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1Raijin Takashi Empty Raijin Takashi Mon Mar 24, 2014 5:40 am

Raijin Takashi

Raijin Takashi

   Raijin Takashi NinjaNii

Name(s): Raijin Takashi
Nickname(s): Rolling River, Life Force of the Slums, True Freeman.
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Birthday: Janurary 9, X761
Sexuality: Straight.
Class: Mystic
Alignment: True Neutral.
Rank: D
Guild: Fairy Tale
Guild Tattoo: Back of the neck.
Face Claim: Sasuke Uchiha-Naruto (I wish I found better T.T XD)


Height: 6'4"
Weight: 220 pounds.
Hair: A wavy brown with a feathery consistency.
Eyes: A set of calm purple eyes.
General Appearance: Face- He has a rather natural face. A square jaw line and a chin that is more of a stub. He has pure purple eyes that have a simple shimmer in them. He has a nose that is rather normal. Not too fat, nor too long. It is more of a simple nose that is sometimes barely noticeable.  He has naturally curved eyebrows that can show his personality quite easy. He has a scar that split his right eyebrow at the far end of his face. Nearly making it's curve look lackluster to the one on the left. He also has a scar on the side of his cheek. These scars are from the street fights he got in. He has rather thin lips that contort into various different grins.

Body Type- Athletic. His chest is a natural, solid barrel. This means he has quite high amount of physical power and endurance. His shoulders are rather broad and can come off as imposing. The man also is rather strong from these due to the fact he has a strong center of gravity. His stomach is rather toned into a six pack but indeed has some fat on it. His stomach is rather long and thins toward the man's hips. From there his legs are rather athletic too. His body is shaped like a capital T. This also means that his mid section can tilt and curve in different directions due to his flexibility. The flexibility  factor is mostly in his lower body. His legs can almost do a full split and his midsection can move sort of like a snake's belly.

Arms- Long and imposing. These arms stop to about his upper thigh. They are rather toned but again have fat. Mostly on the forearm. These arms aren't bulky yet not lean. They naturally fit his body to a T. They can support his full body weight easily. Allowing him to hang, climb, and swing with the greatest of ease. They aren't easy to exhaust neither. A X shaped scar is on his left shoulder. Again from a street fight.

Hands- Large and tough. The knuckles are a bit tough due to his fighting backgrounds and his palms are calloused because of his thieving backgrounds.

Legs- Long yet strong. These legs are one of the man's main points. They have a great range when it comes to kicks and they also are rather nimble and durable. They have a scar on the knee caps shaped like a straight line, caused by falls and scrapes. They are incredibly strong. Allowing his jumps and dashes to be a bit better compared to the average Joe.

Extra: His singing voice is a tenor to baritone. His speaking voice is quite smooth and has little rasp.


Personality: He has his ups and downs. His time in the slums has given him semi-good insight. Thus, he can judge situations quite well. In some situations he may come off as selfish, rude, and lecherous. This is from his youth in the slums. Where he had to be selfish because he had to feed himself. He wasn't taught mannerisms too a vast area. He even solved his own issue (depression) through mindless sex with women from bars. Thus he has grown a huge dependence on that sort of excitement.  

Intelligence-wise, he is actually quite smart. Though he hasn't read much books he isn't a complete idiot. He has knowledge of the streets. He knows ways to keep alive. He even knows things like Math on a 10th grade level. He can fool most with how well he can speak. His added charisma with his intelligence is like a politically deadly combo. He has great persuasive skills but not those on a philanthropist level.

Style-wise, he tries to be a balla on a budget. He has nice clothes and then has the clothes that he trains in. He has a vanity in his hair and face. Trying to always look acceptable for the ladies. He has  a more...relaxed style when he is surrounded by friends. Hoods, lose pants, and Sleeveless shirts are common in this situation.  In more public or important situations, he can be seen wearing his signature purple blazer on a pink dress shirt. Over dark black dress pants with black loafers. So, he has a different air around him.

Alignment-wise, he has none really. Not being overly heroic nor Demonic. He does things within reason. If they help him and are easy to grasp, he will most likely do it. Only in certain situations he would go out of his way to help those in need. Those being children. He wan'ts them to have hope and find a way like he did. He also has his moments of being lecherous and helping females he deems as worth it. He does this within rational reason however.  

