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1Alicia Blackthorn Empty Alicia Blackthorn Thu Jan 23, 2014 10:23 pm

Alicia Blackthorn

Alicia Blackthorn

   Alicia Blackthorn 5524-1111650669
   "I am a broken doll." – From a page of her notepad

Name(s): Alicia Blackthorn
Nickname(s): Blackthorn, Alice, The Last Magi
Age: 24
Sex: Female
Birthday: May 2, X756
Sexuality: Heterosexual, but a little bi-curious
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Neutral Good
Rank: D-class
Guild: Lamia Scale
Guild Tattoo: On her navel
Face Claim: Sakuya Nogami – Koiseyo!! Imouto Banchou


Height: 5’4”
Weight: 78 lbs
Hair: Midnight Blue
Eyes: Silvery white beneath the blindfold
General Appearance: Despite her age, Alicia is youthful in appearance. Her body has the slimness of a girl shy of her prime, with pale skin that shimmers with an ivory glow. She likes to wear her long, black hair with a top ponytail, letting it fall below her waist. Her poise is always full of measured grace, despite being blind. But the highlight of her look is her face, well-rounded with the softness of a child and a rosy blush. The silver eyes underneath her blindfold glimmers with a happy twinkle, despite being devoid of sight.

She is a person who could be considered archaic by others, simply because of her regular outfit. She wears a school outfit from the past decade, with a long, navy blue pleated skirt and a long-sleeved white blouse with a purple ribbon. If she wants to be casual, she can always wear her myriad of one-piece dresses. She never wears anything else because dresses are the easiest to put on.

Extra: Alicia keeps a white blindfold on at all times, a reminder of the person that taught her magic. She also always ties her hair with the purple ribbon a kind old woman gave to her when she was very young and very helpless. She also carries around a notepad in which she can write her words for others to see.


Personality: Alicia Blackthorn might be twenty-four years old, but in body and mind she is still a youthful child. Being both blind and mute she has learned to appreciate every little blessing and opportunity that she comes across. She is thankful, and very kind-hearted. She prefers talking as a solution to solve conflicts – well, writing in her notepad that is. She is a curious creature, going to great lengths to satisfy it with a childlike tenacity. Honesty is also a strong trait of hers, but perhaps too strong – she can’t help but tell the truth despite circumstances. She’s also naïve and gullible, inexperienced in the ways of the world. Lead her into an alleyway full of cutthroats, telling her that a cotton candy shop was waiting on the other side, and she’ll happily go through it without a second thought.

She is rather attached to the person that found her in her master’s old house, and considers him her father. She will do whatever she can to please him, even going so far as to imitate his extravagant and ridiculous antics. If anything or anyone were to threaten her father figure, she won’t bother with words and let her spells do the talking.

But there is another side to the doll named Alicia. Due to flaws in her creation, the Heart Drive – the device that governs her emotions – can sometimes experience a flux – particularly when she is subject to high levels of stress - and shut down completely. This turns her into a heartless machine that only does what it’s told, completing her objectives without fail, no matter the cost. As a machine she is cold, calculating, remorseless and ruthless. In this mode, she will eradicate every obstacle in her path without a second thought. Brining her back from this mode is a great undertaking, and it usually involves knocking her out cold, or manually restarting the Heart Drive through heartfelt words and feelings.

This is the duality of Alicia, yet there are things she acknowledges no matter what. She knows she is a flawed creation; she is insecure about it, and there are times when she denies herself because of her nature. She has much to learn about the world; there are hundreds of things foreign to her. And she is afraid of her other side, the cold, unfeeling machine that lies hidden within her gears.


  • Music – Because of her conditions, her sense of hearing has been greatly heightened, allowing her to have more appreciation for the sounds of the world – especially music. In her mind, she can split a song into its separate components, and enjoy them all equally on their own or together.
  • Food with Spicy Smells – There’s something about the scent of spices that energizes her mind and brings her to far-away places. It’s not so much about the taste as it is the smell of her food that she really likes. At times she spends a few moments getting a good whiff, before digging in.
  • Sweets – Despite being a magical construct, Alicia is still a girl, one with a very large sweet tooth. She can devour an entire candy shop worth of sweets if given the chance.
  • Appearances – Alicia is blind, so she can’t see faces. She compensates for this by touching the faces with her hands, going through as much detail as she can with her touch. This is her ice breaker with others, though it leads into rather funny and awkward situations.
  • New Textures – Her sense of touch has been heightened to compensate for her disabilities. So she’s happier when she touches something with a new feeling. Be it soft, rough, slimy, prickly, hard, stony, or anything in between, Alicia will touch it and add it to her catalogue of textures.
  • Cooking - She's not particularly good at it. Scratch that, Alicia's misfortune for cooking was given by a demon from the Seventh circle of Hell. But that doesn't stop her from trying.
  • Writing in her Notepad - Alicia communicates primarily through the notepad. She also uses it to write whatever comes across her mind, be it poems, haikus, or random dribbles about life in general.


