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1Joshua Kyrie Empty Joshua Kyrie Sun Feb 02, 2014 11:04 am

Joshua Kyrie

Joshua Kyrie
Joshua Kyrie Nero_d10
       "And if I become a demon, so be it. I will endure the exile. I will do anything to protect them. "

   Name(s): Joshua Kyrie
   Nickname(s): Devil-Arm Josh
   Age: 19
   Sex: Male
   Birthday: August 12th X760
   Sexuality: Straight
   Class: Cleric
   Alignment: Chaotic Good
   Rank: D-class
   Guild: Lamia Scale
   Guild Tattoo: Upper left arm - Red
   Face Claim: Nero - Devil May Cry 4


   Height: 5ft 11in
   Weight: 170lbs
   Hair: White, medium length, un-styled
   Eyes: Blue (Red when angry)
   General Appearance: Joshua is a young man of average build and height with a handsome face, he has deep blue eyes unless he is angry in which case they will be a bright red. He wears a long black coat with the Lamia Scale insignia sewn into the left shoulder. He also wears a red hoodie underneath this coat and a pair of dark blue jeans. He also wears a pair of brown military boots. He will often be seen with headphones around his neck or on his head.
   Extra: His right arm is that of a demon's


   Personality: Joshua is a serious, cynical, sardonic and somewhat anti-social individual with very few friends. Those who he does allow to get in close he holds the utmost respect for and is extremely loyal to. He will do anything for his friends even if it means risking his life. His anti-social personality shines through in his rebellious nature. When placed in teams he will often go against the plan and do what he feels works best for him sometime resulting in failed missions and injured teammates due to this he tends to work alone though if the situation calls for it he could be persuaded to work in a team albeit begrudgingly. On the battlefield Joshua is a somewhat arrogant and cocky person. He has a habit of casually mouthing off to even the most powerful of his enemies, making taunts and sarcastic jokes towards them this can sometimes work in his favour though it often works against him and results in him being humiliated in battle. This being said he is a powerful individual. He is insecure about his demon arm as despite it being the source of his magic it often scares people away, and leads to him being looked down upon and despite his anti-social behaviour he does not want to be feared or shunned.

  • Music - being that Joshua doesn't to talk to very many people he spends a lot of time listening to all kinds of music. He will often wear his headphones into battle in an attempt to help him focus.
  • Sleeping - When not on missions Joshua can often be found in various locations taking naps and if somebody interrupts his sleep he gets very irritated. He claims sleeping allows him to gather his focus where as the truth is simply he is just lazy.
  • Apples - Joshua's favorite food is apples and he will rarely be seen without one, he will often carry one in his pocket wherever he goes. If somebody ever wants him to do something offering him some apples will usually be a good way to persuade him.
  • Night - Joshua finds the night serene and will often stay up long hours stargazing and pondering what might be out there it is one of the reasons he sleeps so much during the day


  • Nosey People - People who often interrupt in situations make Joshua Uncomfortable and Angry, he feels there is simply no need for it
  • Hot weather - Due to Joshua's Heavy clothing he finds hot weather uncomfortable. Sure he could remove his coat but he would rather not
  • Extra Work - Whenever on missions with others he hates having to take part in the building of campsites he feels it is a waste of time for him as he would rather stargaze anyway
  • Evil - Joshua cannot stand evil, it is one of few things that he cannot deal with, if he sees any corrupt, wrongful or evil action he will be sure inject himself into the situation whether it be schoolyard bullies or simply disrespecting someone who doesn't deserve it.


  • Knowledge - Knowledge drives Joshua, he wishes to know all he can about music, history, magic and his arm, he feels the smarter he is the stronger he will be and it cannot hurt to be stronger. The main reasons Joshua takes jobs at the guild is his pursuit of knowledge he feels he may learn something beneficial on his travels.
  • Friends - Joshua is extremely loyal to the few friends he has, he will do anything for them and will not hesitate to throw his life on the line for them. this loyalty motivates him to become stronger so that he can protect his friends from danger.


