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1Lillian "Lilly" Iasag Empty Lillian "Lilly" Iasag Thu Mar 06, 2014 10:41 am

Lillian Iasag

Lillian Iasag

   Lillian "Lilly" Iasag Yuno_g10
   "Would you harm a sweet innocent little girl?. Even if she was a psycopath killer?"

Name(s): Lillian Iasag
Nickname(s): Lilly
Age: 14
Sex: Female
Birthday: December 6 x765
Sexuality: Straight
Class: Scavenger
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Rank: S
Guild: Raven Tail
Guild Tattoo: Bottom of her left wrist (Cyan in color)
Face Claim: gasai yuno- Mira Niki

Height: 5ft 3inc
Weight: 108 lbs
Hair: Long, soft like silk to the touch, and a slightly lightened pink color.
Eyes: Magenta
General Appearance: Lily is a decent sized girl in terms of height. She has two distinct types of clothing varying on what part she’s playing that moment or day. If she is playing the innocent act, Lily wears anything considered girly or frilly. Mostly pink long skirts or sun dresses, white shirts, or red miniskirts with pink panties underneath and a red shirt to match. Though that isn’t considered girly, she may wear it on times she plans to kill multiple people, or a grouping. If she plans to enjoy her prey’s reaction, she may wear a black miniskirt with a black halter top and her hair back in loose twin tails and a strand over the front of either shoulder with a small red ribbon tied on it. Lillian also keeps a small band on her left leg that can be used to store a small emergency weapon incase anything Dangerous  where to happen and she was left almost defeated
Extra: A charm bracelet left by her teacher on her left wrist. She often plays with it a little bit, sometimes without even noticing.

Personality: Lily is what most would call, a victim of Multiple Personality Disorder. Actually, it's more so a rouse to lure her targets. The perfect combination of an assassin and the innocent girl she can be, makes for her job to be easier. She has a very vulgar vocabulary when she doesn't hide it, and depends on who she's around would affect how she acts. She's also merciless, strategic, and deadly of course. Most of her skills and language were picked up during her magic training with her teacher in Mt. Hakobe. Often times she'll joke that the time spent there had frozen her heart from the inside out.

Innocent half: When Lily decides to play her innocent side, she is very flirty and kind. Sometimes well enough to fool her as well, but will quickly snap from it. She does enjoy this part mostly for the reason she likes how guys will repeatedly fall for it. Over and over and over again, they follow her in, and they die and vanish. Just in the blink of an eye she can switch from her innocent half to her sadistic side, and back again if needed. A well timed skill, but nailed to perfection. She even uses more girly dresses as a help to get people in, but will easily toy with people for her own amusement. Most of the time when Lily is in public she will use this persona to blend in, humming random musical tones to herself, and looking around in the crowd for a victim.

Devilish half: This is where Lily really shines. She loves just being lazy and murderous, and loves the warm feeling of blood, they’re blood curdling screams before they die. She doesn’t like to eat them like her teacher tried to do with her, but it was fine. Just liking the feel and taste of blood was enough to call her his own. Like this, Lily is very psychotic like, but with full self-control. She uses her baser instincts to fight and kill, living by the survival of the fittest code drilled into her as a child. Hunting, whether it’s in the woods or in the city, she finds the best high and joy from it. The better the runner, the more fun it is. Sometimes she’ll even play around, taunting them by saying it’s a game of hide and seek.

  • -1. Blood - The warm feel or the elegant taste just drives her wild. Literally the very taste makes her feel like a beast out for a massacre, and she won't stop until there's nothing left, or she feels she's satisfied.
  • -2. Near sub -zero cold weather- The colder it is, the better it is. She lived in Mt. Hakobe for so long, she had become too accustomed to the cold to ever want to be in too hot of weather. It also makes her feel giddy and childish.
  • -3. Hunting - It’s just a life or death game of hide and go seek to her. She’s just the only one who likes to play it. She could play this game forever, and she'' remove anyone who wants to ruin her fun.
  • -4. Battle - Enjoys the thrill of battle

