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1Yin Ashton Empty Yin Ashton Mon Jun 16, 2014 11:03 pm

Yin Ashton

Yin Ashton

   Yin Ashton Yin_as10
   ”I will not go quietly into the night. I am the law, and I am the night.“

Name(s): Yin Ashton

Nickname(s): Yin, Ash | Resolute Judge

Age: 25

Sex: Female

Birthday: 22 / 4 / X755

Sexuality: Bisexual

Class: Scavenger

Alignment: Lawful - Neutral

Rank: B - Rank

Guild: Rune Knights - Ivy Knights

Guild Tattoo: Navy Blue | Base of the throat

Face Claim: Bianshi - Dynasty Warriors


Height: 5’5”

Weight: 123 lbs

Hair: Black

Eyes: Black

General Appearance: Of average height, Yin stands at five feet, five inches tall. She has a slim body that appears as if she takes great pains to maintain her figure. Though slim, she is by no means flat or lacking for curvature. In possession of a moderate bust of a woman of her size and age, she is actually quite proud of the fact that she isn’t walking around with a couple of beach balls on her chest. Though she wouldn’t reveal it, or rather, reveal much of it, her body is toned, as it should be for someone who is in the employ of the Rune Knights. Her eyes are pure black, with a little light to be seen within them. Sometimes the light is mischief, sometimes its knowing, sometimes its amusement. One can only hope to know what’s going on in her head. Her black hair falls straight, down to her tailbone. It’s almost long enough for her to accidentally sit on it, but she makes sure that never happens. A quick cut with one of her spells, and her hair is right at the length she wants it. She keeps two long locks to frame her face, then a small section of bangs that fall down to the very tops of her eyes. Ever since she was young, she’s looked more youthful than she actually is. Not that she’s complaining. It’s better to be mistaken for someone’s sister than their mother.

Her clothing varies depending on whether she is on duty or not. When she’s not on duty, her clothing remains rather simple. She prefers the feel of long t-sihrts, which she will wear something like a dress. She doesn’t leave her home often, so this is enough for her most of the time. If she does have to leave the house, she’ll keep the long shirt, but she will also wear a pair of shorts, and some oriental slippers to protect her feet. When on duty, it can be said that she takes a certain pride in her appearance as a member of the Rune Knights. A chinese dress that fits snug to her body, and zipping up at the back. The right side of the dress is cut open, starting a few inches below her hip line. The top of the dress is separated from the bottom by a split running above her chest and a hole in the back. It connects to the main dress under the arms, and the sleeves extend to her elbow. The top extends up her throat a little, snug as the rest of the dress, and zips up at the front. This normally conceals her ‘guild’ tattoo, though it is an easy feat for her to reveal it. On her feet she will wear black oriental slippers with a red trip and a strap that goes around her ankle. Around her right thigh, revealed by the cut in her dress is a black garter that she uses to store anything she might need from a pencil, to a stick of gum, or usually a nail sharpener.

Extra: She wears several accessories when she’s all dolled up for duty as a rune knight. First of which and most noticeable is a red shawl that hangs from her elbows and around her back. Next on her list of accessories is two blue teardrop earrings. Finally, there’s a headpiece. Shaped something like two ribbons wrapped about one another, with four tassels hanging from it. Two from each spire that extends up above her head. It’s actually a light plastic, with a comb that helps her secure it to the back of her head and the sides.

Her pride and joy though that she takes everywhere with her on missions is a erhu. An instrument of the orient, she inherited it from her mother. Odd as it may be, she carries it with her wherever she goes when she’s on a mission. While it holds no magical properties, it is incredibly well made, and thus sturdy. She uses the bow of the instrument when casting her magic if she’s able, leading sometimes to the impression that the magic comes from the instrument, rather than herself. She practices with it when she can, and if she thinks it would be funny, she will actually enter an area while playing it braced on her hip.


