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1Viola Purefoy Empty Viola Purefoy Fri Jun 13, 2014 11:39 pm


Viola Purefoy Tumblr_n3za472Meq1ts7zcto1_500

Viola Purefoy







Nuetral Good


Fairy Tail

Guild Tattoo:
On the left side of her lower neck, in the colour black.

Face Claim:
Mio Akiyama from K On!


5 feet 4 inches


Jet black, usually left down casually, Viola’s hair isn’t to messy and doesn’t usually get in her way so she doesn’t do much with it.

A very faint light blue, they used to be the colour cherry red, but for some reason they had changed.

General Appearance:
Viola has a very slim fit figure, and is often considered petite to others. Though her petite figure makes others jump to the conclusion that she’s weak, she’s actually quite strong. Her agile body makes it even better for her, especially in battle for she can move so swiftly around. Viola wears casual clothes, usually a skirt, a t shirt, or if the weather is colder jeans and a hoodie. You’ll hardly ever see her hair tied up, it’s only like once every month or two months.

Pierced ears, other than that there isn't much else.


Viola is a very courteous person who likes to do things for others, rather than doing anything for herself. She will often ask almost every guild member if they need anything, or if they need help with jobs or money. She's often just there for anybody who needs a helping hand.

She is not very good with men though, and is usually completely blind to notice if one of them has taken a liking to her. But, when she does notice, if they're toying with her, she will have a loss for words before telling them to shut up, and running off to go fix up her red face before coming back normal minded again.

She also as a very short temper, due to the many years of her close friend Melody irritating her so often. So if you try your best to agitate her, she will take her anger out physically. Other than that though, she tends to prove to herself that she will not hurt anybody, so often attempts to yell at others when getting upset.

You will hardly ever see Viola cry in sad situations. She may put on a sad expression, but not one tear will ever fall from her blue orbs. But, this doesn't mean that she still doesn't cry, so if you hurt her enough that she cries... well then your a jerk.

Viola is very deliberate during quests/jobs, especially while her friends are with her. She makes sure they take every right turn or path, and often keeps a good view of others to assure that they are safe. Especially in battle, she will sacrifice her own life to save others, even if she doesn't know them.

She will not hesitate to have fun if something is going on in the guild. She's one of those, it wouldn't be fun without Viola kinda girls, she almost completes the parties. Often at times when she isn't busy will practice her drinking skills, ensuring that she's still the strongest drinker in the guild. But... beware drunk Viola is a very improper, bad mouthed, extremely flirty and teasing like girl at these times. Which causes her to often wake up in the guild hall at the crack of dawn in an uncomfortable position along with the other guild members who also enjoying drinking like there life depends on it, rather than waking up in bed.

Viola doesn't like to listen to the rules, so often every time on a job she ends of destroying the place she was meaning to cover for. She's very wild, at least that's what most of her guild mates call her, the wild one. Often she will also join in on guild fights, not afraid to take a hit or a punch as long as she can receive some action as well.

Other than all of that, your first reaction on Viola will probably be, her charming looks and friendly smile that seems to lighten up the entire guild.


Has a liking to small animals~
She has always enjoyed small animals, she figured it was because they were just tiny and so cute, but then she realized she grew up in environment around small like animals, and they often took a liking to her, protecting her from certain dangerous.

Loves alcohol & partying~
She absolutely loves to drink, and often does it only with company, or for good competition. She has always loved it since the day at the inn, because it is a good experience, and she gets to interact with others, but mainly because she forgets all her issues and gets to let loose.

Enjoys Food~
Viola loves food, mainly because it softens her up, and puts her into a positive mood. Especially sweets, the flavour has always lifted a smile onto her face no matter what mood. She will eat loads of food when in a terrible mood, and never once gains any weight.

It seems to make others around her happy whenever she sings, so she enjoys doing it. Viola has sung so much around everybody that she had builded up a career, and has grown to have many fans around her.


Bad Attitude~
Sure, she may be wild at sometimes, and a bit of a tease, but she definitely cannot handle another guild member picking on somebody else in the guild. If it's just the regular ruckus like usual, she will just join in also to enjoy a good fight, but if it's the type of fighting where it's affecting the other member emotional she will get very frenzied. Normally because, she just doesn't like to see others being hurt like that because she had to experience so much pain, and doesn't want others to be affected in that way.

Viola does not take a liking to overly charming girls/boys who tend to flirt with anything they see. Not because, she finds it creepy, just because it's a bit bothersome. When her and Melody didn't have there freedom, the lead of the place that kept them there for many years was a overly charming fellow, and would often disturb Viola to the point that she would try to physical hurt him.

No control~
She absolutely hates it when in situations she's trying to act all tough and mighty with her magic, and she looses control. The force of all four elements tend to have an affect that makes her slightly insane, where sometimes she ends of hurting the people she was trying to protect. But, this only happens when she has no control, so she hates when this happen and takes it out on herself after to become stronger. Mainly because her main goal in life is to become an S-class mage and to put her magic to good use, like helping others.

It's just plain rude, and she often get's uncomfortable when usually just one person stares at her creepily or intensely. I mean come'on who likes getting stared at?


