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1Kuroe Lunapose Empty Kuroe Lunapose Fri Apr 18, 2014 12:25 am

Kuroe Lunapose

Kuroe Lunapose

Kuroe Lunapose Come_810
  "Konichiwa lovelies!~ Who would like to make a friend today-desu!?~"

Name(s): Kuroe Lunapose
Nickname(s): Medusa, Little helper
Age: 15
Sex: Female
Birthday: May 5, X764
Sexuality: Pansexual
Class: Mystic
Alignment: Neutral Good
Rank: D
Guild: Blue Pegasus
Guild Tattoo: Just above the belly button, teal in color
Face Claim: Karen Kujo – Kiniro Moziac (KINMOZA)


Height: 5’ 2”
Weight: 110 lbs
Hair: Long straight blonde hair, always blushed and managed perfectly and carefully, with a small bun in the top left side of her head with a small portion of her hair.
Eyes: Gray, sometimes to be confused with a shade of blue or purple.
General Appearance: Kuroe is a very classy acting lady when it comes to appearances, or at least she tries to do her best while still looking her classiest for her guildmates. She has long blonde hair which she usually keeps down and always keeps finely brushed and nurtured. She also likes to keep a small bun in the back left side of her head for fun. She usually wears a little white shirt with a sky blue mini skirt with a bluejacket with it covered with the British flag print on it. No matter what, in normal clothing, Kuroe will always wear this jacket, or a hooded jacket with the same print on it as well, to cover up her scars and bruises. Kuroe also does love to wear dresses and cosplay in outfits, even when she isn't working in the guild.
Extra: n/a


Personality: Kuroe is a very gentle and caring person when she is in a good mood. She loves to be friendly and open with others, playing around and having a good time with whomever it may be that she meets. Granted she does still hide her past from others, she can't help but try to keep on positive notes and occasionally become in denial until someone confronts her about it. She dies however love to make people happy in any way that she can, which makes her a bit of a people pleaser, but the events from her past made it just that much harder for Kuroe to be able to live a normal life and make friends, rather than be a shut in abuse victim with nobody to turn to in the need of help. Despite that, Kuroe's overly happy self if just something to hide her long stemming depression from her abuse, which only makes her into a loner who seeks others approval, thus referring back to the people pleasing aspect of her personality. She is very into making girls happy with pampering them in ANY which way to gain approval, and men is practically the same way, though she looks to have a male idol to replace the missing aspect of a father figure in her life, as well as an approving mother figure.

  • Helping others
  • Pampering herself and others
  • Blue Pegasus
  • Cosplaying
  • Cleanliness
  • Working in Blue Pegasus

  • Scissors
  • Dirt
  • Unjustified murders
  • Abusers
  • Humidity
  • Losing her home and guild

  • Keeping Blue Pegasus as high classes as the guild is proclaimed to be makes Kuroe highly delighted for whatever she may want to have to do in order to keep the reputation she wants to keep in tact.
  • Making sure she looks her absolute best no matter what she wears is another goal that Kuroe follows as much as she can, trying to be fitting to her guild.
  • Making people happy is among her biggest goal in her life. She loves to make people feel happy and is willing to bend a few lines for it.

  • Going bald is a fear that Kuroe fears she never has to face until after she dies. She loves her hair, it's mainly her only friend and she could never think to imagine herself without it.
  • Losing Blue Pegasus and her literal home is first off the same thing, and secondly would cause her severe depression in losing the one part of her life that had
  • The fear of repeating her abuse haunts her in her sleep every night and even during the day when she sees arguing out of the blue.
    Positive Traits:
  • High Society (+2): You know good manners and were trained to handle social interactions in noble circles. This is useful in requests involving members of the highest levels of society, such as monarchs, nobles, courtiers, lords and ladies, and high-ranking clerics.
  • Nimble Fingers (+2): You are adept at manipulating small, delicate objects. This involves things such as a small mechanics and locks.
  • Enhanced Strength (+3): Your character is slightly stronger than other characters when it comes to physical strength.
  • Diligent (+2): Your meticulousness allows you to analyze minute details that others miss.
  • Acrobatic (+3): You have excellent body awareness and coordination.
  • Agile (+3): You are particularly flexible and poised.
  • Alertness (+2): You have finely tuned senses.

