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1Lieutenant Darian Bricker  Empty Lieutenant Darian Bricker Thu Mar 20, 2014 9:35 pm

Darian Bricker

Darian Bricker

   Lieutenant Darian Bricker  B2202346-f26f-467c-b887-a317a43f602a_zps7f4919c3
   "My blade stands for justice"

Name(s): Darian Bricker
Nickname(s): The Black Knight, Lieutenant, Darry[only called that by Adalee and Creed]
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Birthday: 7 February X753
Sexuality: Straight
Class: Scout
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Rank: D
Guild: Rune Knights
Guild Tattoo: On his right bicep in Dark Red
Face Claim: Zelgius-Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn


Height: 6'3
Weight: 200 lbs
Hair: Indigo
Eyes: Green
General Appearance:
Without his helmet:
The 27 year old frame of Darian Bricker is quite tall: spanning well over six feet. Six feet and three inches, to be precise-- leaving him tall enough to tower over his teammates of Adalee and Creed Parris by one foot and six inches respectively. He has often been told he has an intimidating presence, which could be attributed to his height, though his attire may heavily contribute to it as well. On duty he typically wears a full armor set: black with silver trim, paired with a red cape: perfect for attempting succeeding in looking heroic in the wind. The black armor has left such an impression on those that it initiated his nickname “The Black Knight.”

Beneath the armor, however lies a rather attractive man. When his helmet is removed, one can see how attractive the man that is underneath is. While he has long grown out of the “boyish charm” phase, Darian’s looks are rather complimented with his calm mature appearance. His indigo locks, which are of a medium length accent his striking green eyes. His body beneath the armor is striking also: well toned, after years of training, and swinging a broad sword around. It is apparent from just looking at him, that the man is strong and well suited for feats of strength. This can better be seen when he is off duty-- a time that he chooses not to be encased in armor, and instead opts for more casual (and likely more) comfortable clothes.
Extra: N/A


Personality: Darian in one word. Devotion. He fully commits to everything he does. Utterly devoted to his work as a Rune Knight, his family, and his craft. He borders on obsessive or fanatical. Darian since a young age has been instilled with a deep sense of honor. Living strictly by his morale compass. His friends Adalee and Creed give him purpose, which in turn gives him drive. He can then parlay this drive to achieve great things. He is calm and collected seldom losing his cool. Darian will be the first to admit that he is bias to many things but, he is a person of reason. He allows himself to change his mind and make on field decisions seamlessly. Darian enjoys joking around with fellow comrades very much. he has a warm heart constantly on the lookout for fellow citizens and Rune Knights in need. His selflessness has earned him the nickname The Knight and Big Brother Darian amongst the younger generation. There is nothing more fulfilling for him then helping the people without resorting to blood shed. He is however a tempered and seasoned killer. When he battles he steels his heart and does what needs to be done, so long as it does not conflict with his morale code. Darian cherishes the lives of all those under his command and makes the best possible choices for them.

Darian is stubborn on things that he believes to be right and true. Like not abandoning someone in need. But off duty Darian has shown to be a person who loves to help Adalee's father in the smith since he is truly grateful to them for allowing him to have a good life. When not around his friends and family, Darian is seen in the slums aiding the old and young. The children in the poor district especially love Darian calling him Big Brother Darian or the Knight of justice. He usually is seen playing with the kids and carrying them on his shoulders hoping to drive them to a better path than where most go in the slums. Around Adalee though Darian has shown to avert his gaze from her since he has a what would be called a schoolboy crush on her. Making it tough for him to talk to her usually being tongue tied or just hiding his face with his helmet. Around Creed though he is calm and like a wise older brother helping him strive to become stronger. In combat Darian is a ruthless and strong opponent showing no weakness and as immovable as the earth he controls with Gawain. He is a great leader when Adalee is off duty organizing the troops with ease since they respect and envy Darian's sense of justice.

