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1Anthony Brinkley Empty Anthony Brinkley Sat May 17, 2014 2:00 pm

Anthony Brinkley

Anthony Brinkley

 Anthony Brinkley DJOxNdy
  "Never let anyone clip your wings of potential. "

Name(s): Anthony Brinkley
Nickname(s): Brink
Age: 24
Sex: Male
Birthday: September 22, X760
Sexuality: Straight
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Rank: Guild Master, S
Guild: Sabertooth
Guild Tattoo: lower right abdomen, golden yellow in color
Face Claim: Judar From MAGI


Height: 5’8
Weight: 132 Ibs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Red

General Appearance:

Anthony is a rather young looking individual for his age only looks as though he was in his teens, but truly is twenty four, though once people hear him speak it becomes rather clear he is older and wiser than people would have first given him credit for. Though he looks to be only a mere child compared to many of the people roaming around his mind, body, and the spirit he puts toward everything brings his age to life.

In addition to that, his rather slender frame doesn’t help though it does with the women of the guild for his well-toned body with a rippling six pack that is usually always exposed to the public for he truly isn’t shy. He tends to wear loose tank tops so they can easily be removed during battle… Or other things he may be doing, this is accompanied by black baggy pants that grow tight around his ankles giving them a rather puffy look around his calves, with this he wears rather simple black cotton shoes that only go up to his ankle and then stops not connecting or even coming close to touching his pants. While that is his usual dress sometimes he likes to mix it up and try different outfits and styles from all around the world never truly sticking with something simply as his normal attire.

Furthermore, though he is only 5’8 and 132 Ibs he truly is a man purely built of muscle and speed for he goes running every day before anyone in the guild gets up or does anything. This is so that he can think back on his life and keep his mind and body both in shape for the day. As well he has his silky black hair always down to his neck never any longer and has a unique look for his hair falls down in a way that it crosses near the bridge of his nose to form a near ‘X’ simply on his face which he finds cute and unique to separate him from everyone.

Moreover, he likes to have some jewelry on that was in his family and that also represents his imprisonment that he wishes never to forget so not to take his freedom for granted so he always wears five golden bracelet rings on his arms and five on his neck that has a ruby in the middle of them, though they can be taken off he only does so before battle and before he goes to sleep.

So in closing he is a well-toned individual that links to dress more casual than fancy unless he truly needs to for an event and has a rather wide variety of clothes he likes to wear or not wear… when he finds it is appropriate and so he doesn’t truly have any remarkable scars or defining marks other than his jewelry and his hair that falls in his face seeing as his brand from being enslaved was covered by his guild.  

Extra: N/a


Anthony is the Guild Master of sabertooth with this comes a level or seriousness you need to have learned to handle the upkeep of the guild, the members, and the guild board. So he tries to be as serious as possible when needed to be always getting straight forward answers and never shying away from telling someone something no matter what may or may not happen. For it is truly his job to be the most serious yet laid back person in the guild.


Though when he is around unknown people or enemies he is rather serious his demeanor changes to a mellow laid back person while around his friends and family though this is a rather rare occasion, at least for the family part when he is seen with his friends he is constantly joking and being sarcastic always finding a way to try and just relax and let life float by without doing too much extra work or putting forth reason to be hated by many or even liked by all…


In addition, even though he is the guild master he is rather new to the position and likes to show respect to those who he feels deserve it, also he tries to respect those below him if he sees they are putting forth an effort for once he was in the same position as they and doesn’t like to simply dog those for he has finally succeeded. Therefore, he tries to be the most respectful person he can be even though sometimes his sarcasm and bluntness takes away from his efforts.


Furthermore, though he can be respectful and serious he would much rather be mellow and sarcastic, this is because he would rather people hate him for himself than to love him for someone he truly isn’t. So when he finds someone that is rather close to him or under him to ask a silly question or point out the obvious expect to receive a rather sarcastic remark as he holds the most serious face to make you question your actions… Or rather simply get you in trouble for trying to do anything so idiotic or not doing something so self-explanatory to begin with.


