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1Salem Jaeger  Empty Salem Jaeger Thu Jul 03, 2014 2:52 pm



  Salem Jaeger  Zte137F
   "Here, let me sing you a little farewell song"

Name(s): Histaria Jaeger
Nickname(s): Salem
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Birthday: 4/April/x761
Sexuality: Pan-sexual
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Rank:  D-class
Guild: Raven Tail
Guild Tattoo: On her back, in between her shoulder blades in violet.
Face Claim: Cosmina-Akame ga Kill


Height: 5'8" (176 cm)
Weight: 132 ibs (60 kg)
Hair: Short, Orange hair with red tips, curls up dead center of the neck.
Eyes: Black
General Appearance: Salem is a tall, thin women with a fragile appearing body. She has a bit of noticeable muscle on her arms when she flexes, however, other then that she appears fairly weak when it comes to physical combat. Salem typically wears a cocktail styled dress, made with crimson red threads and a violet under frill for the top part of the attire. Two spaghetti straps are thrown over her shoulders, keeping the dress up. In the center of the dress, at the end of the V neck lining, is a black, round star with a black bow beneath it. This cocktail style attire stops just below her waist, allowing for her black leggings to come into play. They are white stripped, almost like an inverted zebra, and fall all the way to the tips of her feet. Not that anyone would notice due to the red orange and violet boots she wears, which begin just a few inches below the knee.
Extra: Her skin appears to be bronzed by god, appearing an almost sickly gold color. Of course, this does not take away from her overall charm and beauty. Salem's ears are pierced, both with black stars. At the top of her left ear is another hook styled piercing, however, it is typically covered up by her hair.


Personality: Salem is a very... lost... cause. She is someone that one might say has had one to many knocks to the head, or perhaps as just been broken at one point or another. She speaks her mind, even when it isn't the best idea, mainly because she pays no mind to her surroundings. She is, what one might say, a cluts. Lucky for her, she doesn't do much fighting for herself, instead she attempts to stay in the side lines until called upon for assistance in order for her team stay on top of their opponents.However, much like any other form of craziness, it has its own rewards as well. For instance, Salem does very well when it comes to dealing with rude remarks. She doesn't make them back, although she might make a sexual innuendo or two, instead she shrugs it off. Ignores it. It is nothing she hasn't heard before.

Salem is also quite the seductive women. She doesn't really fall in love, or get crushes. She just sees someone who she can manipulate with her body. Or at least, someone else will tell her to manipulate someone else. Salem is an easily controlled, and contained human being, however, in the long run, she isn't very rational, and relies on others to give her directions. Of course, she will follow through with the directions at all costs, being as reckless and careless as she typically is.

  • Rabbits
  • Singing
  • Music in general
  • Dancing
  • Others screaming
  • Pain
  • Seducing/teasing men (and occasionally women)
  • Blood
  • Running/Jumping
  • Free Running (Basically Parcore) Otherwise refereed to as showing off.
  • "Hunting"


  • Dogs
  • Commitment
  • Love
  • Smart People
  • Being Manipulated
  • Men
  • Food
  • Bad odors
  • Ugly things


  • Salem, in all truth, doesn't really have a motive. Of course, like anyone else, she has minor goals which have the possibility of being done, but those are simple things. In all honesty, Salem might not be independent enough to have a goal.


  • Bugs (she is alright with spiders however)
  • Being powerless
  • Loosing her voice/Ability to sing

Positive Traits: [+16]

  • Blindsight (+4): Using senses such as acute hearing and sensitivity to vibrations, you detect the location of opponents who are no more than five feet away from you. Darkness and Invisibility are irrelevant, though you cannot detect non corporeal beings.

  • Breath Control (+3): You enjoy an almost legendary ability to master the air in your lungs. You may hold in your breath for multiple posts.

  • Deceitful (+2): You have a knack for disguising the truth. Your lies are difficult to distinguish from the truth.

  • Regeneration (+4): You heal very fast inside and outside of combat. Small cuts that go up to one inch deep are healed in the next post.
  • Swift (+3): You are fleet of foot. When running, you move three times your normal speed. 