Trying new things~
Viola is always resolved into trying new things, like trying to learn no magic, or pushing herself to limits with her magic so that she can become stronger.

Helping others out~
If somebody needs help, no matter how strong the opponent, she will go to help. She is motivated to make Fiore a peaceful country no matter what the cost, she want's kids to grow up a good/happy life.

Making others laugh~
She is very ready to make others smile, or laugh. She doesn't like to see others, especially her guild members upset so she will do almost anything to make them laugh and cheer up again.


Fear of fire~
Viola has a fear of fire, aside from hers of course. She was tortured for many years with fire magic, and it had been the only magic she had ever witnessed. Also, the fact that fire mages killed her family, tends for her either to have a large fear with fire mages, or just a rude attitude.

Fear of being alone~
She hates being left alone, everybody she was ever friends with disappeared or left. It's not to sure why she hates being alone, maybe it's just because she enjoys company.

Loosing those close to her~
Viola doesn't like to have somebody tell her that everybody is just going to be gone in the end. It's probably her biggest fear, loosing her friends, due to the fact that she lost her family, and all of her friends at a young age.

Positive Traits:

Agile (+3)

Anime Tongue (+4)

Athletic (+3)

Swift (+3)

Negative Traits:

Amnesia (-1)

Bravado (-2)

Bruise Easily (-2)

Careless (-1)

Clumsiness (-1)

Compulsive Honesty (-2)

Curiosity (-1)

Lazy (-1)

Reckless (-1)

Shy (-1)


Ice Make Magic

Caster or Holder:

This is a type of Molding Magic which utilizes the element of ice. The user can create a variety of objects out of ice to be used for offensive, defensive or miscellaneous purposes. There are currently two known types of Ice-Make Magic. The first one is called Static Ice-Make. This type of Ice-Make is characterized by the creation of inanimate objects, such as weapons, or by affecting the environment around them. The second type is called Dynamic Ice-Make. This type of Ice-Make focuses on creating animated ice sculptures, usually in the form of animals.


-Has an elemental strength against water.
-Extremely Effective in Close Quarters Combat.
-Diverse forms of Mobile Defense.
-Extremely mobile offense.


-Ranged Attacks require her to focus in on aiming.
-Has an elemental weakness against Metal.


Viola's history is a blur to her, for she doesn't remember much, nor does she know if she has any parents or siblings or not. She was raised in the mountains by Kaala, who she considers like a Mother, and Melody who found her that day she was lost in the woods, stranded with no memory at all. Of course, it was a miracle for Melody to find her that day, since the raven-haired girl was only 6 at the time, and the winter was at it's coldest.

Viola frightened and cold, wasn't used to many people, and often shot bitter comments toward the two who looked after her, but after Kaala had offered to teach her Ice Make Magic, the small raven-haired girl opened up to the two of them, and became more friendly, more herself. Though she was paranoid of not knowing why she had woken up in the woods in the middle of no-where, she brushed that thought away anyway.

After about a few years, Viola turned 15 and set out on her own too find out who she really was, and join Fairy Tail, the guild she had always heard about. Though, while heading to Fairy Tail, she explored many places, and met many people, finding out about new things, and finding out who she really was. As a year passed, she had created a singing career, and created a band, also developing many fans. After travelling over many places of the world, she realized that there were many things in many countries that were going on, bad things.

Realizing that, she headed over to Magnolia, spending a good amount of days working up enough jewels to buy a place, even practice her magic. She was afraid that her stripping habit would happen, though there was no point in stopping it, for it happened all the time ever since Kaala had taught her Ice Make Magic. She was just glad, that she didn’t strip down to the point where she was completely bare in-front of others. Usually, it would just be her bra, and under-wear, though it was embarrassing, she had already grown used to it, and grown used to being herself in-front of tons of other people. Which, she was glad for, because, if she hadn’t opened up to Kaala and Melody, heck if she hadn’t been taught magic, she wouldn’t of became the girl she is today.

Last edited by Viola-chan on Sat Jun 14, 2014 12:17 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Viola Purefoy Empty Re: Viola Purefoy Sat Jun 14, 2014 1:24 am

Jabo Devine

Jabo Devine
Hello Ms. Purefoy, I shall be grading you app. today.

For your positive traits and negative traits please use this as a list of what to choose from. If you don't want to have any positive or negative traits this is also fine but you'd just state that under each that you wouldn't like any.

Magic -
Add in to the strengths that it is strong against water.

You contradicted yourself by saying that it has an extremely mobile offense and that ranged attacks require her to focus aiming.

"-At this point, if she is disarmed, most of his spells are useless." Take this and "-Typically her spells cannot withstand direct attacks for long." out. The disarmed thing is invalid due to the many uses of Ice-Make that vary other than melee weapons. As to the spells can't withstand direct attacks for long it'd be as simple as it has the same durations as all magics and isn't special. Change the elemental weakness to being, metal and not Fire.

3Viola Purefoy Empty Re: Viola Purefoy Sat Jun 14, 2014 12:17 pm


Alright, bumped.

4Viola Purefoy Empty Re: Viola Purefoy Sun Jun 15, 2014 12:25 am

Jabo Devine

Jabo Devine

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