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1Aria Abner Empty Aria Abner Mon Feb 17, 2014 3:43 pm

Aria Abner

Aria Abner

   Aria Abner 8f4ed77c-c9e0-4aaf-8a2d-e89338307f4a_zps12a44914
   "Attempting to be the rainbow in someone's darkest cloud"

Name(s): Aria Abner
Nickname(s): Ari, Abby
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Birthday: 17 February 761
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Neutral Good
Rank: D
Guild: Lamia Scale
Guild Tattoo: Between her Shoulder Blades | Rainbow Colored
Face Claim: Xerneas (Personification) | Pokemon


Height: 5'6"
Weight: 121 lbs
Hair: Dark Blue | Mid-back | Usually Pulled Back
Eyes: Blue
General Appearance:
Relatively modest in nature, Aria’s attire typically consists of layered clothing that covers most of her body: typically the only skin she shows is her face and upper parts of her hand. The bottom layers of clothing tend to be all black (though occasionally this tends to change) usually consisting of tights, a skirt, and a conforming long sleeved tunic, masked beneath a white over-shirt. The ensemble is completed with her over-coat which is blue with golden trim and accented with dark blue tassels, and embellished with rainbow colored crystals at the jackets tail. Her shoes are usually boots that stretch the majority of her long legs, and her hands are almost always covered in delicate gloves. Her hair is typically pulled back, and adorned with a head dress that yet again brings in the rainbow-colored crystal accents. If she were to wear her hair down, one would see that it would sweep down to her mid back.

Aria’s body type is somewhat perplexing, to say the least.  While her height in numbers may seem a bit average, her proportions make her seem taller than she is: a long neck, arms and legs all add to the illusion of being lengthy-- though her slender build certainly accentuates these features further. If one were to get close enough to examine the body beneath her layers of clothes, however, they would find moderate curves hiding beneath them. While not overtly “well endowed” as some others may be, her curves are proportionately large compared to the other, extremely slender aspects of her body.  
Extra: N/A


Aria is a rather quiet individual, and while she cannot be particularly classified as an extrovert, is in fact, very friendly. She likes to see others happy, and is intrinsically motivated to try to help make others feel better, when they appear to be down on their luck, or sad. 

The 19 year old is a pacifist by nature, not really seeing validity in fighting in most trivial matters. That being said, she understands that fighting has its purpose, such as to protect and serve others, but that fighting itself is serious-- and one should not initiate in such behavior unless it is willing to end in fatality-- otherwise, there is likely a peaceful, diplomatic solution instead. Slow to anger, it is very rare to see the young woman lose her cool-- and if she does, it usually only lasts for a few moments-- though it is quite a powerful and scary sight when such an instance occurs. 

Overall, Aria classifies herself as an individual that likes to listen to others, and their stories. While she has no qualms with exposing information about herself, or soliciting details about her own personal experiences, she tends to find herself focusing on others first. She views her own personal background on an ask and tell basis: if a person asks, she is more than happy to tell.

A natural born problem solver, the young woman finds giving advice to be particularly enjoyable. Often considered far more mature than her years suggest, her advice is often sound and can stand its own, if the recipient chooses to take it. Likewise, if there is a problem that she doesn’t know how to solve, it has been known to bother her for hours, if not days on end: though usually mulling it over for so long yields results of some kind. This being said, Aria doesn’t take help from others very well. Identifying herself as one that advises others, she inherently feels that she cannot ask for help to be reciprocated to her.


  • Reading/Good Books
  • Full Moons (and long walks on the beach)
  • Helping Others/Solving Problems
  • Music/Singing/Song Writing


  • Frivolous Fighting
  • Feeling Useless/Unable to Help
  • Hot-Headed People
  • People that Intentionally Hurt Others
  • Small, Dark Places


  • Helping Others: Aria has a knack for helping others, and is driven to do so. She finds it hard to turn down someone in need, and feels compelled to help wherever she can. She does this mostly because she views helping others as a way of making the world a better place.
  • Becoming a Wizard Saint: dedicated to helping others, Aria’s goal in life is to become a Wizard Saint, as such a title would show such dedication as well as give her further opportunities to help the world as a whole.