Impersonally, Raijin is a friend to those who help him or have been there to help him change. Loyalty is a huge thing with Raijin. To some he will be loyal to the grave for. Others, he will cast away for a pay. Some think that it is cold, others think it's rational. To those he truly trusts, if this were to get broken, Raijin WILL be overly cruel. Depending on the situation, he might go as far as to kill all those close to the person who broke his trust. Though, he is not too high as to just plainly stop talking to that person.

Likes: Women,Nice food, music, and some alone time.
Dislikes: Loud Drunks, Helpless people, prostitutes, and most of all burnt food.
Motivations: He has this will to have his mark on history. He wants people to hear his name and know that he was "That guy who did something."
Fears: He is afraid of solid commitment and has been for a while. He also has a fear of mean,loud,heavy-handed, females.
Positive Traits:
Acrobatic (+3): You have excellent body awareness and coordination.

Agile (+3): You are particularly flexible and poised.

Athletic (+3): You have a knack for athletic endeavors.

Persuasive (+2): You have a way with words and body language. Somehow you manage to persuade weaker minded people easily.

Swift (+3): You are fleet of foot. When running, you move three times your normal speed

Stealthy (+3): You are particularly good at avoiding notice. You could be sitting somewhere in a thread at a bar and people wouldn't even notice that you were there.

Enhanced Strength (+3): Your character is slightly stronger than other characters when it comes to physical strength

Diehard (+2): You can remain conscious after attacks that would fell others

22 Points on positive.

Negative Traits:
Ambitious (-1): You crave power. Money is nice, but being in charge of other people is your favorite thing. You are likely to be brought down by attempting a risky grab for power and failing. Even when deals are risky you will give in and agree most of times.

Arrogant (-1): You firmly believe that you are better than anyone else is. Your ideas are the best, your clothes are the most stylish, and you have to let everyone else know how much better you are. Once in a while you openly show contempt or disdain for someone else.

Bravado (-2): You are rash in combat, refusing to show weakness by falling back from your enemies' blows. You either face it and stop it, or get hit in the progress. In addition, you cannot fight defensively.

Cruel (-1): You have a sadistic streak that causes you to perform acts of cruelty for no good reason. Of course, this doesn't endear you to others. Most times you are prudent enough to carry out your cruelties on those under your thumb, rather than those you see as equals. However, you carry a constant social stigma, as rumors have their way of getting around.

Curiosity (-1): You're a naturally curious person and you find mysteries of any sort irresistible. In most circumstances, alas, your curiosity overrides your common sense.
This forces you to investigate something unusual, even if it looks like it might be dangerous

Derangement/Insanity (-3): Due to circumstances beyond your control, you are permanently insane. You may have a congenital brain disorder, or perhaps you saw something mortals were never intended to lay eyes upon, and it drove you mad.
Depression: Symptoms of this illness include changes in appetite, weight gain or loss, too much or too little sleep, persistent feeling of tiredness or sluggishness, and feelings of worthlessness or guilt, leading in severe cases to hallucinations, delusions, stupor, or thoughts of suicide.

Envious (-1): Everyone else seems to have it better than you do. They have more money, better toys, and a prettier wife. You tend to get envious over the smallest things. You're often dislikes due to the constant mutterings and complaints you utter, along with the dirty stares you offer those you deem as better off than yourself.

Greedy (-1): Money makes your eyes light up with joy. The more, the merrier, as long as it spends. Once in a while, whenever you're divvying up shares of the loot, being offered a hefty bribe, or catching wind of some fabulous treasure, the flaw can to convince you to grab for as much money as possible.

Hedonistic (-1): You love a good time. You party too much, drink too much, and eat too much. You have trouble resisting an invitation to join someone in a drink and sometimes shirk your duty if offered a more enjoyable time elsewhere. Whenever a good time is presented you let your guard. You're also not capable to resist seduction of any sort. It's just not in your nature to resist such opportunities.

Judgmental (-1): You form opinions quickly and change them very slowly. You also have a tendency to judge people on their appearance. A man dressed as a pirate, no matter how gentlemanly, is a scoundrel and a dog as far as you is concerned. A man covered in mud is a peasant, and a woman wearing revealing clothing is a prostitute.

Lecherous (-1): You have a lusty nature and a tendency to pursue the pleasures of the flesh. A woman or a man (however your tastes run) is an almost irresistible temptation to you. You give in to these temptations easily.