Moreover, though he is a caring man, carefree at times and truly not caring about every detail in your life he is preserved to be an asshole, though he truly isn’t but may be to those of a weak hearted and minded nature for he is going to be rather blunt with you no matter who you are that is in his nature, and many people find blunt people to be rather mean and in a word an asshole.


While he is all of the above in one sense, or another it is all, but together to form a rather blunt person and will not hold back the truth from anyone, he feels that if no one else is going to blunt he will take the role and share his opinion or statements without hesitation though many can find this disrespectful he feels it is necessary for beating around the bush in some cases can be life or death, and he would rather save a life or fight for one then see someone die for his tongue was tied trying to find the wording to be nice.


Anthony has a rather carefree personality at times not truly caring what anyone thinks of him or how people believe he acts for truly he already knows what he is about and how he is and how he was raised, so with that he lives his life as carefree as he can only do what he has to and truly only caring about a very select few that cross his path. Though this is his true nature, he does not get to show it much for truly many people in the guild know him.


He is not simply known for his abilities during battle but also his intellect and contributions to the guild though they are not anything that can be truly named unless truly researching what makes what work, he did not do anything drastic that would be noticed simply by entering the guild but there are minor things he has done as helping build things and putting them in the places the former guild master requested.

-Calm Minded:

Finally, Anthony is a calm minded individual always thinking his plans, even though many believe he is hot headed  he truly isn’t simply knows how to argue and knows when he wants to prove a point, he never truly likes to yell unless joking for he feels those who have nothing to say is when you raise your voice. However, there are moments were he can slip and go into battle purely with not plan but through the battle he will always develop something planning his next moves with the most precision and trying not to be rash.


Therefore, Anthony is truly a simple man with a somewhat complex personality but can easily be figured out by his friends through enemies in battle will most likely view him to be hot headed, simply to do the deed that many people may not feel like doing. While he truly doesn’t show the enemy emotion he simply likes to act and respond to their actions to be respectful if they are and tries to always have a great battle while he can so not to spoil the moment and truly being a sportsmen that can be respected.


Even though he is the guild master and seems to be at the peak of his ability he loves to prove himself that his bounds are limitless and that he can do and stride toward anything and everything that is in his future. He will never truly seek a fight unless provoked however; he will definitely not back down from one or shy away simply for things are going directly in his favor for that is truly an aspect of battle that he loves.


He seems to be a rather dependable person for many men and woman see how he interacts with his little brother that is only thirteen years old and feels that he is a very patient and loyal man. With that he always tries to help those in his guild or that he finds to be of importunities to the guilds survival and his brothers, only doing things that are required other than finding missions for his guild so they can gain money and experience to grow stronger.


Seeing as he had to take care of his little brother for a young age he has learned to develop patients for others and himself. Also, he tries to be understanding in every aspect never letting him snap to a quick judgment and cloud his thinking so that he may truly be the most patient person that he can be.


  • -Brother
  • Guild members
  • Strong members
  • Responsible members
  • Cherry Blossoms
  • Strawberries
  • Snow
  • Cold
  • New Adventures
  • Testing his abilities
  • Watching the Guild grow
  • Sour or Sweet candy


  • Lazy people
  • Traitors
  • Weak minded individuals
  • His past
  • Dark guilds
  • His parents (Both now dead)
  • Slavery
  • Extremely warm weather (100+ degrees)
  • Spicy Food  
  • Needless Bloodshed