  • -1. Hot weather- Her magic doesn’t work to well in warm weather, and her body isn’t built up for it, only for cold weather. Although she can stand it, she prefers the cold weather over anything else.
  • -2. Her old family- She hates them. They never truly liked them once she began to get bored with her older sisters playing. She’s very much glad their dead.
  • -3. Escapees- When you get away, she loses the game, and that’s no fun at all. People that escape make her bored, and of she gets bored, she tends to make new playmates, whether they like it or not, they play the ultimate game o hide and seek, until she feels happy again.
  • -4. Beggers- Lillian dislikes when people beg and plead for their life she finds it incredibly annoying when the big and prefers a quick and simple execution

  • -1. Killing- It’s a living, a sport, and a hobby all in one. There nothing more fun then to spill her blood and laugh maniacally, as she would with any other stranger.
  • -2. Meeting her teacher again- More than anything, she wants to meet him again and be with him like his daughter. Being the only person she was ever able to bond with and wishes to have that bond back with him again.
  • -3. Killing her older sister- The only one who managed to escape on her return to Oak town, and she considers this a fun, yet sick game of find and go kill. This time however, when given the chance, Lily won't give up on the game, nor will she let the location of the game be too big.

  • -1. Fire- Fire makes her magic useless, or near it if the magic is actually useful. Fire makes her angry, it has her by the throat when it comes to fights, and she becomes very reckless around fire mages.
  • -2. Loss of cold weather- Losing all the cold weather in the world would devastate her completely. If she can't be out in the cold somewhere, Lily has a fear she'll never get to reunite with her teacher again.
  • -3. Gelotophobia - Fear of being laughed at. Sometimes even the most sadistic of people have their moments. Being embarrassed as a child, it has come to haunt her into wanting to kill others for it.

    Positive Traits:
  • -1. Acrobatic (+3): You have excellent body awareness and coordination.
  • -2. Agile (+3): You are particularly flexible and poised.
  • -3. Zealot (+4): This person has trained themselves to wield a specific type of weapon. This weapon can be mentioned behind the Zealot feat within brackets to claim it upon approval. (Lillian has trained herself to use a one handed axe)
  • -4. Daunting Presence (+2): You are skilled at inducing fear in your opponents.

    Negative Traits:
  • -1. Daredevil (-2): You only really feel alive when you're staring death in the face. Your character is addicted to the thrill of death-defying stunts, pushing herself to the limit at every available opportunity.  
  • -2. Dark Secret (-1): You have some sort of secret that, if revealed, would make you an outcast amongst your society and companions. While this secret is on your mind at all times, it will come up in topics only once in a while, but when it does, watch out! (Lillians dark secret is her bi-polar disorder she doesn't like people knowing in an instant she can snap into a murderous rampage)
  • -3. Derangement/Insanity (-3) :  Bipolar Mood Disorder : The character oscillates between the mood states mentioned above, sometimes staying in one mood for weeks at a time, sometimes rapidly switching from one to another. Also known as manic depressive.
  • -4. Cruel (-1): You have a sadistic streak that causes you to perform acts of cruelty for no good reason. Of course, this doesn't endear you to others. Most times you are prudent enough to carry out your cruelties on those under your thumb, rather than those you see as equals. However, you carry a constant social stigma, as rumors have their way of getting around.
  • -5. Trusting (-2): You don't like to believe that other people are capable of misleading and lying to you. After all, people are basically good, right?
  • -6. Bravado (-2): You are rash in combat, refusing to show weakness by falling back from your enemies' blows. You either face it and stop it, or get hit in the progress. In addition, you cannot fight defensively.
  • -7. Ambitious (-1): You crave power. Money is nice, but being in charge of other people is your favorite thing. You are likely to be brought down by attempting a risky grab for power and failing. Even when deals are risky you will give in and agree most of times.


Magic: Ice Beast Magic
Caster or Holder: Caster
Description: Ice beast magic is a very complex magic, down to the molecular level. Some of it involves freezing the water vapor in the air to go through deposition and form weapons, freeze body parts, harden the water in the users body for defensive capabilities.
Strengths: As versatility comes and goes, this magic uses and manipulates the body against itself, uses it to its advantage, and uses the water cycle to make it's power even greater than it already was. It works well in colder weather, especially in snow covered areas and lowers the amount of time and concentration needed for her spells.
Weaknesses: Backfiring of the spells that use the casters own water source can leave drastic downfalls and multiple problems to the body. Also, to skip through condensating water directly into a solid form of ice takes concentration and time, if the object is of at least a larger size then a regular katana or an axe. This magic is very fragile to fire magic. If close enough in rank or higher, it can leave the caster completely useless in battle.