    (Total: 17)

    Negative Traits:
  • Cowardly (-2): You have a strong sense of self-preservation. You often hesitate to put yourself at risk, even if there's a good reason to do so. In dangerous circumstances, you are likely to run away. Even if there is a slight chance that you might be able to save your friends, you cower and run away.
  • Dark Secret (-1): You have some sort of secret that, if revealed, would make you an outcast amongst your society and companions. While this secret is on your mind at all times, it will come up in topics only once in a while, but when it does, watch out! [Kuroe's dark secret is that she is a former abused runaway child working in Blue Pegasus for shelter and protection.]
  • Derangement/Insanity (-3): Due to circumstances beyond your control, you are permanently insane. You may have a congenital brain disorder, or perhaps you saw something mortals were never intended to lay eyes upon, and it drove you mad.
    Choose a Derangement/Insanity for your character from the lists below. Though the list is by no means exhaustive, the following options are ones that have been presented in game terms and that have definable--and most times numerical--penalties.
  • Compulsions: The character insists on performing ritual actions, such as touching a doorway at left, right, and top before passing through it. Though she may agree that the actions are senseless, the need to perform them is overpowering. [Kuroe's compulsion is more verbal than physical, but she says "desu" at the end of every 1-3 sentences, usually in the end of an entire explanation.]
  • Phobia: A character afflicted by a phobia persistently fears a particular object or situation. She realizes that the fear is excessive and irrational, but the fear is disturbing enough that she avoids the stimulus. [Kuroe's big phobia is of abuse. She cannot stand the slightest bit of what can be construed to be abuse in any way.]
  • Motor Tension: Jitteriness, aches, twitches, restlessness, easily startled, easily fatigued, and so on. All attack rolls, Fortitude and Relfex saves, and all checks involving Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution take a -2 penalty. [Kuroe has aches from her old abuse. She gets them from time to time when she is touched in certain areas of scars or bruises or even falls over.]
  • Vulnerable (-3): You are not very good at defending yourself and moving out of harm's way. In combat you take hits easily, in roleplay terms this means that you can only dodge one out of three attacks, regardless of how easy it was.
  • Trusting (-2): You don't like to believe that other people are capable of misleading and lying to you. After all, people are basically good, right?

(Total: 17)

Magic: Hair Magic
Caster or Holder: Caster
Description: It is a type of offensive and defensive Magic that involves the manipulation of the caster's hair, allowing them to lengthen and transform it for attacking their opponent. The caster is able to control their hair freely and use it for various purposes; apparently, the strength of the hair can also be manipulated to something much stronger, for usage such as binding a fully-grown person. Simple techniques include using one's hair to absorb liquids, though apparently not oil as it "damages" the texture, and even as a simple weapon for blunt attacks. More advanced Mages, even by tunneling it through the ground, can grow their hair or even reduce it in length, within a matter of seconds and without difficulty, the user can even raise the temperature to make it hot enough to burn one's skin, supposedly permanently. Another use of Hair Magic is actually transforming the shape of it; the caster's hair can be transformed into something simple as a Guild mark or as complex as a live animal, namely a beast. The caster of this magic is also capable of forming projectiles.
Strengths: This magic is truly strong as it's able to be used to create weapons and creatures, as well as ropes to bind people with. Further to the point, it's able to be used as both an offense and a defense, and even as a grappling hook, allowing the user to reach hard to get to places. The fact that the hair can be turned into different elements depending on the color of it also helps (e.g. Ginger - fire, white - ice, blue - burning hot water etc.)
Weaknesses: This magic causes the user to be at risk, as this is part of their body that they're using as a weapon. It's also important to realize that, rather like sampson, this magic's strength lies in the hair. If the user is scalped, or bald, this magic is completely unusable. It also always ends up with the user having long hair whether they want it or not, meaning it drastically changes the appearance of the user. It's also weak against oil and other hair-damaging styles of chemicals (e.g. smoke, oil, grime, etc.)