  • Training (particularly with Creed and dear friend, Adalee)
  • Eating a good meal
  • Adalee (Even though he hides it he has a crush on her)
  • Helping the defenseless
  • Has a love for the four legged creatures mainly Dogs
  • Doing missions with Adalee and Creed
  • A nice summers day
  • Training new recruits
  • A good book


  • Those who attack the weak
  • Water since he cant swim
  • Losing a fight
  • Adalees and Creeds antics
  • People that make excuses
  • People that do not try their hardest
  • People that give up
  • Most forms of liquor
  • Spicy foods


  • One of the ways that Darian stays motivated is through friendly competition with Adalee and Creed. Since he wishes to protect them with all his strength, he always wants to get stronger through sparring with them.
  • Darian's one true motivation in this world is to become stronger and help those who are weak. He shows this by standing up for those who cannot fight for themselves such as the elderly and young since he knows how it feels to be in there place. He feels this can be accomplished by serving the community-- finding that those who need to be punished, as determined by the laws (and himself) are set to justice.


  • Drowning since he cant swim: With his fear of large bodies of water Darian never learned to swim so he fears falling into rivers thinking he will drown.
  • Losing his adoptive family: Even though they aren't actually his family Darian has a severe fear of losing Adalee or Creed so he strives to keep them alive.
  • Unable to save those who are weak: Darian's greatest fear is being incapable of saving those who cant fight making him strive to become stronger to save all those who can fend for themselves.

Positive Traits:

  • Daunting Presence (+2): You are skilled at inducing fear in your opponents.
  • Enhanced Strength (+3): Your character is slightly stronger than other characters when it comes to physical strength.
  • Fortitude (+3): You are tougher than normal. You can take more hits than the regular Joe.
  • Diehard (+2): You can remain conscious after attacks that would fell others.

Negative Traits:

  • Bravado (-2): You are rash in combat, refusing to show weakness by falling back from your enemies' blows. You either face it and stop it, or get hit in the progress. In addition, you cannot fight defensively.
  • Clumsiness (-1): You have the unfortunate habit of dropping things, knocking things over, or tripping. Once per battle the opponent can call upon your clumsiness and easily dodge one of your attacks.
  • Compulsive Honesty (-2): You cannot tell a lie, nor can you behave in a deceitful fashion. You tend to be blunt rather than tactful, even if it means insulting someone who you and your companions are trying to impress.
  • Curiosity (-1): You're a naturally curious person and you find mysteries of any sort irresistible. In most circumstances, alas, your curiosity overrides your common sense. This forces you to investigate something unusual, even if it looks like it might be dangerous.
  • Inattentive (-1): Your mind has a habit of drifting off at inopportune moments. It flits from one thought to the next so fast that you have trouble getting it to concentrate on the here and now. As such, you are particularly unaware of your surroundings.
  • Judgmental (-1): You form opinions quickly and change them very slowly. You also have a tendency to judge people on their appearance. A man dressed as a pirate, no matter how gentlemanly, is a scoundrel and a dog as far as you is concerned. A man covered in mud is a peasant, and a woman wearing revealing clothing is a prostitute.
  • Righteous (-1): The end justifies the means. You are willing to perform morally repugnant actions in order to achieve noble goals. Unfortunately, this can alienate those people who might support your cause if you didn't use such heavy-handed methods.
  • Tongue-Tied (-1): This disadvantage comes up whenever you try to discuss anything of importance and relay pressing information and such. You have the tendency to incorrectly state facts, forget or mix up names, and generally say the wrong thing.