  • Prejudice – Alicia doesn’t like it when people make fun of those with disabilities. She’s okay if they do it to her, but when it happens to other people, she gets closer quick to flipping the switch to cold machine.
  • Moving Vehicles – She doesn’t like riding anything with wheels, or sails, or wings, because she has motion-sickness. One minute into the ride and she’s already turning green on the cheeks, with a little belching on the side.
  • Conflict – Getting into a fight with another has never been Alicia’s style. She would always try to talk it out with another party to reach a non-violent conclusion. Fighting is always a last resort for her.
  • Loud Noises / Bad Smells – Heightened senses means loud becomes louder and stinky becomes stinkier. Even if she appreciates having to experience such things, it doesn’t mean that she’s very fond of them. In fact, she’d rather avoid them altogether.


  • Find the Purpose of Her Existence – She was created for a reason by a man who would forever remain unknown to her because of her amnesia The only clues she had were two things: her surname, and her magic. To know her place in this world, she aims to learn whatever she can using these two things.
  • Live Fully – Alicia won’t allow her disability to rob her of life. She will live it to the fullest, listening to many songs, eating many foods, and touching many things. She will strive for new experiences, disabilities be damned.
  • Prove Herself to be Unbroken – Alicia sees herself as a broken doll, and it has been her way of thinking ever since. But she wants to be proven wrong; she wants to be fixed, to be complete, and to be unbroken.


  • The Cold Machine Inside – Her Heart Drive shuts down when subject to extreme stress, whether emotional or physical. This is an error brought about by her need to survive. But that doesn’t mean that she doesn’t fear the heartless persona that surfaces when it happens. She fears for what she can do as she lies trapped - a prisoner in her own mind - as the machine rampages on the outside world.
  • Rejection – This isn’t simply rejection in a romantic context. As much as Alicia denies herself the warmth of close friendship, she doesn’t want those she already considers friends to turn her away. It is a paradox that confuses her to no end, and yet it defines who Alicia is.
  • Acrophobia – Alicia is a girl who’s much grounded, and at times she likes to stay that way. Meaning she’d rather stay on ground level than go up a mountain or on a cliff.

Positive Traits: (+19)

  • Acrobatic (+3): You have excellent body awareness and coordination.
  • Agile (+3): You are particularly flexible and poised.
  • Alertness (+2): You have finely tuned senses.
  • Blindsight (+4): Using senses such as acute hearing and sensitivity to vibrations, you detect the location of opponents who are no more than five feet away from you. Darkness and Invisibility are irrelevant, though you cannot detect non corporeal beings.
  • Regeneration (+4): You heal very fast inside and outside of combat. Small cuts that go up to one inch deep are healed in the next post.
  • Swift (+3): You are fleet of foot. When running, you move three times your normal speed.

Negative Traits: (-19)

  • Amnesia (-1): You are unable to remember anything about your past, yourself, or your family. Your life is a blank slate. However, your past may someday come back to haunt you.
    The rest of the flaws you pick are unknown to your character; over the course of your progress, your character will slowly discover them.
  • Blindness (-3): You are completely blind, and fail all rolls that involve vision. You also suffer the normal penalties for blindness. You were born without the capacity to see (whether or not you actually have eyes is up to you), and therefore can never be healed.
  • Bruise Easily (-2): Each time you take bludgeoning damage, including that from falls, you take more damage than any other person.
  • Compulsive Honesty (-2): You cannot tell a lie, nor can you behave in a deceitful fashion. You tend to be blunt rather than tactful, even if it means insulting someone who you and your companions are trying to impress.
  • Curiosity (-1): You're a naturally curious person and you find mysteries of any sort irresistible. In most circumstances, alas, your curiosity overrides your common sense.
    This forces you to investigate something unusual, even if it looks like it might be dangerous.
  • Derangement/Insanity (-6)
    • Phobia: A character afflicted by a phobia persistently fears a particular object or situation. She realizes that the fear is excessive and irrational, but the fear is disturbing enough that she avoids the stimulus. Alicia has an unhealthy fear of heights, so much that she knows the elevation she’s on despite the blindness.
    • Bipolar Mood Disorder: The character oscillates between childishly happy and machine-cold heartlessness, sometimes staying in one mood for weeks at a time, sometimes rapidly switching from one to another. Also known as manic depressive.
  • Mute (-3): Your vocal apparatus does not function, and you cannot speak at all. You can communicate only through other means--typically writing or signing. This is due to a birth defect, and therefore cannot be healed by any means.
  • Shy (-1): You are distinctly ill at ease when dealing with people, and you try to avoid social situations whenever possible. When you become the center of attention you freeze. Don't expect to make any public speeches.