History: Life for Kuroe was a hard thing to go on as she was born and raised. Her mother, Julie was a single mom to a dead beat dad who walked out on her when she had told him she was pregnant. Needless to say that it never went in any good directions. Though she had stayed sane and happy during her pregnancy, Julie had been a little more on the fast track to a very.. unfortunate path. Once Kuroe was born, Julie began her spiral. She began to smoke and drink lightly. This was only during her time that Kuroe was apart of her infancy stage. Once she was a toddler, Kuroe had begun to get into "accidents" on occasion. They weren't much, but the girl was on the long haul of abuse as she grew old enough to enter school. She was kept out most days, sitting at home doing chores so she wouldn't get beat when her mother got home from work, only to receive it when she had been found out that she never went to school. It never mattered that Julie told her not to go, but then beat her for it, she had an excuse either way.

Her abuse grew worse over the years though. They began to go from simple punches and the occasional kick to cigarette burns on her arms. She took them in stride, her mental capacity turning on her that she could consider this to be love and would never WANT this to happen, but when she had been subjected to another daily beating, she could only ever consider it to be nothing less than her giving her a little bit of love. Kuroe slowly began to spiral down depression herself. She had begun to refuse to go outside, leave for school, and only do the chores around the house to please her abusive mother. She began to cut her arms so she could get up the courage to end it all at once, but she had never once been able to do it. Every day she would try to move closer to her wrists to cut herself and end it all, or so she had hoped.

One day, she had been alone in her bathroom with the kitchen knife at her wrist. Her arms were trembling at the thought of just ending it all, when she had felt something soft wrap around her wrist and pull it away from her wrist. She looked down, seeing an extended look of her own hair, and she dropped the knife and screamed. The hair wrapped around her mouth and began to act with a mind of its own. It grabbed some paper and a pen and wrote down on a paper telling her not to do it. She was told she wasn't to do anything like that again, that she had her hair as a tool to defend against her mother and as a friend, so long as she returned the favor of pampering her. She responded with a smile and nodding, immediately grabbing a brush and began her somewhat of a pact with her new and only friend. In the following day, more so in the evening of that day, Julie had returned from home and she wreaked of booze. Kuroe happily greeted her, and her mother returned it with a lamp being swung into her chest and fracturing a rib. Her new friend had gone and reacted by wrapping itself around the woman and chocking her. Kuroe begged and pleaded for it to stop. After the woman lost consciousness, the hair had let her go, and Kuroe looked in shock at what just happened. She took a step back, then two, then headed for the door and never looked back.

She wandered around with nothing more than what was on her back, and she had just a single hair brush and a few jewels she had taken from her mothers purse when she was out cold drunk. Kuroe walked around all night into them morning with nothing to do but keep brushing her hair out, and she had begun to speak with her hair internally, more so it spoke to her and she had responded to it aloud, not that she minded. People began to see her walking around with wild living hair, and she began to be called Medusa, being similar slightly in how she had them moving around from time to time. Over the course of a little while, she had gone to the extent of coming to an agreement with her friend in keeping a low profile while she was out. Before long, she was approached by a young male mage, claiming to have seen her hair and referring to her as Medusa as she was called around the neighborhood. He offered her a little exchange of working in the guild in exchange of shelter and free reign of taking any missions to help herself get onto her feet. Kuroe became excited, and she hugged onto him and nodded happily in acceptance. She followed him into the guild and he printed her on her stomach, just above her belly button and she had been rather happy since in taking up her second chance in Blue Pegasus and hiding up her former scars and bruises with long sleeved clothing and luckily for her not seeing any of her bruises on her body in placing her stamp.

Last edited by Kuroe Lunapose on Sat Apr 19, 2014 3:39 am; edited 1 time in total

2Kuroe Lunapose Empty Re: Kuroe Lunapose Fri Apr 18, 2014 11:31 pm

Kuroe Lunapose

Kuroe Lunapose

3Kuroe Lunapose Empty Re: Kuroe Lunapose Sat Apr 19, 2014 3:33 am

Azabel Poppins

Azabel Poppins
Recalculate traits. :D

4Kuroe Lunapose Empty Re: Kuroe Lunapose Sat Apr 19, 2014 3:39 am

Kuroe Lunapose

Kuroe Lunapose
Fixed up for you!~

5Kuroe Lunapose Empty Re: Kuroe Lunapose Sat Apr 19, 2014 3:40 am

Azabel Poppins

Azabel Poppins
Approved <3

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