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1Minato Kamikaze  Empty Minato Kamikaze Sun Aug 24, 2014 6:34 pm

Minato Kamikaze

Minato Kamikaze

   Minato Kamikaze  Saito_Hiraga
   "No one needs to feel as bad as I felt.. I'll make sure of it!"

Name(s): Minato Kamikaze
Nickname(s): Azure Flame
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Birthday: August 20th, X763
Sexuality: Straight
Class: Mystic
Alignment: Neutral Good
Rank: C
Guild: Fairy Tail
Guild Tattoo: Left side of neck - Blue
Face Claim: Saito Hiraga - Familiar of Zero


Height: 5'10
Weight: 147 lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Cerulean blue
General Appearance: Minato has a slim physique to himself, not bulky but also not saying he has no muscle just not a ton. He has a fairly light skin tone and lighter toned eyes that give of a slight pale looking blue at some parts. His hair is at a medium length going below his eyes while reaching to his lower neck in the back. Minato tends to keep it a tad shaggy to his liking and has a nice black color to it.

His fashion style is quite bland and usually quite similar. Basically he wears a blue and white jacket, underneath is just whatever he decides to put on in the morning so practically random. Along with that are most of the time ordinary jeans and ordinary shoes. A rather bland style which he got use to after being in the streets for quite some time. His style does get a bit better then during formal occasions where he wears a black suit coat with a blue undershirt. Everything else stays the same, just a bit more formal to look for more important occasions. The main colors are blue, white, and black. 

Extra: None.


Personality: Minato is a rather complex individual, he has a superb sense of his own justice, wanting to help out the unfortunate like how his childhood was. It's one of his main goals to help out people in need, though that doesn't mean he is dead set on that having his own magic to further develop and living his guild life are all very important to him, not to mention finding that girl.

Minato is generally a kind and optimistic person, he believes that with enough determination and strength anything can be done. He tends to be a thinker on most things, he questions things quite often, thinking ahead sometimes causing him worry. Just as so he likes to get information and takes learning new things seriously, trying to keep every detail stored inside his head to be able to be used to advance himself or better a situation later on. He is a listener for that matter and enjoys the feeling of trying to put people at ease, though vise versa is more difficult he feels he not need to burden those not close enough to truly understand him so he keeps quiet about them.

He is very caring and loyal to those he deems high enough to trust, he would do anything in his power to protect them, even if it cost him his life. Due to his personality he isn't one to be difficult with making friends though taking the next step to trusting them is where he starts to falter.

More of a talker in conflicts then one to just throw a fist, he feels it's unnecessary when it could go so much simpler, but of course situations speak in many ways so he could alright with it. Minato isn't one to argue for long periods of time, though he will stand up for his beliefs and those he cares for, he holds those quite highly and feels the need to protect them as if he loses them he'll feel lost and abandoned all over again.

Minato is mostly seen smiling with his calm and minor innocence to himself, a slight tendency to be amazed with new things quite highly which can give people the wrong assumption of him being naive. Though his slight practicality is only around that small factor, he is more on the intelligent side and knows his fair share on most topics. he has a certain way of dealing with most people, usually calmly and with a happy nature behind it. His outlook on woman is there just not something he entirely focuses on, he hates perverts and doesn't like getting in those kind of situations. He isn't really thinking about relationships at this time with so many other things distracting him, though it isn't out of the question, especially for that girl.

He isn't much of a hateful man, though he thinks very little of snobbish people, he feels no matter what every person is on the same level and should be treated as so. He even rejected the fact knowing his heritage out of disgust when finding out how corrupt and deviant they were.

His sense on fighting is rather enjoyable, he likes the challenge that it brings and enjoys the learning experience benefactor. Though he fights for fun and to win, he dislikes having to kill people no matter what they have done though sometimes it has to be done unfortunately and he knows that. He is not cocky at all knowing that he isn't very strong at the moment with so man other powerful mages ahead of him, though his tenacity and persistence is good enough to make him want to be right up there with them.


  • Helping others
  • Reading
  • Coldness
  • Fighting
  • Fairy Tail


  • Snobs
  • Negativity
  • Rain
  • Quietness


Helping as much as he can- Minato has been driven by this since he escaped his hell hole. Going back to his childhood and the feelings he use to get, he doesn't want people to feel the same. He finds it a duty and pleasure to try to help them and will continue to do so.

Becoming a wonderful mage- More of a promise that he made to his little brother but one he will most definitely fulfill it. He loves the magic he was so lucky to receive, even if it is partially fake he feels he can overcome the coldness to create an even greater flame.

Finding that girl- The girl of his dreams, he met as a child in that slave tower and one that made him want to continue living. Being able to let her leave was something he has never doubted on doing and knew that one day they'd be together again. Now that he is free, one day Minato will find her no matter what... Orihima.