  • Little Brother: His little brother is quite literally his second world for he is always trying to make sure he is okay and focus on only him and his guild, while he is rather more leaning toward his brother for he has always been with him they have been alone in the world for so long because of his past that he has learned only to care for himself and his brother. Though this is a rather weird trait he is slowly coming over it because he is finally finding the guild to be more of a home.
  • The Guild: He is motivated by the guild souly for it truly will be one of the greatest legacies he will leave behind and would like to see it in a great amount of prosperity and joy when his time for death comes. Truly he doesn’t feel he is ready for this or the guild is able to survive without him so he is motivated to see the guild grow in number and in strength so that he can pass away in peace and leave everything else to his brother if he is strong enough by then. So therefore, his guild motivates him for it is his everything in one.
  • Becoming Strong: He feels as he is there is no way that strong people will follow him not because he physically lacks in any area but rather he doesn’t have the mental strength to deal with the death of his brother if it were ever to happen so he is more trying to become mentally strong so that he will never fail his guild. As well that he can lead them with an iron heart not to get in there way and always stick with his decision and to never lead them down the wrong path.
  • Finding Love: This motivates Anthony so that he can finally feel as though he has a family once more and be able to enjoy his life as it is and do what he pleases with the woman he comes to love, so therefore, it motivates him greatly to always take opportunities and meet the woman that walk into the guild so that he feel for once loved and at home not worried about anything only focused on his girl, the guild, and his younger brother. Trying to find the best way to support them and always keeping them safe.


  • Thanatophbia: This is simply because he doesn’t want to die without showing great success or dying before he knows his brother will be fully taken care of and be able to live life comfortably without worry of their past catching up to them.
  • Snakes: Same as spiders
  • Branders: He hates the sensation of the hot brand hitting his arm and the people who branded him in the first place, therefore, seeing as he doesn’t know the man who did it he hates all of them.
  • Spiders: He hates spiders for they are such small creatures yet so powerful and have the ability to kill anyone no matter how strong you are their poison is mostly one hundred percent of the time stronger than your body can handle.

Positive Traits:

  • Swift +3: You are fleet of foot. When running, you move three times your normal speed.
  • Agile +3: You are particularly flexible and poised.
  • Acrobatic +3: You have excellent body awareness and coordination.
  • Diligent +2: Your meticulousness allows you to analyze minute details that others miss.
  • Fortitude +3: You are tougher than normal. You can take more hits than the regular Joe.
  • High Society +2: You know good manners and were trained to handle social interactions in noble circles. This is useful in requests involving members of the highest levels of society, such as monarchs, nobles, courtiers, lords and ladies, and high-ranking clerics.

Negative Traits:

  • Derangement/Insanity (-3) (Bipolar Mood Disorder):  Due to circumstances beyond your control, you are permanently insane. You may have a congenital brain disorder, or perhaps you saw something mortals were never intended to lay eyes upon, and it drove you mad.
  • Dependent (-3) (Younger Brother):  You have a ward or charge that depends on you, usually a young child or elderly relative that needs you to provide for them and devote at least part of your time to them. In money terms, this will cost you five percent of your jewels a month. You may also be required to stay near home often in case you are needed
  • Branded (-2) (Was A Slave):You have fled for a crime committed and now have a prominent brand. You may have been a criminal, a slave, or some other such illicit individual. The brand is such that it cannot be easily covered, and a cursory search reveals it each time. Law enforcement agents of any lawful land will immediately take you into custody if they see the mark, for extradition or imprisonment. It is your choice as to whether or not you were falsely accused of the crime.
  • Dark Secret (-1) (Branded): You have some sort of secret that, if revealed, would make you an outcast amongst your society and companions. While this secret is on your mind at all times, it will come up in topics only once in a while, but when it does, watch out!
  • Daredevil (-2): You only really feel alive when you're staring death in the face. Your character is addicted to the thrill of death-defying stunts, pushing himsefl to the limit at every available opportunity
  • Reckless (-1): You lack the emotion of fear. Unfortunately, it is often an important cue that keeps men from doing foolhardy things. Sure, you don't flinch at the sight of even the most hideous monster, but neither do you feel the need to run away when outclassed.
  • Allergies (-1) (Raspberries):You are afflicted with allergies. These may be something as simple as hay fever, but the reactions to such will result in something like a huge bout of sneezing and gasping. You must mention this allergy in your character application.
  • Ambitious (-1): You crave power. Money is nice, but being in charge of other people is your favorite thing. You are likely to be brought down by attempting a risky grab for power and failing. Even when deals are risky you will give in and agree most of times.
  • Bravado (-2): You are rash in combat, refusing to show weakness by falling back from your enemies' blows. You either face it and stop it, or get hit in the progress. In addition, you cannot fight defensively.