Personality: Yin might be a strict woman, but her heart it in the right place. The law is the law for a reason after all. And if you maliciously break it, then you’re maliciously going against everything you know to be right and just. She can’t allow such elements to exist in society, or society itself is likely to collapse. When on a job, she follows her orders as best she can, and even when out and about going on with her daily business, she keeps to the law. Which is probably a good thing because if not for public decency, she would be likely to wander out into the world with no pants on. Just her shirt and nothing else. So thank the law for that. Or curse it as some do when she follows it to the letter. If the law says no parking after six, and its six o’five, then its a ticket. Its a hard job, keeping law and order inline in the world, but it has to be done by someone. And in her spare time, maybe she can convince a few people just why she acts how she does. Get a few friends that can help her goals along.


  • Sweets
  • Law
  • Her erhu
  • Laying about the house all day when she’s not on a mission
  • Recognition
  • Getting what she wants


  • Sour foods
  • Chaos
  • Her family heirloom being threatened
  • Someone telling her what she can and cannot wear on her days off
  • Dark Guilds
  • Being denied what she wants while its right in front of her


  • To earn her place. Yin doesn’t like pity. She doesn’t like someone giving her something because they feel sorry for her. Sure some people can get by on that, but if she gets something, she wants it to be because she earned it. If she got it from pity, it can be taken away at any time. If she earns it, then its hers forever. No one will be able to take it from her, and anyone that tries will find themselves on the wrong side of the law. And not just possessions. Ranks, money, trust, anything that can be earned, she’d rather earn it with her own two hands than let someone give it to her because she’s a pretty girl. She can’t understand girls who try to get things just by being pretty.
  • Being liked. Sure its a silly thing, but when you have the habit of always following the law, and your code to the letter, well being liked becomes a major concern. There are bound to be some people who don’t like the way she runs things. And fewer still that do like her for her job. What she wants though are people who can see past her job and her position and like her for who she is. Some might see it as childish, but they have their things to worry about, and Yin has hers.


  • She fears imprisonment. Not for the actual punishment of it. She’s too tough for something like that to break her. No, what she fears about imprisonment is the loss of prestige. Once you’ve been to jail, there’s no washing that stigma from you. It becomes a permanent mark on your life. None will trust you. None will worship you except for disordered rabble. And worst of all, none will like you except for disordered rabble. She likes being liked. Even if you coldly follow the law, you’re still following the law, and there will be someone who will like you for it. One misstep, and everything she worked for comes crumbling down.
  • Secondly, she fears the dark. A childish fear sure, but it is one that has stayed with her since childhood. They say ignorance is bliss, and they are correct. Where a child fears the dark because they don’t know what is in it, Yin fears the dark because she knows just what can lurk in it. Not monsters. Not things that will eat her if given half a chance, but people. The greatest source of all darkness. Those immoral people with no sort of code to follow. She has slept with a candle near her bed whenever she can help it, and packs several when traveling in case the inns she stops in don’t have any to spare.

Positive Traits:

  • Regeneration (+4): You heal very fast inside and outside of combat. Small cuts that go up to one inch deep are healed in the next post.

Negative Traits:

  • Proud (-1): You don't like accepting help from others. If a gift or offer of aid smacks of charity or pity even the slightest bit, you grow indignant and refuse it.
  • Night Blindness (-2): Your night vision isn't worth squat, due to a physiological deficiency. This is due to a birth defect, and therefore cannot be healed by any means.
  • Judgmental (-1): You form opinions quickly and change them very slowly. You also have a tendency to judge people on their appearance. A man dressed as a pirate, no matter how gentlemanly, is a scoundrel and a dog as far as you is concerned. A man covered in mud is a peasant, and a woman wearing revealing clothing is a prostitute.
    Explanation: You must act very disgusted and displeased when your dislike comes into play. [Dark Guild Members]


Magic: Oriental Solid Script

Caster or Holder: Caster

Description: Oriental Solid Script is a caster type magic that can be confused with holder type as it can be worked through objects. The magic comes from the person though, not the specific object being held. Like solid script, with this magic the user is able to write words in mid air to various effect. Unlike normal solid script, Oriental Solid Script is able to be a little more abstract in the connection between its written words, and their effect. For example, a solid script user would have t write something like wall or barrier to defend themselves. An Oriental Solid Script user can write the word defend in kanji and use that as a shield directly.