Abandonment- He has a high fear of being abandoned, being he was left at such a young age with his younger brother, having to become the adult was such a strain on him and he doesn't want to feel it again.

Loneliness- Having no one is something he never wants to happen. He's always had his little brother though now with them separated for the second time he hates the feeling he gets. With no one to give any care for him how long can he go on trying to care for everyone else.

Becoming like his parents- He grew a hatred for his parents at a young age, the fact that they had no care for him and his younger brother. Making them do nothing but work only to take over his fathers company, they let greed take over them and he never wants that to happen and is a terrified of becoming like that.

Positive Traits:

  • Agile (+3): You are particularly flexible and poised.
    Explanation: You can dodge an attack up to B Rank, so long as it is feasible for you do to so (AoE excluded). Usable once per thread.
  • Diligent (+2): Your meticulousness allows you to analyze minute details that others miss.
    Explanation:Reduces training cost of spells by 10% in word cost.
  • Diehard (+2): You can remain conscious after attacks that would fell others.
    Explanation: Allows for 1 A Rank spell to be shrugged off. Damage is still applied, but no pain is shown. Limit of once per battle.

Negative Traits:

  • Careless (-1): For some reason, people always seem to escape your clutches. You don't understand how that's possible. After all, you throw them into your easily escapable deathtraps before leaving them alone with your bumbling guards while you wander away for no apparent reason. You just can't manage to do a great job at anything.
    Explanation: You can never capture a person. This means that any type of request or roleplay involving capturing is out of the question for you. No matter how great you were throughout the roleplay, you will do something that allows the other to escape at the moment supreme.
  • Curiosity (-1): You're a naturally curious person and you find mysteries of any sort irresistible. In most circumstances, alas, your curiosity overrides your common sense. This forces you to investigate something unusual, even if it looks like it might be dangerous.
    Explanation: You will walk deeper into the forest you have never been before. You won't turn around from the castle that you have never seen. This can result into getting you into very dangerous situations.
  • Indecisive (-1): You have been known to hesitate when faced with difficult choices or split-second decisions. If forced to choose between letting a villain escape and rescuing a loved one from being lowered into a snake pit, you're likely to agonize over the situation until something--perhaps a cry for help from your sweetheart--forces your hand.
    Explanation: You take too much time when making decisions. You can never instantly make a decision when it is presented to you.
  • Intolerance (-1): You have an irrational dislike of a certain thing. It may be an animal, a class of person, a situation, or just about anything at all. Note that some dislikes may be too trivial or ridiculous to count--a dislike of Bavarian-crème-filled donuts or mechanical pencils, for example, has no real dramatic value and will not be allowed. (Snobs/Rich people)
    Explanation: You must act very disgusted and displeased when your dislike comes into play.
  • Proud (-1): You don't like accepting help from others. If a gift or offer of aid smacks of charity or pity even the slightest bit, you grow indignant and refuse it.
    Explanation: You win 10% less jewels from wheel spins.
  • Trusting (-2): You don't like to believe that other people are capable of misleading and lying to you. After all, people are basically good, right?
    Explanation: If someone lies, you automatically believe it.


Magic: Chilled Blaze
Caster or Holder: Caster
Description: Azure Flame is a kind of fire magic that got altered by a magic lacrima placed inside of Minato's body, then changing the affects of his fire magic to the opposite. Now making his once fire magic into blue flames which give of a cold and freezing affect rather than hot and burning. This also gives of a sly affect of still giving off the look of unordinary flames, give of a sort of deceitful advantage when coolness comes to the opponents way.

It has more of an offensive mid range magic, relying more upon blasts and enhancements to the user's physical body to cause extra hand to hand combat effects. It also has some supplementary uses while a bit more low on defensive. Though Minato takes these blue flames as a curse from his past and hopes when he gets strong enough he can overcome them and originate back to create an even greater flame.

Strengths: Classifying as an ice, makes good against plant type magics along with air. Giving of a slight deceitfulness looking as if it is still fire, while giving of cold properties can cause confusion to some enemies. This magic is more used in offensive and supplementary ways, giving off some defense but for good effects to come. While losing some shape shifting abilities it would get it is still able to freeze certain things, such as water and being able to freeze enemies.

Weaknesses: Since it is technically a cold/ice magic it has weaknesses to fire and steel, even if still fire in a way it will lose against it. Since it isn't ice and still gives the form that fire gives off it loses the blunt damage it would receive from hand to hand combat. It lacks a bit in defensive abilities, giving the from fire usually takes. Losing the effects ice would make, being able to make weapons and most stabbing attacks along with more solid barriers. Less effective during intense heat even to the point to where it just turns out to feel like a slight breeze hitting you.



2Minato Kamikaze  Empty Re: Minato Kamikaze Sat Sep 13, 2014 2:12 pm

Ardere Kasai

Ardere Kasai
I like your magic btw

Approved good sir :P

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