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1Zenbolt Gustatic  Empty Zenbolt Gustatic Thu May 29, 2014 12:17 am

Zenbolt Gustatic

Zenbolt Gustatic
  Zenbolt Gustatic  250px-Enel_Anime_Infobox
    "People do not fear God, Fear itself is God" 

Name(s): Zenbolt Gustatic
Nickname(s): Zeus
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Birthday: 13/March/X753
Sexuality: Straight
Class: Mystic
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Rank: D
Guild: Sabertooth
Guild Tattoo: Left chest (golden yellow)
Face Claim: Enel-One piece


Height: 6"2
Weight: 61KG
Hair: white/blonde
Eyes: Black
General Appearance: Regarding the Appearance, Zenbolt is a tall, muscular man with a white/blonde hair . His hair is covered with a simple bandanna. His hair is styled in a perm and He wears a long earlobe through his chest. He wears loose, orange pants with a black pattern on them, and around his waist there is blue. He wears golden bracelet on both his hand and legs, diamond shaped gold earrings at the end of his extra-long ears, and two little gold rings around his bigger toes. Zenbolt prefers to go barefoot. His earlobes are extremely long, extending to his torso. He also holds 4 drums attached to a ring in his back.
Extra: N/A


Personality: Zenbolt is one of Sabertooth's member and also called Lightning Zeus .Zenbolt was a trained Lightning Magic User and believes that he is divine and immortal, with the authority to do, take or destroy whatever he pleases and is capable of doing anything. As the result,  He appears fearless, Evil, childish and without a care in the world. Zenbolt holds no regard for other lives except his own, and has no moral qualm about killing peoples, and laughs maniacally as he sends doom to his own village. He is insane, which becomes even more obvious when he become a Sabertooth member, which he believes to be the home of strongest mages and that's drives him to be evil.

Despite it being all he has known, Zenbolt doesn't want to be an Little Kid any longer than necessary. He wants the ability to live a stronger just like anyone else. To make his own choices just me, who he hates, who he wants dead. He wants some other purpose besides the endless death that she has to deal out. But as long as her list of marks keeps being updated, Zenbolt will have to continue killing. "BECAUSE I AM THE STRONGEST WIZARD IN FIORE!!".

  • Lightnings
  • Power
  • Killing
  • Respecting me
  • Darkness


  • Rubber
  • Disrespect me
  • Peace
  • Weak guild member
  • Stronger Wizard
  • Armors
  • Taking Orders


  • Zenbolt was 17 yrs old and he's brother died b'cuz of the explosion on Oak (It seems the explosion is came from the Phantom Lord guild) and He wants to revenge to it. (Not Now)
  • 1 day, In Sabertooth Guild Zenbolt was challenge the strongest wizard in there guild and He was lost to him. So, Zenbolt's get angry and said "I will be the Strongest Wizard!!" and after he said that he just wanted to be the Guild Master in Sabertooth.


  • Getting beaten by a stronger wizard.
  • Rubber Magic and Requip Magics

Positive Traits: 

  • Regeneration (+4): You heal very fast inside and outside of combat. Small cuts that go up to one inch deep are healed in the next post.
  • Alertness (+2): You have finely tuned senses.
  • Enhanced Strength (+3): Your character is slightly stronger than other characters when it comes to physical strength.
  • Diehard (+2): You can remain conscious after attacks that would fell others.
  • Stealthy (+3): You are particularly good at avoiding notice. You could be sitting somewhere in a thread at a bar and people wouldn't even notice that you were there.

Negative Traits: 

  • Proud (-1): You don't like accepting help from others. If a gift or offer of aid smacks of charity or pity even the slightest bit, you grow indignant and refuse it.
  • Trusting (-2): You don't like to believe that other people are capable of misleading and lying to you. After all, people are basically good, right?
  • Daredevil (-2): You only really feel alive when you're staring death in the face. Your character is addicted to the thrill of death-defying stunts, pushing himsefl to the limit at every available opportunity. 
  • Overconfident (-1): Nothing is beyond your capabilities. If you wanted, you could defeat the best swordsman in the world; you just haven't had any reason to do so yet. And surely that chasm isn't too wide for you to leap across.
  • Dependent (-3): You have a ward or charge that depends on you, usually a young child or elderly relative that needs you to provide for them and devote at least part of your time to them. In money terms, this will cost you five percent of your jewels a month. You may also be required to stay near home often in case you are needed.-Just giving jewel for the tax. xD
  • Intolerance (-1): You have an irrational dislike of a certain thing. It may be an animal, a class of person, a situation, or just about anything at all. Note that some dislikes may be too trivial or ridiculous to count--a dislike of Bavarian-crème-filled donuts or mechanical pencils, for example, has no real dramatic value and will not be allowed.-He just hate being ignored
  • Vulnerable (-3): You are not very good at defending yourself and moving out of harm's way. In combat you take hits easily, in roleplay terms this means that you can only dodge one out of three attacks, regardless of how easy it was.
  • Righteous (-1): The end justifies the means. You are willing to perform morally repugnant actions in order to achieve noble goals. Unfortunately, this can alienate those people who might support your cause if you didn't use such heavy-handed methods.