  • His Arm - His right arm is that of a devil, he was raised by a demon wizard therefore he fears what his arm is truly capable of and what it may do if he were to ever somehow lose control of his power.
  • The Loss of his friends - Being that he has a small group of close friends Joshua's friends are the most precious thing to him, he constantly fears losing them and what will happen to him if they die as not only does he protect them, they protect him.
  • Claustrophobia - Despite being raised in small caverns Joshua never really got over his fear or cramped spaces more importantly his fear of no escape, he would never run but knowing he has the option gives him a huge confidence boost. If he is ever trapped in small spaces he will become nauseous.

   Positive Traits:

  • Acrobatic (+3) - You have excellent body awareness and coordination.
  • Diehard (+2): You can remain conscious after attacks that would fell others
  • Enhanced Strength (+3): Your character is slightly stronger than other characters when it comes to physical strength.

   Negative Traits:

  • Lazy (-1) - You will never do any more work than is absolutely necessary. You will rely on your companions to do things such as build campfires and cook. Generally, you will neglect details of preparedness in order to grab a few extra minutes of sleep. Failure indicates that you think the time would be better spent napping or laying under the shade.
  • Aloof (-1): Your manner is cold and unapproachable, distancing you from friends and strangers alike. Your preternatural intelligence lends itself to viewing others as slow-witted and a waste of your precious time. Your charisma is lowered.
  • Bad Reputation (-1): You have a reputation that angers or frightens people. Examples include being unlucky, petty, or cruel. The rep may or may not be accurate, but in either case, word travels faster than you do. because of his anto social behavior and daredevil nature he has gained himself a bad reputation as a "Loaded gun" ready to go off at anytime, however he isn't crazy as people may think.
  • Daredevil (-2): You only really feel alive when you're staring death in the face. Your character is addicted to the thrill of death-defying stunts, pushing himself to the limit at every available opportunity
  • Reckless (-1): You lack the emotion of fear. Unfortunately, it is often an important cue that keeps men from doing foolhardy things. Sure, you don't flinch at the sight of even the most hideous monster, but neither do you feel the need to run away when outclassed.
  • Overconfident (-1): Nothing is beyond your capabilities. If you wanted, you could defeat the best swordsman in the world; you just haven't had any reason to do so yet. And surely that chasm isn't too wide for you to leap across
  • Dark Secret (-1): You have some sort of secret that, if revealed, would make you an outcast amongst your society and companions. While this secret is on your mind at all times, it will come up in topics only once in a while, but when it does, watch out. Joshua's dark secret is that his demon arm may someday take control of him if he fails to keep it in check meaning that someday he may become a full demon.


   Magic: Devil Bringer Magic
   Caster or Holder: Holder
   Description: The Devil Bringer magic is physically manifested demonic power in Joshua's right arm. It gives off a bright blue glow at almost all times. The Devil Bringer magic is used to create spectral constructs out of a flame like substance made from magic energy e.g A giant devil fist. These constructs can be used for offensive and defensive purposes. The arm is also capable of buffing its strength and durability. The arm is the medium for all the magic it can use and is naturally weak to light.
   Strengths:The main strength of the Devil Bringer Magic is that with it Joshua is capable of creating large spectral constructs which means it is capable of wide range of varied attack and defensive based spells. Other strengths the magic possess are that the fist has the ability to buff it's strength and durability so if a fight were to get within close range Joshua would not have to rely on his constructs.
   Weaknesses: The main weakness of the Devil bringer is the fact that it glows at all times meaning it cannot be used for stealth in any situation. Another weakness of the magic is that it belongs to the darkness element meaning it has an elemental weakness to light making its spells less effective. Also if Joshua's arm was to become incapacitated for any reason he would be unable to use his magic as that arm is the source of his magic. The final weakness of the magic is that it is weak to water as the constructs are formed from a flame like substance meaning water would weaken if not douse the constructs.


