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1Zen Serath Empty Zen Serath Fri Jun 06, 2014 7:12 am

Zen Serath

Zen Serath

       Zen Serath 500px-Sinbad_anime_poster
       "Do not go where the path may lead go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."

Name(s): Zen Serath
Nickname(s): None
Age: 16
Sex: Male
Birthday: 5/May/X764
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Rank: D
Guild: Fairy Tail
Guild Tattoo: On the inside of his left wrist.
Face Claim: Sinbad, The labyrinth of magic


Height: 5'10'' or 178 cm
Weight: 145 lbs or 65 kg
Hair: Dark Purple
Eyes: Yellow
General Appearance: Zen is a young, attractive male with tan skin and a muscular build. He has golden eyes and very long, purple hair tied in a ponytail. He wears floor-length purple and white robes, a white turban with feather decorations, and pointed red shoes. Zen also wears a lot of jewelry, most of which he found during the travels he made with his father. Zen also has a long, thin ahoge that sticks straight up. He carries himself confidently and usually has an easy smile on his face.


Personality: Zen is a laid back and fun-loving person. He is somewhat infamous among his friends for doing outrageous things, to the point that even his best friends don't believe him when he tells them about all the things he had done. He can be quite a flirt and is not above using his charm to get what he wants.

Despite all this, he can be serious when the need arises, he is respected among his friends, whom he seems to consider a sort of extended family.

He does altruistic deeds for other people seemingly without thanks, but sometimes he doesn't mind to grab a thing or two to keep for himself.

He hates it when people try to intimidate others and tell them what to do. He follows his own moral compass, which, although good, may not agree with that of society.

His bad side is that he trusts people too much, even when he just met them, this has led him into traps before, loosing money over it.
Zen talks a lot, sometimes saying things he didn't plan on saying.
His curiousity has also given him some trouble, having a hard time to not try and see what is going on with others or what is hidden in a chest he found.


  • Jewelry
  • Power
  • Burning anything he is allowed to
  • Making new friends
  • Expensive food


  • Being used
  • Having to wait a long time
  • A bad hair day
  • Cleaning

Motivations: He loves to travel and meet new people, explore places that no-one has ever seen, find the riches of the world, yet he still wants to gain more power so that he can aid those close to him and strike fear into anyone trying to go against him. He has both a good and a bad side, but becoming a mage will help him keep on the right track.


  • Selenophobia, fear of the moon, he has a feeling it can come crashing down at any moment, which is why he likes to do things during the day.
  • Aichmophobia, fear of needles, after having some bad experiances with needles he likes to stay away from them as far as possible.
  • Anuptaphobia, fear of staying single, he never understood why he feared it, perhaps it was because he thinks life is short and that in the time he has he might never find someone.

Positive Traits:

  • Deceitful (+2)
  • Diehard (+2)
  • Fortitude (+3)
  • Persuasive (+2)
  • Nimble Fingers (+2)
    Total: (11)

Negative Traits:

  • Ambitious (-1)
  • Bad Reputation (-1)
  • Curiosity (-1)
  • Envious (-1)
  • Extravagant (-1)
  • Greedy (-1)
  • Overconfident (-1)
  • Trusting (-2)
  • Talkative (-1)
  • Righteous (-1)
    Total: (11)


Magic: Fire Magic
Caster or Holder: Caster
Description: A form of Magic that revolves around the use of fire, allowing the caster to conjure, manipulate, and control the element for various purposes. The caster can change the properties of this Magic such as its "form", allowing it to take shape as a gas or solid element. The color of this Magic can also change, ranging from purple, red, blue and yellow. Fire Magic can also work in a similar fashion to explosives.The caster is able to conjure this element from various parts of their body or from the nearby surroundings, though it is possible for weapons to use fire as well.

Strengths: Fire Magic can be perfomed using any amount of fire, from raging infernos to the smallest spark, and enough magic energy to perform a spell, the bigger the source of fire the less magic energy is needed to add to the fire. Shaping the fire still requires its own amount of energy, the simpler it is the less magic is needed.

Fire Magic is obviously weak to Water Magic or strong enough Wind Magic, the user can use their own magical energy to create the fire, however this has obvious drawbacks of quickly depleating the user's magical energy and overtime causes sever burns on the user's body.


History: Zen Grew up in a place with a lot of violence, together with his father and his older brother, he did his best to protect his brother, even though he was older, his father was away a lot of the time thanks to his work as a merchant, while his mother died during childbirth, they spend most of his time outside their house, they would play with sticks and act like they were some sort of heros, his father being a merchant and was sometimes gone for days, and only after Zen became eight did he take both of them with him, not sure if it was safe to go with him when they were younger, Zen found some jewelry here and there along the way, but his father was the one that had actually hidden the jewelry, it was a gift for him and he didn't feel like telling him he was the one that hid them.

Around the age of 12 he and his brother went out to get food, but a bunch of thieves suddenly surrounded them, they grabbed his brother by the neck, threatening to harm him if he didn't give them money, yet even when he gave all the money they still said he needed to give more.

When he said he couldn't give them more they took his brother with them, saying that they will give him back once they get enough money for him, Zen bursts out in a rage, he ran after them, knocking out one of them with a plate he found at the side of the road, before being beat down by the others and left there on the street, when his father found him he told everything that happened, his father never let him play outside anymore and went to buy food himself, he didn't travel anymore either, focusing all his time on Zen.

Some years went by, Zen had constant nightmares, seeing what happened to his brother over and over again, he had a hard time getting over it, not sure how long he could take these nightmares. After a while he made a promise to himself, two actually, the first one was to get enough money to get his brother back, not even sure if he was still alive, the other was to never let anyone he cared about, get harmed again. Soon after this, he found out he could use magic and decided to start traveling, on his way to become a mage, a sure way to get his brother back, in the year he traveled he made some trouble here and there, stealing to be able to buy things, eventually getting quite rich of it, though he lost everything when he made a deal with a man who said he could make him "ten times as rich" he still hasn't learned a thing from it.

Last edited by Zen Serath on Fri Jun 06, 2014 3:45 pm; edited 2 times in total

2Zen Serath Empty Re: Zen Serath Fri Jun 06, 2014 3:25 pm


Hello, Zen

Could you please bold the sections and colons (the way it was done in the template) and add an appearance image on top?

3Zen Serath Empty Re: Zen Serath Fri Jun 06, 2014 3:36 pm

Zen Serath

Zen Serath
Edited, but can't seem to get the image right.

4Zen Serath Empty Re: Zen Serath Fri Jun 06, 2014 5:22 pm



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