Magic: Lightning Magic
Caster or Holder: Caster
Description:Lightning Magic is a branch of Elemental Magic that utilizes electricity, but more specifically, lightning, as a form of offense and defense. Mages who possess the ability to utilize such Magic are able to generate these elements from their bodies, and manipulate them. However, unlike other types of Elemental Magic, users of Lightning Magic are also capable of utilizing lightning from a distance, such as from the ground near them, or down from the sky. Lightning attacks work by electrocuting the opponents to various degrees, and there are spells that are said to be capable of completely paralyzing enemies, due to the extremely high voltage of the electricity employed in their use.Because of the high amounts of light produced with its use, Lightning Magic can also be utilized to blind opponents, albeit for a short amount of time.
Similar to other types of Elemental Magic, Lightning Magicallows the user to transform their body into the element they control: by transforming into a lightning bolt, the user is able to avoid physical attacks, and have the added advantage of traveling around at very high speeds and damaging everyone or everything they come in contact with, much like real lightning

The Magic's major strength, as with other magic, is that it allows the user to produce, as well as become the element they control. In this case, Zenbolt is able to produce as well as become electricity. With this in mind, Zenbolt is able to attack with lightning itself. 
He is also able to avoid normal attacks by turning into lightning and allowing the attack to pass through him. On top of that, Zenbolt can merge with solid matter (like gold or wood) for defense or traveling purposes. Mechanical enemies are typically weak to this element. It is usually the opposing element of Water. Turning into lightning can also have the added effect of electrocuting an opponent. The lightning also allows him to jump-start his heart after it stopped. 

While seemingly all-powerful, its unique weakness is rubber,earth or rock, wind magics, since rubber is a natural insulator. This weakness makes the Magic's the natural enemy to this lightning powers due to the user's rock and rubbery body. It is unknown if other insulators can reproduce the effect that Rubber has on this power. Lightning does not affect through Rubber and Rock. He was weak to wind magic because lightning cannot conduct to wind currents, therefore lightning wont be able to travel because it's disrupting the flow of lightning and wind would break apart the lightning to spread away. Though Zenbolt claimed that would stop if he increased the power of the lightning. Also it is unknown if Zenbolt can control the amps of electricity, as his attacks specifically mention the level of Lightning Level. This could explain why Zenbolt's victims are burned but their hearts do not stop from being electrocuted. Other than that, the user is also affected by the standard Lightning weakness.


History: 27 yrs ago,  Zenbolt was born and raised on Balsam and his mother died after his pregnancy . and his father died 2 days after Zenbolt born b'cuz of being killed on ShinShui Forest for a mission. So after that his brother Rex take care of Zenbolt. (Rex is 23 yrs old). 
7 yrs now, Zenbolt was in undercare of his brother and when he's brother goes to Era(Rex is one of the Runeknights), and Zenbolt leave the house without permission and he goes to ShinShui Forest to see where did his Father died and a Monster just attack him, he got so many scratch and then a lightning just attack the monster and a guy just help him and brought him to the nearest hospital. After a day his brother got the news that his sibling is in the hospital and he runs off and see his little brother.
After 1 months, He want to thank to the man who saves him but the man was gone.

And after 6 yrs, Zenbolt was 13 now and he celebrating his birthday alone and then suddenly a thunder just came over there house and He can't believe that was the man who was saves him and he says his personality. His name is Trynda (member of Sabertooth) and he said to him "Hey boy wanna learn some Lightning Magics?",asking. and Zenbolt happy that he will learn a magic and then they start training. After the training Trynda said "Don't you ever tell your brother what we done, ok?" . He said "ok!"
After a day his brother came back and brought a small cake for Zenbolt and he was thankful.
And for everyday training without noticing his brother.
after 2yrs, Zenbolt just learn 5 lightning magic and now he wanted to see his magic to his brother and his brother amaze and his brother ask where did he get that magic and he said to an Old man named Trynda. His brother was Shock and he said that that is there father's name. and after that he didn't see him again.