   History: Joshua was born to an old couple living in the countryside. For the first five years of his life he lead a normal childhood until on his fifth birthday he was playing the woods nearby and was greeted by a demon in disguise. The demon attacked the young boy and wanted to eat him but before he had the chance to move in for the kill the boy’s father, a powerful wizard of light who had long since left the lifestyle of a wizard behind, came to his rescue and slayed the demon but not before the boy was corrupted. In the coming days the boy fell gravely ill and his parents were desperate, they sought out help from a dark mountain wizard who was said to have the arms of a demon. This mountain wizard claimed he could save the boy’s life but not without cost.  To survive the ordeal Joshua would have to give up his arm to the demons that were after him. Reluctantly his parents agreed and Joshua was saved, though in the process he gained the arm of a demon. After this the wizard told Joshua’s parents e would have to take him away, to train him so that the demon in the arm could not take control. For the next 8 years the boy lived in the mountains only seeing his family on rare occasions he trained long and hard with the demon wizard learning to control his arm. At the age of 13 Joshua began to rebel against the demon wizard. He felt that he no longer had to train and that he could return to his family. The demon wizard allowed the boy to do so, if only so he would realize the boy had to continue his training. When Joshua arrived home into town he was shunned by people for his arm, they treated him with fear and hatred even his parents were afraid. Growing depressed he returned to the mountain to finish his training and at the age of 16 he was allowed to leave. He decided there was no home for him anymore so he set out in search of a wizard’s lifestyle based on the stories his father used to tell him as child. He went round slaying beasts and saving towns but he never seemed to find anywhere that fit him that was until he discovered the Lamia scale wizard’s guild. He made the guild his home and decided he was to stay there.



Last edited by Joshua Kyrie on Wed Feb 05, 2014 8:04 am; edited 3 times in total

2Joshua Kyrie Empty Re: Joshua Kyrie Mon Feb 03, 2014 11:54 am

Aoi Mitsurugi

Aoi Mitsurugi
So, I will list everything needed to be fixed for the app.

[list][*] General appearance is 54 words, minimum is 75.
[*] Please add one fear, a realistic fear like heights, darkness, etc.
[*] For magic, please make this into a holder based magic. Being that his actual arm is the medium for his spells I assume, it would make among the most sense. Just know that your arm, though as interesting it may be, will not have more benefits outside of combat as well. You may want to remove the part about the enhanced strength, less you add in that the spells themselves are what is going to buff the strength of it. Another thing I need for the description is the types of spells you can do. If something is labeled in strengths and weaknesses, it needs to be in the description as well. Lastly, I will need you to add more weaknesses to this, ones aside from the weakness to light magic.

Bump when edited ^-^

3Joshua Kyrie Empty Re: Joshua Kyrie Mon Feb 03, 2014 12:20 pm

Joshua Kyrie

Joshua Kyrie
Bump, hows this?

4Joshua Kyrie Empty Re: Joshua Kyrie Mon Feb 03, 2014 8:24 pm

Aoi Mitsurugi

Aoi Mitsurugi
It's fine now. I would like to point out that Zealot is not a class. Zealot is a special characteristic. Please just change the class to the appropriate one and bump when edited.

5Joshua Kyrie Empty Re: Joshua Kyrie Tue Feb 04, 2014 4:06 am

Joshua Kyrie

Joshua Kyrie

6Joshua Kyrie Empty Re: Joshua Kyrie Tue Feb 04, 2014 9:10 pm

Aoi Mitsurugi

Aoi Mitsurugi
Approved. Another mod will review this again for final review.

7Joshua Kyrie Empty Re: Joshua Kyrie Tue Feb 04, 2014 9:29 pm

Alyssa Strauss

Alyssa Strauss
Hello Joshua,

In your negative traits section, please be sure to state why your character has a bad reputation or what his dark secret is. Bump after completion.

8Joshua Kyrie Empty Re: Joshua Kyrie Wed Feb 05, 2014 8:04 am

Joshua Kyrie

Joshua Kyrie

9Joshua Kyrie Empty Re: Joshua Kyrie Wed Feb 05, 2014 8:20 am

Alyssa Strauss

Alyssa Strauss
Hello Joshua,

Grammatical and capitalisation issues aside, I deem this application approved. Have fun!

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