  • Being too weak to help a person in need.
  • Complete Isolation: while Aria doesn't mind being alone, knowing that people are nearby is a comfort to her. If she feels as though she is far enough away from people that she could scream and no one would hear it, she tends to get anxious and paranoid before attempting to find some place where she is closer to human contact.

Positive Traits:

  • Diligent (+2): Your meticulousness allows you to analyze minute details that others miss.
  • Swift (+3): You are fleet of foot. When running, you move three times your normal speed.
  • Stealthy (+3): You are particularly good at avoiding notice. You could be sitting somewhere in a thread at a bar and people wouldn't even notice that you were there

Negative Traits:

  • Allergies- Pollen | Hay Fever (-1):  You are afflicted with allergies. These may be something as simple as hay fever, but the reactions to such will result in something like a huge bout of sneezing and gasping. You must mention this allergy in your character application.
  • Trusting (-2): You don't like to believe that other people are capable of misleading and lying to you. After all, people are basically good, right?
  • Squeamish (-1): You don't want anyone's blood on your hands. It's perfectly okay to get blood on your underling's hands, but you don't like to do the deed yourself. Of course, you don't always follow up on things to make sure the job actually gets done--after all, the sight of blood has always disturbed you.
  • Proud (-1): You don't like accepting help from others. If a gift or offer of aid smacks of charity or pity even the slightest bit, you grow indignant and refuse it.
  • Fragility (-2): Due to a serious vitamin deficiency in your youth (or something similar), your bone structure is unnaturally weak, and you are overly thin. 

  • Cautious (-1): You are uneasy engaging in behavior that carries a chance of failure. You must spend twice as long performing any skill that requires an action. For example, deciphering a page of text would take 2 minutes for you instead of 1.


Magic: Rainbow Light: Weapon Make
Caster or Holder: Caster
Description: A deviation of light magic, Aria manipulates light (which appears as all the colors on the color spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet-- or a rainbow) to create weapons. She casts this magic by using both hands, and hand gestures to indicate her casting. She gravitates towards arrows, javelins, shuriken, throwing daggers and other ranged weapon-shaped makes. She also has the ability to make simple shields out of light as well. The shape of the light doesn’t particularly change its abilities, or strength, but rather the strength of the spell, does, meaning that the light weapons attack and then disappear (contrary to requip, which allows weapons to be sustained for longer periods of time.) Light weapons are element based, and thus only do elemental damage (again, another striking difference between weapon make and requip).
Strengths: Being a light based element, rainbow weapon make is the natural opponent of dark-based magic, in this sense, rainbow weapon make, being an elemental magic is strong against this magic type. Beyond this, being a weapon make magic, it allows for Aria to have both long and short ranged attacks. Because the weapons she makes are out of light, she does not have to worry about them breaking, or repair costs: instead the weapon disappears after it hits, or is hit [shied].
Weaknesses: Being an elemental (light) based magic, Rainbow Weapon Make is at a disadvantage when it comes to dragon slayers, as her weapons/attacks/defenses are able to be eaten by the light dragon slayer. Similarly, her light magic can be countered by dark magic-- as the two are simultaneously strong and weak against each other. The weapons and shields are also weaker than traditional non-make weapons and shields because they have no long-lasting abilities: they disappear after one use, and have to be re-casted (after cool-down).


On an unseasonably cold day in February, Aria was born, underweight and premature. Her mother, who at the time, was down on her luck, and separated from the girl’s father, had little means to care for the child, but did all she could to nurse the baby to health, and she was obviously successful-- though the both of them were frail and malnourished. The mother got help here and there from kind souls, living off the streets for the first four years of the child’s life, though those that saw her would often admit to noting the woman as happy despite living on the streets.

At the age of four, Aria and her mother were collected off the streets by a man that shared the same eyes as the young girl-- a man who had claimed to the woman and child that he had changed. Aria had no idea what the man had been talking about, when he had persuaded her mother to go with him, to the large estate that he owned, but she trailed along after her, of course. The child’s eyes had widened, not knowing what to do with the lavish goods that the estate had provided-- often showered in gifts by the man, who had then been determined to be her father. Her mother seemed happy as well, and both the girl and the woman became healthy after a few months of doctor supervised diets.