And after 4 yrs, Zenbolt was waiting to his brother to come home, After 3 days he didn't come back. So, Zenbolt Goes to the Era and someone just said to Zenbolt that his brother died after the explosive in Oak. (That explosive is came from 1 of the member of Phantom Lord). And one of the member of Sabertooth to come with us to the Sabertooth to revenge your brother. So after travelling to Balsam and go to the Sabertooth's Guild and Get a guild tattoo in his left chest and get meet all of the members.

7 yrs later, He forgotten his brother b'cuz of the guild and that's what drives him to be evil and he just notice that it's nice to be evil. and he just totally forgot his brother

just 1 month later, he's father just appeared and said that his proud of him, he just step to his footstep to be the strongest wizard in Fiore.

After that, 1 of the strongest member in Sabertooth duel with Zenbolt, and then he was lose. After that Zenbolt was get angry after that fight and he said "I Will Be The Strongest Wizard In The World!!!". and after this he was just Thinking that He Wanted to be a GM in Sabertooth after he said that he will be the strongest. and then the Travel begins ...

Last edited by Zenbolt on Tue Jun 10, 2014 5:43 am; edited 11 times in total

2Zenbolt Gustatic  Empty Re: Zenbolt Gustatic Thu May 29, 2014 12:19 am

Zenbolt Gustatic

Zenbolt Gustatic

3Zenbolt Gustatic  Empty Re: Zenbolt Gustatic Thu May 29, 2014 12:22 am

Inzei Mishima

Inzei Mishima
I'm afraid the A-Rank (along with B and C) are already taken for Sabertooth. If you want to be in Sabertooth, you'll have to start at D-Rank.

4Zenbolt Gustatic  Empty Re: Zenbolt Gustatic Thu May 29, 2014 5:19 am

Zenbolt Gustatic

Zenbolt Gustatic

5Zenbolt Gustatic  Empty Re: Zenbolt Gustatic Thu May 29, 2014 9:29 am

Inzei Mishima

Inzei Mishima
Alright, now that I've had a better look, I still need you to make a couple of more changes.

- You can no longer apply for Dragon Slayer magic. If you really do want to be the Lightning Dragon Slayer, check out this thread. For the time being, change your magic.

- You have 'Taking Orders' as one of your likes. I won't tell you how to make your character, but I think you meant to put that as a dislike.

- Personality must be at least 200 words. Yours is only at 93 words.

- Your traits' numbers are suppose to cancel each other out. Currently, you have +14 positive and -6 negative. Balance them. It's the number you see beside the trait's name.

- Your history has to be at least 400 words. Yours is only 230 words, at the moment.

- State the colour of your guild tattoo.

Once you have made the proper adjustments, bump the thread.

6Zenbolt Gustatic  Empty Re: Zenbolt Gustatic Thu May 29, 2014 11:43 am

Zenbolt Gustatic

Zenbolt Gustatic

7Zenbolt Gustatic  Empty Re: Zenbolt Gustatic Thu May 29, 2014 12:00 pm

Inzei Mishima

Inzei Mishima
- Use the list code for your motivations, fears, likes, dislikes and traits.

- In your second paragraph, you say both 'he' and 'she'. You should probably correct this.

- For your Traits, state your character's intolerance and his dependent.

- For your magic, remove the strength and weaknesses you still have left over from your DS magic.

Bump when edited.

8Zenbolt Gustatic  Empty Re: Zenbolt Gustatic Thu May 29, 2014 8:11 pm

Zenbolt Gustatic

Zenbolt Gustatic

9Zenbolt Gustatic  Empty Re: Zenbolt Gustatic Thu May 29, 2014 11:11 pm

Zenbolt Gustatic

Zenbolt Gustatic
Noah, you just talk about to me about the guild ranks. is the ranks C,B,A, and S is have a maximum number of 2 right? and i just see in the rooster. if i use to be a B rank in my character sheet or D b'cuz you'll need to hard work to get that rank??