Strengths: Versatility is the greatest strength of a user of solid script magic. Because it is based on words, its uses are only limited by the words in the language of the orient that the user knows. Words can also be combined to create a stronger effect than they would have separately. Another benefit of oriental solid script is confusion. Unless the opponent is familiar with script from the orient, it is hard to know just what it is a spell will do until its effect comes into play. With normal solid script, the words are written in common so the enemy can devise a counter strategy right away. Those who fight against a user of oriental solid script have to see it used once or twice, or several more times before the exact usage of the script can be determined.

Weaknesses: The problem with versatility, is that it spreads one thin. It is entirely possible to be countered if someone is able to cancel an oriental solid script word out. The greatest threat comes from other solid script users. If one writes fire, the other can use water to put it out. If one writes wind, the other can use ’stone wall’. If one script user wrote a word for noise, another can silence it. Of course, this isn’t something limited to just other solid script users. A water mage can cancel out a fire script, a sound mage can silence a sound script. It all depends on the luck of the draw, which spells an oriental solid script user will actually be able to use. All elemental spells are thus subject to their natural weakness. In addition, since this magic involves the use of writing, the user’s hands must be free in order to use their magic. Obviously use of their arms makes it easier, but if they cannot move either of their hands, from wrist to fingertip, then they can no longer use their magic.



Last edited by Yin Ashton on Sat Jun 21, 2014 9:36 am; edited 10 times in total

2Yin Ashton Empty Re: Yin Ashton Wed Jun 18, 2014 9:12 am

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
I'm terribly sorry, but as it stands, it is not possible to approve this application to be a Rune Knight Captain. There are too many things that would prohibit this character from being promoted that high into the military.

-For A rank Rune Knight Captains, the minimum age was just recently changed to 35. You will have to make your character 10 years older. You can keep the same FC, just include a reason why she looks so young.

-Lawful Evil is an unacceptable alignment for a Capain of the Rune Knights. As a D rank, you could pass off as said alignment, but for a Captain of the order, you have already established yourself within the military. The Rune Knights would not promote anyone but the most loyal and dedicated.

The personality is unacceptable for someone with that high a position of power. A Rune Knight Captain must be willing to give his life for the greater good, rather than be only in it for himself.

I'm terribly sorry, but if you want a Rune Knight Captain, this application must be completely redone.

3Yin Ashton Empty Re: Yin Ashton Wed Jun 18, 2014 10:14 am

Yin Ashton

Yin Ashton
Bump of editing.

4Yin Ashton Empty Re: Yin Ashton Thu Jun 19, 2014 9:00 am

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Much better. Just increase your magic strengths to 75 words and you're good to go.

5Yin Ashton Empty Re: Yin Ashton Thu Jun 19, 2014 9:09 am

Yin Ashton

Yin Ashton
Bump of second completed edit.

6Yin Ashton Empty Re: Yin Ashton Thu Jun 19, 2014 9:10 am

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Congratulations, Captain. Your color will come shortly.

7Yin Ashton Empty Re: Yin Ashton Sat Jun 21, 2014 9:32 am

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Pulled for last minute revisions

8Yin Ashton Empty Re: Yin Ashton Sat Jun 21, 2014 9:40 am

Yin Ashton

Yin Ashton
• Desired rank lowered to B for lieutenant rather than A for captain
• Age returned to 25 and birth year edited as neccesary as there is no age restriction on lieutenant
• Desired title added next to nicknames (stern enforcer feels redundant since there is already someone with the enforcer title)
• Desired knight corps added next to guild affiliation as I was told that is the place to specify.

If there is anything else that needs to be done for clarity's sake, let me know and I will edit once again.

9Yin Ashton Empty Re: Yin Ashton Sat Jun 21, 2014 9:42 am

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Everything seems to be in order now. Once again, apologies for the hassle. Re-approved.

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