Magic: Great frost arc

Caster or Holder: Caster

Black frost is a magic that truly was newly developed and seemed to have taken the personality of the man it blossomed from being a magic seemingly having two elements but truly only consisting of one and that would be frost, this magic gave control over manipulation to creation of it which includes snow, ice, frost, hail, blizzards, and much more. Though the difference is that it comes out black so it also has an aspect of darkness to it which let's for possible blinding with the correct spells.

This magic gives the user a great creativity aspect with their magic allowing for them to create and use the cold element to their advantage as to never truly get trapped with a spell bind or loop, also this gives the advantage of being able to blind an enemy with the right spell or ability. Also seeing as this is a rather unique form of ice it loses its disability with fire for truly he can just manipulate it back into snow, ice, or ect. While this is the normal strengths of the magic it also has a dual edge sword that his hands become extremely cold able to start frost bite on any part of a person’s body and it will progress post after post but this also means he doesn’t work well with teammates or he can’t touch his own body if needed to take out a weapon or stop a poison or something of that nature.

  • 1 post- Frost bite
  • 2 post- starts forming ice on area
  • 3 post- begins to go further from the area traveling slowly
  • 4 post- covers half the touched part unless chest then it is ¼
  • 5 post- covers full limb making it unusable without further treatment
  • 6 post- limbs are damaged at the nerves and will take immediate medical care
  • 7 post- limbs fall off
  • 8 post- spread across body
  • 9 post- covers post of body
  • 10 post- complete body is frozen solid will take an outside source to free person or creature.

Even though this magic is rather powerful for an ice magic it is a dual edge sword giving it many weaknesses such as light for an example is now one of the weaknesses for this magic because of the slight darkness aspect of it therefore it loses a rank of power when against a magic spell or can take one less hit. In addition, to this it also still have a weakness to heat but has to be a rather concentrated and high level of heat slow to lava temperature or above. However, it is a dual edge sword magic for his body temperature slowly drops over the course of battle as he uses spells for they are such a cold temperature and after ten post of constant combat his body reaches zero degrees and he won’t be able to move for three post while his body comes back seeing as his heart still is slowly pumping blood. Therefore, this magic is dangerous to both the user and the target for it is a battle to see who will drop first and thus truly being a magic of desire if you are striving for power, but also an unwanted curse.
(The effect starts after his first spell used per topic.)

Anthony doesn’t remember much of his life for truly it was a daily routine from a very young age he was enslaved forced to work mining magical crystals for some black market company, him and his young brother ace they would lose both their parents at a young age for the leader of the operation would want no way for the kids he took to be able to find their homes once more and his operation to be destroyed. So with that their childhood would be taken from them and their bodies permanently branded with a former minor dark guild emblem so even if they were found they would simply be tossed aside by society only to be killed by starvation for they couldn’t find another place to go.

Therefore, this was when his hatred for dark guilds and people who hurt his brother started to grow, not only did it grow up so did his magic abilities for he had for some odd reason started to take in some of the magic from the crystals they were being forced to mine so his abilities would sky rocket day after day only to be suppressed by the magic ankle lock they were forced to wear. It not only suppressed their magic if they had any but was supposed to stop this side effect from happening so that a rebellion didn’t arise however, he was luck in a way that he would have a defected one and would slowly day by day grow to new heights that he couldn’t even have dreamed of before. So through the years he would be chained to that hell hole his magic would grow and his bond with his brother as well, he would give his brother most to his food so that he could survive even if his brother had to die.

In addition, to this he would slowly start to develop a magic that would somewhat represent his our look on life it would slowly freeze of his lock day after day though it would be black to match the color of the lock so they would never know what was truly going on until one day he would break free of his shackles for they couldn’t reset the cold much more and would sprint to get his brother and would shockingly break his lock on touch for his magic was seemingly pouring out of him and he would not be able to control it he would accidently freeze his brothers left leg nearly solid and would back up in horror and shock. Though this would be the mark of their escape it wouldn’t be because of his power but rather the magic council barging in after their twelve year search for this group of people. They would suppress Anthony’s power and would try and repair aces leg however with no success it had seemed he wouldn’t be able to walk for the rest of his life as he was, this Anthony took to be his fault and would lean toward the MC for help.