Negative Traits:  [-16]

  • Bad Reputation (-1): You have a reputation that angers or frightens people. Examples include being unlucky, petty, or cruel. The rep may or may not be accurate, but in either case, word travels faster than you do.
  • Branded (-2): You have fled for a crime committed and now have a prominent brand. You may have been a criminal, a slave, or some other such illicit individual. The brand is such that it cannot be easily covered, and a cursory search reveals it each time. Law enforcement agents of any lawful land will immediately take you into custody if they see the mark, for extradition or imprisonment. It is your choice as to whether or not you were falsely accused of the crime. 
  • Bruise Easily (-2): Each time you take bludgeoning damage, including that from falls, you take more damage than any other person.
  • Careless (-1): For some reason, people always seem to escape your clutches. You don't understand how that's possible. After all, you throw them into your easily escapable deathtraps before leaving them alone with your bumbling guards while you wander away for no apparent reason. You just can't manage to do a great job at anything.
  • Clumsiness (-1): You have the unfortunate habit of dropping things, knocking things over, or tripping. 
  • Derangement/Insanity [Mania] (-3): Due to circumstances beyond your control, you are permanently insane. You may have a congenital brain disorder, or perhaps you saw something mortals were never intended to lay eyes upon, and it drove you mad. Choose a Derangement/Insanity for your character from the lists below. Though the list is by no means exhaustive, the following options are ones that have been presented in game terms and that have definable--and most times numerical--penalties.
  • Hedonistic (-1): You love a good time. You party too much, drink too much, and eat too much. You have trouble resisting an invitation to join someone in a drink and sometimes shirk your duty if offered a more enjoyable time elsewhere. Whenever a good time is presented you let your guard down. You're also not capable to resist seduction of any sort. It's just not in your nature to resist such opportunities.
  • Inattentive (-1): Your mind has a habit of drifting off at inopportune moments. It flits from one thought to the next so fast that you have trouble getting it to concentrate on the here and now. As such, you are particularly unaware of your surroundings.
  • Indecisive (-1): You have been known to hesitate when faced with difficult choices or split-second decisions. If forced to choose between letting a villain escape and rescuing a loved one from being lowered into a snake pit, you're likely to agonize over the situation until something--perhaps a cry for help from your sweetheart--forces your hand.
  • Lecherous (-1): You have a lusty nature and a tendency to pursue the pleasures of the flesh. A woman or a man (however your tastes run) is an almost irresistible temptation to you. You give in to these temptations easily.

  • Reckless (-1): You lack the emotion of fear. Unfortunately, it is often an important cue that keeps men from doing foolhardy things. Sure, you don't flinch at the sight of even the most hideous monster, but neither do you feel the need to run away when outclassed.
  • Short Attention Span (-1): You have little patience, causing you to have difficulty concentrating on repetitive tasks.


Magic: Yōkai Blood Magic
Caster or Holder: Caster
Description: Yōkai Blood is rare form of blood magic which is gained when one is exposed to Etherion. The magic involves the user turning his or her own blood into a liquid Etherion, allowing them to gain certain boosts. Of course, that is merely the main purpose of Yōkai blood magic, for it also allows the user to preform devastating attacks. Much like elemental make magics, (i.e. fire make, ice make, memory make), the user can mold their blood into various forms of weaponry. At high enough levels, in theory, the user could manipulate their blood to cause various different explosions as well to deal a bit of AoE damage.

Yōkai blood appears as regular blood most of the time, however, once it is activated, and it truly becomes Yōkai blood, the Etherion makes it change color, and glow. The color is determined by the actual Etherion which was transplanted into the user. In Histarias Case, this would be violet with a strong, pink glow.

  • Personal Buff properties
  • Magic Make Properties (Extremely Versatile)
  • The magic allows the user to heal quickly (Regeneration [+4]) in order to make up for the fact that it requires them to bleed.
  • Wide range of attacks from pin point attacks to AoE Damage.


  • No healing spell Properties.
  • Even with the Regeneration factor of the magic, it also makes the users body more fragile due to the strong amount of magic in their blood, which absorbed most of the users physical strength. (Bruise Easily [-2])
  • This magic is particularly weak against Ice magic, for it can freeze the liquid Etherion.
  • Etherion is a very unstable substance, meaning that it takes a lot of will power and control to use. Because of this, the users physical being is left in a weakened state, causing them to loose mana at a faster pace then others due to the access amount of spells they have to use to make up for their lack of physical strength.
  • The users blood is not always Etherion based. This magic requires an activation of the user. It would completely drain the user to the point of no return if they were to have it active 24 hours a day, so it is shut off until needed for battle. Because of this, the user of this magic is at a distinct disadvantage if they are confronted with a sneak attack, or unforeseeable battle.


Histaria was born in a very old fashioned town, actually, it was an old fashioned island. The island was far off from any other continents, and although they new of the other continents, they were a fairly self sustained area, and didn't bother leaving. Because of this, none of them knew what magic was. It just wasn't something they used. Of course a few of the people had magic potential, but without any of the masters or resources to discover such a thing, it was rarely ever revealed to the people who possessed such potential, let alone the island itself.

