic also has no element tied to it, whether it is for attack or defense.



Rarda was born on a stormy day to a farming family. She was loved very much, and was a hard working, honest girl growing up. She took care of all the animals that she could, the chickens, the pigs, goats, any and all of the small farm animals. She would have grown up to be a fine farmer, and a good wife to another farmer, if it were not for the fossil that she found in the fields while playing in the mud one day. It was a long, circular claw, like that of a falcon or hawk, but so much bigger. She showed it to her parents, but they thought it was a monsters claw, and called in some mages to protect their farm and check the area.

The mages didn't find anything, but she found out what it was eventually. When going to the market with her mother soon after, she showed it to one of the libraries book keepers, and she pointed her in the right direction. She began reading book after book about these ancient creatures that once roamed the world, land, air, and sea. It wasn't until her eleventh birthday that she would even consider magic. Her parents had managed to find her a magic book on dinosaurs and other ancient creatures, and though it took her years, she eventually learned how to properly use her magic to transform parts of herself into dinosaur and other extinct creatures, her favorite quickly becoming her teeth changing into that of a T-Rex, and more for humor and startling people than anything else.

Her dream from her eleventh birthday was to dig up dinosaur bones for a living, and she got her chance on her fifteenth birthday. Her father had found out about a place a few towns over where a new dig was being set up, supposedly brimming with fossils. He took her to it, hoping they would let her at least help out. Most were not unkind, and allowed her to help, but she wasn't allowed to actually dig. There was much planning they had to do, however one of the students had a devious plot, and she was an unfortunate scapegoat.

She stayed for a week with them, helping set up, and doing other chores for them, all the while hoping to dig for fossils. One night, he waved her over, and offered her a chance. She wasn't sure about it, but he promised that the ones in charge gave her permission. He set her mind at ease when he told her that they didn't want the others to know because it would make them jealous, having had to spend years of school to dig, while she just rolled up and did it. She was made to believe that she had been so helpful, they were going to allow her to dig. While she dug and found fossils, he collected the ones from their storage and sent them away by magic to a private buyer, before going and reporting her to the dig leaders.

She was in huge trouble, and why she had no idea, but they began threatening her with jail and being arrested and she began to bawl. She was brought into Rune Knight custody, where they were fairly rough with her, the shackles she had being too tight and ending up scarring her wrists as she was being escorted to prison, when the knights were attacked, and she had her chance to escape. She was afraid and didn't know who was attacking the rune knights, but decided to take her chances and took off running, as fast as she could. She didn't know where she was going, or why she was in trouble, but she knew that the man must have not been telling the truth.

Too little too late, she was charged with damaging the dig site, as well as the theft of the fossils. The happiest time of her life turned into one of the saddest, and she did not know why, and still does not. She runs from the government, in search for answers, as well as to spread as much joy to those she can.

Last edited by Rarda Yana on Sun Sep 21, 2014 11:05 am; edited 1 time in total

2Rarda Yana (Ready!) Empty Re: Rarda Yana (Ready!) Sun Sep 21, 2014 10:36 am

Elizabeth Silvershield

Elizabeth Silvershield
Hello, Rarda. You have a really good app, to begin with, but there are some changes that I want you to make in it, which I will list below;

  • Please Bulletpoint individually your Motivations, just as you did in your Likes, Dislikes and Fears.

  • In your Negative Traits, you have put that you are Branded; Please state which is your brand, which would give you away to the Rune Knights when inspected, etc.

  • Bulletpoint your Strengths/Weakness in your magic too, please.

Bump when corrections are made.

3Rarda Yana (Ready!) Empty Re: Rarda Yana (Ready!) Sun Sep 21, 2014 11:06 am

Rarda Yana

Rarda Yana
BUMP!!! Its fixed!!!

4Rarda Yana (Ready!) Empty Re: Rarda Yana (Ready!) Sun Sep 21, 2014 11:28 am

Elizabeth Silvershield

Elizabeth Silvershield
Alright dear, Approved.

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