Overconfident (-1): Nothing is beyond your capabilities. If you wanted, you could defeat the best swordsman in the world; you just haven't had any reason to do so yet. And surely that chasm isn't too wide for you to leap across.

Overzealous (-1): You are incapable of having a weak opinion. Everything you believe, you believe as if your life depended on it. Everything you don't believe in, you hate with a passion.
Once in a while your flaw gets you to strongly defend one of your opinions, no matter how inappropriate the time and place, nor what the circumstances of such an outburst may be.

Proud (-1): You don't like accepting help from others. If a gift or offer of aid smacks of charity or pity even the slightest bit, you grow indignant and refuse it.

Star-crossed (-1): You keep falling in love with the wrong people. You're the common soldier who falls in love with the king's daughter at first sight, or the hero who falls for the villain's daughter without knowing who she is.

Tongue-Tied (-1): This disadvantage comes up whenever you try to discuss anything of importance and relay pressing information and such. You have the tendency to incorrectly state facts, forget or mix up names, and generally say the wrong thing.

Trusting (-2): You don't like to believe that other people are capable of misleading and lying to you. After all, people are basically good, right?

Fanaticism (-1): This can be a substantial disadvantage for a character, though it requires significant roleplaying commitment on the part of the player. The fanaticism can be dedication to a particular cult, religion, or god, or it can be more worldly-based, in the sense of overwhelming loyalty to a state, a military presence, or to a particular leader. Whatever their sources, the different types of fanaticism have several things in common. If a certain code of behavior is called for by the belief, then the character must conform to that behavior--even if it conflicts with the immediate goals of the PC and his companions. While fanaticism is not necessarily evil, it may certainly become tiresome to those who do not share the fanatics beliefs.

That loyalty being to Fairy Tail.

Indecisive (-1): You have been known to hesitate when faced with difficult choices or split-second decisions. If forced to choose between letting a villain escape and rescuing a loved one from being lowered into a snake pit, you're likely to agonize over the situation until something--perhaps a cry for help from your sweetheart--forces your hand.

22 negative points.


Magic: Water Magic
Caster or Holder: Caster
Description: A form of Magic revolving around the element of water, placed under the user's command for them to utilize for various purposes. Depending on its use, the physical properties of water can be manipulated to the user's advantage; large masses of such liquid are shown to possess remarkable force, capable of inflicting blunt damage upon targets by sweeping them away with water. A similar effect can be achieved using high-pressure currents, which, due to their reduced size, focus the damage on smaller areas.Pressure is also manipulable to a great extent, enough that when it is focused on the outer sides of the water surfaces being controlled, the liquid can become an effective cutting weapon—mirroring a real blade. Whirlpools generated on the ground by this Magic, combining rotatory force and slicing power, can easily reduce solid rock to pieces.The user is also able to erect domes of water around foes, in order to knock them out by depriving them of air
Strengths: Mages specializing in Water can also achieve an extra, extremely versatile avenue of usage for such Magic: turning their own bodies into water at will. Such a peculiar employment allows them to become impervious to both physical and Magical attacks, which merely pass through them without harming them. In addition, the water from the user's body itself can be used as a medium to cast other spells related to this Magic. While unaffected by most types of offense, however, Mages with a body solely composed of water are still susceptible to freezing, which can immobilize them and inflict damage upon them.
Weaknesses: While unaffected by most types of offense, however, Mages with a body solely composed of water are still susceptible to freezing, which can immobilize them and inflict damage upon them. Any sort of absorption from natural plant life can cause either immobility or cause significant damage. Any sort of electrical magic will cause double damage if the user is using water magic or in the water body form.


Born from rough times in the slums of Fiore, this boy...Raijin Takashi has faced hardships. Bullies, public humiliations, hanging, and even seeing people starve to death. He was in the area of dust, dirt, and barely any sunlight. He always was optimistic and positive at this point. Like any child, he always tried to make his life sound better. Even to himself. He at the time lived in a run-down library. The books on most magics were gone. Only a few books left. One of those being Math up to the 10 grade level. The other two were books on Language Arts and History to the 10 grade level. He struggled to read these books and often had to sneak into public libraries. As he got older, he had to pick pocket  to get any amount of money he truly needed. The library, the market, and the area before the slums were his main areas of thievery. This caused his body to get naturally fast and nimble.