Raised up in Oak town by parents, both mother and father made life simple for this girl. She got everything she ever asked for, just not at the moment she asked. It was always given to her at least an hour to two days that she would get it, but her parents got it for her. Even when she asked for a little sister, they got her one and miraculously in the same time frame. This girl knew what her parents were doing was wrong, but she never stopped them. Stealing, theft, and now; kidnapping. Anna Soryento, the spoiled little Oak town girl had herself a little sister to play with. She named her Lillian. Growing up, all Lillian ever was to Anna was a living doll. Constantly being dressed up from head to toe daily. It was fun at first, like most things do at first. It taught her a bit of etiquette, how to look and act like a real little girl, while deep down she began to grow a resentment. Resentment not only to this pretty girl looks and acting, but life in itself as well. Even Anna began disliking it. Her little doll was now 7. Too old to keep playing dress up and too young for more mature games.

Soon after this was brought about, the parents took their daughters to the Warth Woodlands. “A relaxing vacation to bond” they called it. That same night they arrived, Lillian headed out. She couldn’t sleep, nor did she feel very attached to them like a normal family. She wandered in the wrong direction, however. It got colder, a lot colder. Snow was piling up and the pants she wore didn’t seem to help her much. Wandering further in, not noticing how cold she had gotten, found herself in a cave. Pelts, bones, skulls, and other discarding’s drew her in. She looked at these bones and skulls and realized; these were human. A chill began to run down her spine, both figuratively and literally. She turned around, and was face-to-face with a 12 foot tall polar bear that stared her down, growling. It seemed she had encroached on his territory and it angered him. She didn’t move. Not out of fear, she had no interest to run. If she died, oh well. Even when the bear spoke, asking the same thing, “Why not run?” when she staring down a ferocious creature like himself. “If you wanted to kill me, you would have already.” She replied. He stepped back, and began laughing heartily. She had common sense, and a young mind to mold. He took her in, began to show her how to hunt down animals, Vulcan, and people. It was a rare occasion to find one, but when a traveler or another mage traveled in, they suddenly vanished. They never returned from the mountains again.

After a few years, she felt as if she was a real bear; A thirst for human blood, animals, and a full resistance to the cold. Her clothing seemed to alternate as well; More dark and revealing clothes, not a care to anything. Trips into her town were for her own pleasure was luring strangers in with a charming innocent sense of security while she wore girly outfits, then killing them and heading back having had her fun. One morning, Lily woke up, her teacher gone and a charm bracelet on her left wrist. She could hear his spirited voice calling to her. “I will return soon.” It said, then faded. She hadn’t heard it since, but she kept the charm bracelet on her left wrist as a memento of him. Something seemed forgotten as well; Her old family. She hopped onto her feet and headed into town and got herself some new clothes. She didn’t very much like the idea of going back to them after all this time, but the looks on their faces would be priceless. Though once she got there it was already the dead of night. Everyone was sleeping and she sought the best opportunity. She froze the handle of the door and broke it off, sneaking in and into her parents room. A devilsh grin formed on her pretty little face as ice claws formed on her hands and immediately dove in and slashed their throats with her claws, making them bleed out instantly and dying. Such a joy, a pleasure, a warming feeling with the blood all over her legs. Now footsteps came closer and she turned, seeing Anna looking right at her. She looked in utter shock and Lily only had one of blood. Lily hopped off the bed and walked over to Anna. She smiled, and walked away heading out of the door as the claws shattered and melted away within an instant. She could hear her Anna screaming and crying from outside as slipped into the night, licking the blood off of her arms as she continued down the alley.