Histaria, however, was not one of these people born with magic potential. From the time she was born to the time she was a fourteen, she lived the life of a regular young women, at least a regular young women on this island. She only wore dresses that covered up her knees, and she kept her hair waist long. She had a good life, she went to school, and when she got home she helped watch her brothers and sisters while her father farmed and her mother prepared the meals for the day. Histaria loved her life, but like any other teenager, she wanted more.

That was, until, more finally happened. Her life had been pretty uneventful up until just a few weeks after her fourteenth birthday. Due to the islands ignorance of magic, they had no idea that the island was practically made of a substance known as Etherion. The Ethorion was the reason that the island had been so good at self sustaining itself, allowing the crops to grow plentiful and everyone to remain healthy. the island hadn't needed a doctor at all sense the colony first started. Of course, other, more developed countries did. Pirates soon raided the island, murdering all in order to clear the island of anything on top of it so that they could all get a taste of the Etherion, hoping to sell it on the black market no doubt. Histaria, after going through a bit of trauma and beating from these pirates, witnesses her entire family, friends, neighbors, all get massacred before her.

Histaria, however, managed to get out. she was saved. She ran, and ran, adjusting her glasses every now and again as the tears rushed down her face. A smile did curse her face, for she was happy that she was spared. But of course, she wasn't spared. A single gun shot was all it took. Her chest collapsed to the ground as her entire body lay still, a hole in her chest. As blood soaked the ground beneath her, the pirates picked her up, and through her in the river. They did this with all the corpses, well, all the corpses and Histaria. She wasn't quite a corps just yet.

It took a few days, but she awoke. Scattered limbs around her, corpses of those she used to love. Tears streamed down her face like an endless parade of rain, that is until she remembered the hole in her chest. She looked down, and saw it was gone! As were the bruises she had gotten from those pirates from the beatings.Of course, her skin was a pale, gold color, but she didn't care. She was happy to be alive. She rushed out of the river and found that the pirates were beginning to leave the island. Histaria wanted to stay home, but she knew that was not her fate. She didn't have a home to return to. So, she stowed away on the ship. Sneaking out occasionally to get food.

That is, until one day Histaria was caught. They were going to torture her, but that was when the captain arrived. Her saw the color of her skin and looked concerned. What had happened to this girl? Had they not killed her? No, one of his crew members stood up. "I killed that bitch!" he shouted, but yet, she was alive. The captain took great concern in this, and asked if she had any magic. "Like in the story books?" Histaria asked the man. The captain laughed, but let her stay on the ship. For what reason? Histaria doesn't know. Of course, she couldn't keep the name histaria, it was too painful. Yet she kept the name anyways, at least for a little while. She didn't however, keep her long hair and outfit. She cut her hair short, and began to wear a cocktail dress, which came in handy as a bar wench.

It wasn't until Histaria was 16 did they all discover just what magic power the child had. She had been a bar wench on the ship up until that point, and when one of the pirates threatened her life do to her clumsiness and spilling a drink on him, she snapped. Blood poured everywhere, form both her body, and then his. He hit the ground, dead, and everyone looked at her astonished. She did have magic, and it was powerful magic indeed.

She was then put up immediately as a fighter. She would be on the front lines, helping her fellow crew mates steal, and pillage when needed. Histaria had even been given the name "Salem,", due to the rumors that she was actually a witch. Histaria actually never disputed these facts, and often tells people she is, in fact, a witch and not a mage. She didn't, however, get any training with her magic. It wasn't until the age of eighteen that her crew was finally arrested. The crew, at this point, had become infamous (hence the -1 for a Bad reputation), but she managed to slip away. She told them she was a prisoner, and the captain backed her up on that. Of course, only the court believed her. It was when she hired, and accompanied a group of "hired help" to bust her crew out of jail that they new just how dangerous she was.

Wanted posters began to become frequent for the crew, so they all went there separate ways. It was shortly after, age nineteen, that she discovered the almost abandoned guild known as Raven tail.  

Last edited by Salem Jaeger on Sun Jul 06, 2014 8:58 am; edited 3 times in total

2Salem Jaeger  Empty Re: Salem Jaeger Thu Jul 03, 2014 9:15 pm


I am done, completion bump.

I got carried away with the history, i'm sorry its so long! (1026 words to be exact)

3Salem Jaeger  Empty Re: Salem Jaeger Sat Jul 05, 2014 10:28 pm

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Sorry for the delay. I'm seeing a total of -17 in your negative characteristics. Please remove one of the -1 characteristics to even it out. Also, could you please copy and paste the characteristic descriptions? Do this and you will be approved.

4Salem Jaeger  Empty Re: Salem Jaeger Sun Jul 06, 2014 9:00 am


Edits made madam.

5Salem Jaeger  Empty Re: Salem Jaeger Sun Jul 06, 2014 9:10 am

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Looks good! Approved! Color will come soon.

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