Magic: Gawain: Blade of Shattering Earth
Caster or Holder: Holder
Description: As with all the blades in the Parris family Gawain is one of there ancient blades passed down through the family. But since Darian wasnt a born family member he was not meant to receive a blade but since Adalee's father saw greatness in Darian he decided to give him a blade which was there great grandfathers. He is able to use the blade as a typical sword, but while holding it, she also gains the abilities to summon earth spells that can augment the sword, summon earthquakes and walls of stone that can be cast both offensively and defensively (to protect the user and holder item against magic attacks). Spells include Earthquakes, fissures, and walls, as well as domes of earth. At it's higher rank, the blade can create the form of its inner personification of a massive rock golem named Gawain but this requires Darian to be ontop of the golem while holding the blade as it is stabbed into the stone.
Strengths: Because Gawain is a sword that channels the user's magical energy into earth magic, it allows for a significant elemental advantage against fire and lightning magics. Another strength is that Darian's broadsword is his holder item this means that as the sword itself can cause damage beyond the earth spells that it makes. Because Gawain is a magical weapon, it cannot be broken as a regular non-magic imbued sword could. An obvious strength is that the sword allows the him to cast all two types of spells: offensive (creating earthquakes and throwing boulders that cause damage to opponents), defensive (creating shields of massive earth to prevent damage from being taken).
Weaknesses: Because Gawain manipulates the user's magic into earth spells, it has distinct elemental weaknesses including Water and Air based magics. It is also possible to be be countered by other earth users. Depending on magic rank comparisons, a mage that completely manipulate earth may be able to remain unaffected by Darian's spells. Similarly, his earth can be eaten by the earth dragon slayer if an encounter were to happen. Since Gawain: Blade of Shattering Earth is a holder item, the holder loses his magic capabilities if he does not have possession of the blade. This means that if an opponent is skilled at disarming, Darian would have a severe disadvantage.


History: Being born in the poor district of Era, Darian had it hard as most of the kids born in that district most would die from a disease in the slums or in Darian's case be abandoned at the age of 5 as his parents were taken by the disease leaving him to fend for himself. The boy had a knack for survival though stealing apples from traveling merchants for food but his one true love was to watch the rune knights he envied there armor there swords and even what they stood for. He had a good sense of justice even at that young of an age which could be seen as he tried countless times to steal apples and other foods from the traveling merchants to feed the old and young in the slums. He began to call himself a knight of justice and carried a rather large stick around which he called his trusty sword. Even for his age Darian was rather tall and intimidating to the other kids  which made them not want to tease the boy afraid he might beat them over the head with the massive stick he carried around.

Around the age of 8 Darian's curiosity got the better of him as he saw a girl who seemed to be just a few years younger than him but for some reason he felt like he and the girl had a common interest and the following month he began to watch her from afar as she trained with an actual sword which he envied more than anything. He kept thinking why couldn't he have been born in that family and have a loving mother and father which he had no recollection of since losing them at a young age. A year went by as Darian continued to watch her train everyday but something was different this day she came without her blade and the kids that usually left her alone approached her and began to beat her up by kicking at her and punched her while she was down. Darian's sense of being the knight of justice his self proclaimed title resurfaced as he rushed to her and began to pummel the boys they ran frightened because of the 9 year old massive size and the equally large stick which he carried. As they ran away Darian helped the girl back to her house where her parents were happy to see that someone had helped her. They invited him to have dinner which he graciously accepted since he never had a truly home cooked meal. That was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

The girl began to seek out Darian days after that her name was Adalee Parris but he called her Addie for short just mainly because he couldn't pronounce her name. But as there friendship blossomed Darian began to take a liking to the girl but he kept it hidden as he stayed the silent type but enjoyed the days she would come and teach him swordsmanship. It was something he loved more than anything was the day she brought him one of her hand me down swords which he cherished. He trained with her everyday and went on mini quests with her and as the years went by Darian now 12 and Adalee now 8 his visits to her house became more frequent since he had no actual home of his own the Parris family decided to take in the boy since he was like part of there family. He kept his last name Bricker but lived with the Parris family and even was schooled in swordsmanship by Adalees father. Her father was amazed at Darians strengths with a sword and with his height now at a whopping 5'9 at the age of 13 he decided to move Darian to a broad sword. He grew a liking to the massive blade as he trained with Adalee and Creed who was just starting his training.

