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1Alice Harper starter spells Empty Alice Harper starter spells Thu Sep 18, 2014 9:34 am

Alice Harper

Alice Harper
Name: Lung of the water dragon
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10 MP 5 Each post after
Requirements: Water Dragon Slayer Magic
Class: Supplementary
Element: Water
Cooldown: 3 posts
Duration: Sustained / Max 4posts
Effect: For the duration of the spell the user changes their lungs to temporary let them function like those of a water dragon, granting them the ability to breath underwater and above. Oxygen and air based attack still work the same way. For example, the user cannot breath in space, and poison gas will affect the user just the same as without this spell.

Name: Breath of the Water Dragon
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10 MP
Requirements: Water Dragon Slayer Magic
Class: Offensive
Element: Water
Cooldown: 2 posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: The shouts and creates a small beam of water of about 1 meter diameter. It reaches 5 meters far and can cause bruises at contact.

Name: Jet of the Water Dragon
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10MP
Requirements: Water Dragon Slayer Magic
Class: supplementary
Element: Water
Cooldown: 2 posts
Duration: instant
Effect: The user lets a burst of water magic come out of their feet, granting them a single increase in jumping. Can be used to jump up to 5 extra meters. The water doesn't do anything when touched except making yourself wet a little.

Name: Minor Water Dragon healing spell
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10MP
Requirements: Water Dragon Slayer Magic
Class: Supplementary
Element: Water
Cooldown: 3 posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user places their hands above a D-rank wound and that wound is cured. The casters hand starts to shine in a gentle, blue light and slowly falls down on the wound, curing it. The caster cannot cast this on herself. C-rank and higher wounds are unaffected.

Name: Claw of the Water Dragon
Rank: C
Magic Cost: 20
Requirements: Water Dragon Slayer Magic
Class: Offensive
Element: Water
Cooldown: 3 posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user unleashes magic from their feet that strikes a hit target like the claw of a water dragon. Allowing them to deal a single water based attack that can create large, deep bruises that can that can cause bleeding, but not actually lethal damage. It deals C-rank damage. In appearance it looks pretty much like the user will attempt to kick the opponent with their feet while their said feet are surrounded by water to augment the attack. just before the actual attack the water will form a claw and strike the enemy instead of with them. The claws can reach 10 meters far at best.

Last edited by Alice Harper on Sat Sep 20, 2014 9:10 am; edited 7 times in total

2Alice Harper starter spells Empty Re: Alice Harper starter spells Fri Sep 19, 2014 10:21 am

Elizabeth Silvershield

Elizabeth Silvershield
Lung of the Water Dragon:

  • Sustained spells don't take 10 MP each post, Alice. The spell costs 10 MP, and the sustain costs 5 MP. Please fix that.
  • Please state the Max. Duration of your spell. Even though it is a sustained spell, sustained spells still need a Max. Duration.
  • Side Note: This is not Take Over, and thus, your character doesn't literally change her lungs to match those of a Water Dragon.

Breath of the Water Dragon:

  • Approved.

Blessing of the Water Dragon:

  • Please describe this spell a bit more. Why do you have to prepare to cast this spell during one post? What does it look like, or is it invisible?
  • When describing the appearance of the spell, please state the thickness/size if it has one.
  • This spell, due to it being a D Ranked Healing spell, would only heal Minor Wounds, in other words, D Ranked wounds, like small bruises. I don't think it would be able to extract Venom from the person it was casted on or remove debuffs, sorry.
  • Please explain why the spell can be casted only at melee range

Minor Water Dragon Healing Spell:

  • It can heal only D Ranked wounds, such as bruises, which means that the fact that it can heal C Ranked injuries is denied. That would be something a C Ranked healing spell would do.
  • Does this Spell has any specific appearance? For example, when casted, does a water bubble or something appear? If there is a specific appearance, please describe it and don't forget the size.

Claw of the Water Dragon:

  • Please state why this is a Supplementary spell and not an Offensive one.
  • Note that this is not Take Over, and thus you don't literally Transform your claws into Dragon Claws. That's something that happens when your character is in Dragon Force. The appearance of this spell, or the way it is casted, how it works, etc, would be similar to This and This.
  • State that it deals C Ranked damage upon impact.
  • Note as well that, since this is a C Ranked spell, I doubt that you'd be able to literally gash as deep to the bones when fighting a human, or any other being.

Please Bump Upon correction.

3Alice Harper starter spells Empty Re: Alice Harper starter spells Sat Sep 20, 2014 8:56 am

Alice Harper

Alice Harper

changed blessing, because it would otherwise be the same as the healing spell.

4Alice Harper starter spells Empty Re: Alice Harper starter spells Sat Sep 20, 2014 9:11 am

Elizabeth Silvershield

Elizabeth Silvershield
Lung of the Water Dragon:

  • Approved

Breath of the Water Dragon:

  • Approved

Jet of the Water Dragon:

  • Approved

Minor Water Dragon healing spell:

  • Approved.

Claw of the Water Dragon:

  • Approved.

Approved as Starter Spells.

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