The estate was in the backcountry, a good deal away from the city, and the streets that Aria had known as home. It was just the three of them that lived in the house, along with the constantly rotating staff members that came along to help maintain the grounds, and for a while they seemed happy. After about a year, however, Aria’s mother’s demeanor had changed, she seemed more sullen, dark: the zealous love of life depleted from her being. On more than one occasion, the child would notice bruises spattered across her body-- though she hadn’t known what from: when she asked, the woman would shrug it off, or skirt around the question. The girl couldn’t figure out what was wrong, it’s not like her or the man had been acting any different, at least not around her. Maybe the woman was merely clumsy-- though as she would find out many years later, was obviously not the case.

The bruises on her mother had reoccured on and off for the next four years, correlating with the woman’s happiness. When Aria was around the age of nine, however, the bruises seemed to cease again, when the woman became pregnant with her second child. The girl was excited to be a big sister, and the grounds yet again, became full of life and joyousness, as her mother had a new glow about her: her father seemed to be happier too, treating his now pregnant wife with a tenderness Aria hadn’t observed in a long time.  The couple found out that they were having a son, and decided on the name of Abner.

It was on June 23, 770, that Aria’s mother went into labor. It was grueling labor that lasted for over twenty hours, before resulting in the devastating death of both mother and child. Aria and her father both went into a state of depression afterwards, burying both bodies: Mother and the stillborn on the grounds, having a private ceremony for them. The two of them were in mourning for at least three months, attempting to get over their loss together.

One day though, the girl’s father snapped, turning on the then ten year old Aria: beating her senseless after she dropped and shattered a glass in the kitchen. Despite the girl screaming out for the man to stop, or for help, there was no one around to stop it. The beatings continued nearly daily for 4 years and were typically off a whim. When the girl would fight back, the man would lock her in a dark closet for up to 18 hours at a time: depriving the girl of both food and water when confined. It was in this closet, that Aria first discovered her magical capabilities of using and manipulating light: using the light to help reduce her fear of being alone and in the dark.

Aria’s first attempt at running away occurred at the age of 14. The girl had snuck away from the estate while her father was away doing business (she never really knew what his business entailed, but at that point in time, she had no curiosity to find out). She hadn’t been gone very long (maybe a few hours) before her father had tracked her down, forcing her back home, where he locked her in her room (which, was quite honestly better than the closet)-- and barring the windows. The only ones that were allowed in was her private tutor (who had been paid, or brainwashed--she wasn’t quite sure--to ignore the girls pleas), a staff maid who brought meals, and her father, who used her as his personal punching bag for his daily workouts. Her only escape was practicing her magic and writing poetry and songs.

The torture and routine continued for another two years, until she was 16, when her father had decided to attempt to  take the abuse to the next level, attempting to pin her down one night, slurring on about how beautiful she was-- and how much she reminded him of her mother. The man (who she no longer considered to be her father) was much bigger than the girl-- and could easily hold her down--ripping off some of her clothes in the process. She waited for an opportunity for her hands to be free to make a last attempt to escape. When the man’s hands went for his belt, attempting to get undressed  himself-- she sent an arrow of light flying into his eye, blinding him enough, to push him off of her, as she booked it to the door, which he had left cracked open.

She had been running for hours, holding her ripped clothes against her body, trying to be sure not to let any part of her still maturing body be seen to the world, before she had finally stopped. She had reached a city, where some kind people showed her pity, getting her fresh clothes, and a place to stay, when they asked for her name, she merely answered with a "Aria Abner" wanting no association with the man's surname, so taking the name of her deceased brother instead.

She finally understood why her mother had left the man the many years before, when she was but a baby in her womb. She too was more than willing to live in the streets than to continue being tortured by the man back at the estate. After staying the night in the town, she decided to continue on her way, trying to put as much distance between the estate and herself as possible, obtaining money by using her magic to preform on the streets, or doing odd jobs for the citizens of Fiore: the people she encountered giving her hope, and allowing her to trust in the nature of people again.

As she later became a guild mage in Lamia Scale, she dedicated her life to helping others-- as others had helped her, and she inevitably helped herself previously. She expects to someday hear from or about her father again, just as her mother had years after she was born. While unsure how she will react to the man, she expects it will not be warmly.

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