After two years  Lillian traveled to the guild Raven Tail after hearing rumors about the dark guild being what it is vicious and wanting to wage war. Liking the idea of that and knowing she wouldn't fit in well with regular guilds Lillian set out for Raven Tail. After about a week of traveling she finally reached her destination and arrived at Raven Tail she heard many more Rumors about the Guild Master Vanishing and the ace of the guild also leaving she was ready for a fight to overtake the guild but to her dismay things didn't go as she planed . Lillian didn't falter with her desire so she Took the position of being the Guild Master and would raise the guild back to it's former glory and will wage war. But to do so she would do something that was unexpected try to form a pact between Dark Guilds to overtake official Guilds

Last edited by Lilly "Lillian" on Fri Mar 14, 2014 11:30 am; edited 9 times in total

2Lillian "Lilly" Iasag Empty Re: Lillian "Lilly" Iasag Sun Mar 09, 2014 7:18 pm

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
-Your character needs a last name.
-The birth year needs to be changed to X765 if you want to be 14.
-Raven Tail is currently unavailable. Unless you are willing to wait for it to open, please change your guild.
-Please use list code for Likes, Dislikes, Motivations, Fears, and Positive/Negative Characteristics.
-Under your Negative Characteristics, include the overall Derangement/Insanity as well as Bipolar Mood Disorder
-You cannot use a summoning spell unless it is a pure summoning magic. Even if it would be an S rank spell.

3Lillian "Lilly" Iasag Empty Re: Lillian "Lilly" Iasag Mon Mar 10, 2014 8:59 am

Lillian Iasag

Lillian Iasag
*Bump* and when would you expect RT to be open?

4Lillian "Lilly" Iasag Empty Re: Lillian "Lilly" Iasag Mon Mar 10, 2014 9:04 pm

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
-You still need to change the birth year and add list code for Likes, Dislikes, Fears, and Positive/Negative Characteristics.
-You still have mention of the summoning in your magic. Please remove this.

I cannot give you a definite time of when Raven Tail will be open. It is in the works now.

5Lillian "Lilly" Iasag Empty Re: Lillian "Lilly" Iasag Mon Mar 10, 2014 11:53 pm

Lillian Iasag

Lillian Iasag

6Lillian "Lilly" Iasag Empty Re: Lillian "Lilly" Iasag Tue Mar 11, 2014 12:18 pm


Hello, Lillian.

  • Use the list code down below for Likes, Dislikes, Fears, Positive Traits and Negative Traits.
  • "(What drives your character?)" Remove this part.
  • " (What does your character fear? At least two fears. No bullshit fears. They should be realistic. Use the list code to fill this in.)" Remove this part.
  • "(The negative special characteristics compensate for your positive ones to bring your total to 0. Use the list code to fill this in. Only use the characteristics from the rules.)" Remove this part.
  • Your Derangement/Insanity is Bipolar Mood Disorder, please move the description for Bipolar Mood Disorder under the description of Derangement/Insanity.
  • You have +12 Positive Traits points and -7 Negative Traits points. The Negative Traits compensate for your Positive ones to bring your total to 0, bring your total to 0 points.
  • Add your Dark Secret within the description between brackets.
  • Leave out the summoning part in your Magic Weaknesses description.



7Lillian "Lilly" Iasag Empty Re: Lillian "Lilly" Iasag Fri Mar 14, 2014 7:31 am

Lillian Iasag

Lillian Iasag

8Lillian "Lilly" Iasag Empty Re: Lillian "Lilly" Iasag Fri Mar 14, 2014 8:30 am

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
All edits have been made and I see nothing else needing changed. You will be approved once Raven Tail is opened.

9Lillian "Lilly" Iasag Empty Re: Lillian "Lilly" Iasag Fri Mar 14, 2014 8:43 am

Lillian Iasag

Lillian Iasag
Thank you and sorry bout all the mistakes kinda air headed in the mornins

10Lillian "Lilly" Iasag Empty Re: Lillian "Lilly" Iasag Fri Mar 14, 2014 11:04 am

Lillian Iasag

Lillian Iasag
Also would i be able to use this sheet to apply to be the Raven Tail Guild Master?

11Lillian "Lilly" Iasag Empty Re: Lillian "Lilly" Iasag Fri Mar 14, 2014 11:08 am

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
That would be up to Lucifel. But if you were given the opportunity, you would need to increase everything needing a word count to double what it would be normally.

12Lillian "Lilly" Iasag Empty Re: Lillian "Lilly" Iasag Fri Mar 14, 2014 4:10 pm

Lillian Iasag

Lillian Iasag
Re-edited for gm position of Raven tail

13Lillian "Lilly" Iasag Empty Re: Lillian "Lilly" Iasag Sun Mar 16, 2014 3:35 pm

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah

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