Around the time he turned eleven, he had already grasped the books that he had to around the 6th grade level. His body was rather strong and athletic for a boy his age. Around this time was when he got into street fights. He won and lost around this time. Regardless of the loss factor, he actually won a little more than sixty-five percent of the time. He seemed to have a full stomach now and had a bit more money to use in the slums. Compared to most people though, it was meager pocket change. The most luxury he got with the money was a set of steel-toed boots. They soon helped him around this time in his fights. They also made his legs stronger since the boy still stole and had to run harder. In normal shoes, the boy was nearly twice as fast.

Teen Years

As a teenager the boy turned into....well a more adulterated boy. Due to his size, confusing age, and older sounding intelligence, he was often able to sneak into bars and pubs ever since he reached 16.  He saw a different world in the bars and pubs. Drunks,prostitutes, and even bar fights. Now, he wasn't above the crowd in this. He just purely hated the loudness due to the fact he practically lived in a library. The constant smell of liquor causes head aches, irritation, and even loud outbursts from the teen. This caused the boy to stray from the drinks, but not the women.

Ah. The boy around this time was such a leech. He always had a thing for women. His charisma and smooth talking showed her. He had many one night stands and small flings. This later dulled his feelings for love. He honestly had gotten most of the feelings of love by the time he was 17. The love he thought it was, sex. He had a fair few amount of girls and relationships. All light and not ever serious. He got confused with love and lust. He still doesn't know the difference at certain points.

Around the bar he also heard of Fairy Tail. The world famous guild. The guild that changes lives. Mages and Magi from all around the world go there to improve and to be sheltered. To have some sort of affiliation with history. He began his trip for Fairy Tail.

The Trek

The horrid trip from the slums to Limelight. One of the hardest things Raijin had to go through. The ordeals of travel and of being alone on the road. This period of about 2 and a half years were tough and harder to a boy with a closed mind. He got to explore Fiore for a bit because of this trip. He heard many myths about Fairy Tail. Paved with gold. Heaven sent. A surprise later on.

As he got older, his mind got stronger and he had more restrain. The trip actually made him into a man. Albeit a childish one but still. The trek tested his limits and instead of making him scared, it gave him resolve. It gave him hope and drive. It drove him to the day he reached the gates of Fairy Tale.

Finally! I Made It!

Through painful years he finally made it to the gates. The non-paved roads. The non-holy area. Fairy Tale was a huge surprise to him. The myths proved him wrong on appearance. He honestly thought about turning back for a split moment. He decided upon giving the place a go as to not waste his trip. As he was tested, he was told that he held Caster Type Water Magic. This confounded the man because he believed he was rather normal. Having no books on magic also proved the point that he was ignorant to the ways of magic.

Now in Fairy Tail, the man is trying to learn the ways of magic and how to use his style. He is steadily learning and growing as time grows. He holds new hope in his heart, the will to be a part of history.

Last edited by Raijin on Tue Mar 25, 2014 3:54 pm; edited 3 times in total

2Raijin Takashi Empty Re: Raijin Takashi Tue Mar 25, 2014 8:03 am

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
Hi there, I'll be reviewing your application!

Please review the application in it's full length, as you have a lot of sentence fragments. This makes the application difficult to read as a coherent thought.

Traits: You may only use the traits listed within the special characteristics thread of the regulation section. When doing so, please include the definition. Remove the line break between positive and negative.

Magic: If your magic is water, please state as such. I.E. "Water Magic", instead of just the element. Please expand on the elemental weaknesses of water as well, i.e. Plant / Wood magic, and lightning.

Bump when edited.

3Raijin Takashi Empty Re: Raijin Takashi Tue Mar 25, 2014 3:27 pm

Raijin Takashi

Raijin Takashi

4Raijin Takashi Empty Re: Raijin Takashi Tue Mar 25, 2014 3:47 pm

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
Traits: Fanatcism--state what you're a fanatic about.

Magic: Take out the part about being able to make the water boil, as this would require a heating magic of some sort. You can alter the pressure and flow of such, but not the temperature. Just like freezing water would take an ice magic of some sort.

Bump when edited.

5Raijin Takashi Empty Re: Raijin Takashi Tue Mar 25, 2014 3:55 pm

Raijin Takashi

Raijin Takashi

6Raijin Takashi Empty Re: Raijin Takashi Tue Mar 25, 2014 6:04 pm

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi

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