Member List

Guild Master - Anthony Brinkley


  • Anthony Brinkley
  • -Not taken


  • Frantic
  • -not taken


  • Artemisia Daemon
  • -not taken


  • Yuudai Itami
  • -not taken


  • Aado Riddle
  • Felicity Dhumal
  • Lina Blythe
  • Misaki Zurarime
  • Rinora Lustiga
  • Saige Valor
  • Solomon Lannister
  • Uyashi Yamamoto
  • Yang Xiao

10Zenbolt Gustatic  Empty Re: Zenbolt Gustatic Fri May 30, 2014 1:11 am

Inzei Mishima

Inzei Mishima
There's no limit to how many S, A, B or C ranks can be in a guild at any given time. However, only one person was allowed to get a boost in rank. Everyone else starts at D, and works their way up from there.

However, there are more changes you have to make.

- Change up your strength and weaknesses to reflect your MAGIC. Being afraid of Rune Knights because your brother was one isn't a weakness of your magic, it's your character. Being able to consume lightning is something only the Lightning Dragon Slayer is capable of and so on.

11Zenbolt Gustatic  Empty Re: Zenbolt Gustatic Fri May 30, 2014 8:32 am

Zenbolt Gustatic

Zenbolt Gustatic

sry, i didn't know 

12Zenbolt Gustatic  Empty Re: Zenbolt Gustatic Fri May 30, 2014 12:04 pm

Inzei Mishima

Inzei Mishima
Remove the bit about Lightning being one of the most powerful elements to ever exist. Also remove the bit about traveling at the speed of lightning. Lightning can travel at 224,000mph. Get rid of all the unknowns. Also, mention that your magic is strong against water magic and weak against wind magic.

13Zenbolt Gustatic  Empty Re: Zenbolt Gustatic Fri May 30, 2014 6:15 pm

Zenbolt Gustatic

Zenbolt Gustatic

14Zenbolt Gustatic  Empty Re: Zenbolt Gustatic Sun Jun 01, 2014 3:14 am


Hello, Zenbolt.

  • Your personality should be at least 200 words, yours contains 185 words. Please expand.
  • Explain your motivations in short.
  • The size of your Magic Strenghts and Weaknesses are smaller than the rest. Please make them all even.
  • Add to your Magic's Weaknesses that it is weak against Wind or Earth.
  • Once your character is approved, I will change your username to "Zenbolt Gustatic". Every member must have their full character name as their username.

15Zenbolt Gustatic  Empty Re: Zenbolt Gustatic Sun Jun 01, 2014 7:01 am

Zenbolt Gustatic

Zenbolt Gustatic

16Zenbolt Gustatic  Empty Re: Zenbolt Gustatic Thu Jun 05, 2014 5:43 am

Zenbolt Gustatic

Zenbolt Gustatic
Bump pls

17Zenbolt Gustatic  Empty Re: Zenbolt Gustatic Fri Jun 06, 2014 7:04 pm

Inzei Mishima

Inzei Mishima
Before I approve you, I'd like to point out one thing.

He always carries his golden staff with him which sometimes uses in battle.

Unless you have the zealot trait, you won't be allowed to use any weapons. If you still want your golden staff, you should edit your traits. If not, just remove the part about your staff from your General Appearance and we'll be good to go.

18Zenbolt Gustatic  Empty Re: Zenbolt Gustatic Sat Jun 07, 2014 10:02 pm

Zenbolt Gustatic

Zenbolt Gustatic

19Zenbolt Gustatic  Empty Re: Zenbolt Gustatic Mon Jun 09, 2014 11:13 am

Inzei Mishima

Inzei Mishima
General Appearance wrote:Regarding the Apparance, Zenbolt is a tall, muscular man with a white/blonde hair . His hair is covered with a simple bandanna. His hair is styled in a perm and He wears a long earlobe through his chest. He wears loose, orange pants with a black pattern on them, and around his waist there is blue. He wears golden bracelet on both his hand and legs, diamond shaped gold earrings at the end of his extra-long ears, and two little gold rings around his bigger toes. Zenbolt prefers to go barefoot. He always carries his golden staff with him which sometimes uses in battle. His earlobes are extremely long, exteneding to his torso. He also holds 4 drums attached to a ring in his back.

You haven't put in the Zealot trait, nor have you edited out that part in your general appearance. Do that, and you'll be approved.

20Zenbolt Gustatic  Empty Re: Zenbolt Gustatic Tue Jun 10, 2014 5:52 am

Zenbolt Gustatic

Zenbolt Gustatic


[URL= ]play candy crush[/URL]

21Zenbolt Gustatic  Empty Re: Zenbolt Gustatic Tue Jun 10, 2014 6:34 am

Inzei Mishima

Inzei Mishima
Sorry it took so long. Approved.

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