Therefore, in the next ten years they would spend time taking care of his brother in turn for him to perfect his magic to a level that he would be able to obtain the title of a guild master and try and lead the legal guild to a more safe and calm nature so that wizards didn’t take away time from them so they could focus their efforts on more important matters and events. Though the training would be an outstanding success and his brother was able to slowly get his motion back in his left leg though still mostly useless for it seemed his brother was among the few born without the ability to learn magic and therefore his body wasn’t able to use its natural magic to try and stop the magic ice from reaching into the bone of his leg and the very muscles so it would solidify and would slowly melt as time went by and they estimated that he would be able to walk again once he reached the age of twenty five.

Finally after his training he would spend the next two years traveling getting combat experience fighting with the magic councils rune knights to learn how to control his magic not simply to kill but to defeat the enemy for he wasn’t a killer by any means, though he could be if needed never shying from battle he would learn many things as time went by and when the magic council felt he was ready for his position they would make over his brand the sabertooth guild tattoo and would send him to travel there as their new guild master so that he could start his new adventure and try and change the way people viewed magicians drastically….

Last edited by Brink on Tue May 20, 2014 10:00 am; edited 1 time in total

2Anthony Brinkley Empty Re: Anthony Brinkley Sun May 18, 2014 10:52 am

Anthony Brinkley

Anthony Brinkley

3Anthony Brinkley Empty Re: Anthony Brinkley Tue May 20, 2014 5:21 am



Since you PMed me about your app I'm going to quickly review your magic.

1) Black frost is a magic that truly was newly developed and seemed to have taken the personality of the man it blossomed from being a magic seemingly having two elements but truly only consisting of one and that would be frost, this magic gave control over manipulation to creation of it which includes snow, ice, frost, hail, blizzards, and much more.

Okay, dual element. Therefore considered banned. I believe Sabertooth still has a spot open for a banned magic therefore the magic should be possible.

2) Though the difference is that it comes out black so it also has an aspect of darkness which this magic actually takes an additional 10 mana to cast a said spell for it contains his magic and will take away the ability to sense him after a spell is cast for his magic would still be in the area and would not allow for a pinpoint spot of him and also it hold the factor that if hitting them in the eyes or surround them in per say a dome they would lose their site while he would still be able to see them and their actions.

This part confuses me. This is what I got out of it:

  • It costs 10 MP extra to cast a spell.
  • Once you cast a spell people can't sense your location anymore.

Taking away sight completely is considered a 100% debuff of the sight aspect therefore it can't be incorporated as a regular aspect of your magic. I'd recommend taking that out and the 10 MP extra as well cause otherwise you'd have to pay too much.

3) While this is the normal strengths of the magic it also has a dual edge sword that his hands become extremely cold able to start frost bite on any part of a person’s body and it will progress post after post but this also means he doesn’t work well with teammates or he can’t touch his own body if needed to take out a weapon or stop a poison or something of that nature.

Once you cast your first spell, does the effect begin to take the place? If so, this would mean that after your first spell you'd have ten posts to wrap up a battle. I can live with this drawback because we once made a Great Tree Arc user have a drawback that once his magic would come below a certain point he would turn into a tree permanently.

Once you clarify my questions, I'd like you to change the name of your magic to Great Frost Arc to identify it as a banned magic.

4Anthony Brinkley Empty Re: Anthony Brinkley Tue May 20, 2014 10:02 am

Anthony Brinkley

Anthony Brinkley

5Anthony Brinkley Empty Re: Anthony Brinkley Wed May 21, 2014 1:07 am

Warren Dent

Warren Dent
Well looks like you edited all that he said so its an approval unless he is like "HOLD UP, NOPE, FIX DIS DIS AND DIS."

Welcome to the site little brother :D


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