4 years went by as Darian was now 17 and Adalee was 13 and around this age the Parris family bestowed one of the treasured twin blades to her. Darian was envious of how she got magical blade which was a most used weapon for Rune Knights the other blade was on reserve for Creed when he reached the age. Darian was ecstatic for Adalee as she showed him the blade but deep down he was sad knowing that he wasn't there actually family he wouldn't get a blade like her and creed. Adalee's father saw the sadness in Darian and consoled him. Another 3 years went by Adalee was now 16 and Darian was 20 with nowhere to go Darian stayed with the Parris family and helped around the house as Adalee entered the rune knights which made Darian proud but still deep down he was sad knowing there was no way he would be able to become a Rune Knight since he wasnt of noble birth. Adalee's father still knew of Darian's sadness even over these long 4 years and decided it was time to approach him saying meet him in the armory tonight. Darian was wondering what his adoptive father wanted as he entered the armory blades mounted all around him the father presented Darian with a massive broadsword which was kept on the mantle of the fireplace. This blade was passed own the Parris family line it was his great grandfathers blade called Gawain a magical blade that had the power shatter the earth around it with one swing. "Even if you are not my blood you are like a son to me, even though i could not give you this blade when you turned 13 i wanted to wait till you were worthy enough for it, which i knew you were the moment you helped my daughter all those long years ago" those were the words he said as he gave the massive blade to Darian.

Darian stayed in the Parris family house helping to train Creed until his coming of age when he was given the second blade. He rarely saw Adalee these years as he began to master the blade Gwain hoping to someday still join the Rune Knights and help Adalee with her job. Darian now 27 and standing at a massive 6'3 towering above his adoptive father and mother and even Adalee and Creed. On a fateful day Adalee approached both Creed and Darian wishing them to join the Rune Knights with glee they both accepted. It didn't take long for Darian to move up through the ranks of the Rune knights making it all the way to rank of Lieutenant just a rank below Adalee. With his strength and mastery of the blade Gwain was the reason why he made it through the ranks so fast. Upon getting his armor and reputation they gave him the nickname The Black Knight since his armor was black and his daunting presence matched the armors look. Even as he hid it Darian still had a crush on Adalee but kept it to himself as he teamed up with her and Creed to become a fearsome team of Rune Knights.

Last edited by Darian on Wed Apr 02, 2014 1:36 am; edited 3 times in total

2Lieutenant Darian Bricker  Empty Re: Lieutenant Darian Bricker Thu Mar 27, 2014 5:19 pm

Darian Bricker

Darian Bricker

3Lieutenant Darian Bricker  Empty Re: Lieutenant Darian Bricker Fri Mar 28, 2014 8:24 pm

Aoi Mitsurugi

Aoi Mitsurugi
So, I'll begin here with this; you are not allowed B rank, as you already have a character you were given A rank for, so Darian will have to be started at D rank.

For your magic, you have at least three magics in this one. Being this is no actual maker magic, you will need to remove the summoning and the ability to turn your holder weapon into the name from which it belongs. Reason being that once you do that, you'll be completely left open for attacks and unable to cast any other spells because of the fact the possession of said holder weapon will not be able to be used for spells regardless of anything.

Bump when edited.

4Lieutenant Darian Bricker  Empty Re: Lieutenant Darian Bricker Sat Mar 29, 2014 4:45 pm

Darian Bricker

Darian Bricker

5Lieutenant Darian Bricker  Empty Re: Lieutenant Darian Bricker Mon Apr 07, 2014 11:07 pm

Darian Bricker

Darian Bricker
Can i get this approved or no

6Lieutenant Darian Bricker  Empty Re: Lieutenant Darian Bricker Wed Apr 09, 2014 10:07 pm

Aoi Mitsurugi

Aoi Mitsurugi
Not with that attitude you can't~ Approved~

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