Magic: Circles of the Magi
Caster or Holder: Caster
Description: Alicia is the inheritor of the Magi Legacy, which allows her to use the myriad of magical circles passed down in the line of her master. The Circles draw in the ambient energies of the world and convert them into a force that bends to her will. The Circles can act as sentinels, defending their master from every attack. They can use the energy to powerful and explosive effects. And the Circles can be used to strengthen oneself or another, or trap and debilitate an enemy. In the higher ranks, the Circles are capable of bringing down a storm of lasers, or a widespread field that momentarily slows the actions of everyone in it, among many others.

Strengths: The Circles offer Alicia a myriad of options in engaging an enemy, as mentioned in the description. But perhaps the greatest advantage of this magic is that it compensates for her disabilities. The Circles can protect Alicia from threats she cannot see, and even attack opponents remotely - similar to drones. They can be cast in mid-air or on any inanimate surface (trees, rocks, water, walls, ground, etc.). And because the Circles are non-elemental, they cannot be exploited for elemental weaknesses.

Weaknesses: She cannot use the Circles directly on anybody but herself. Some Circles require specific and strict requirements to use. There are certain Circles that only work depending on the time of day; some require an environment or unique situation before the Circle activates. Because many of her Circles are sustained spells, using them continuously can easily drain her of her magical resources, rendering her useless in a fight. And because they are non-elemental, then they cannot take advantage of any elemental strengths.


History: Once there was a man who dreamt of having a daughter. He had no wife, he had no relatives, but he had a brilliant mind. And so with his vast knowledge of magic, alchemy, and human anatomy, he created seven dolls after the images of the women he desired.

Mary, the first and eldest, was chief maid of his household; all the sisters were answerable to her. She was to answer to every command of the master, and she could not refuse. And every night the younger sisters would hear strange sounds in the master’s room, when he needed Mary’s diligent care before his slumber. Anna, the second, worked the kitchens of the mansion. Every cuisine of every culture in the world she could make with her hands, even the food the master needed for his delicate condition. Sometimes, the master would call for her for a special meal, and after each time she would come out, naked, dishevelled and covered strange liquid.

Felicia, the third, was both seamstress and laundrywoman. The wonderful dresses of the sisters and the majestic suits of the master were her proud creations. When the master needed measuring for a certain social event, Felicia was quick in answering. But most times, the master would simply be absent from the event, spending all night with the seamstress in the tower. Jade, the fourth, entertained the house with her colorful dances. She brought a delicious flair that the master had once seen from a passing caravan of nomads from the desert. The master would always ask her to perform privately for his pleasure, to take delight in her exotic ways.

Olivia, the fifth, mastered the harp, the violin, and the piano. Music so hauntingly beautiful echoed whenever she played the instruments, pleasing to the ears of those who hear. The master liked to watch her as she sat in front of the grand piano in his private study. And all of a sudden the notes would go silent, replaced by a more primal tune. Julia, the sixth, was the master’s personal doll. He would dress her up in tiny frilly dresses and hats, and take her out on walks down the city, showing her off to the disbelieving ladies and gentlemen. The master doted on her with much love and affection, teaching her all the things that would make a good wife to a happy husband. All the things.

And Alicia Blackthorn, the seventh and youngest doll, served as guardian for the master and her sisters. Gifted was she with magical prowess, and imbued with the Magi Legacy that had been passed down in the Blackthorn family. But because of her power she grew unstable, a happy child and a heartless machine sharing a single body. The power also broke her, causing her to lose both her sight and her sound. For this reason the master grew to fear her, even as his desire for her flared stronger than all the sisters combined.

He couldn’t approach her; horrified of what could happen to both of them should he go too far. This mixture of desire and fear bubbled up inside of him, gnawing at his insides and festering in his heart and mind. Soon enough he found that the older sisters could not satisfy him any longer, not even Julia who he loved so much. He so wanted to partake of the pale maiden – of his most beautiful creation. He wanted to ravage her and indulge in the undefiled flower of her youth. But her unmitigated power held him back, his desire to live proving to be the stronger impulse… for the moment.

Slowly but surely he grew mad; mad enough that he began killing all the sisters one by one, his desire choking them until they could take no more. And when his insanity reached the point of no return, he decided to consummate his love for his youngest. But he would discover that not only was Alicia powerful, but also different. She was curious, inquisitive, and rational. It did not take her long to become suspicious of the strange silence in mansion. Where could her sisters have gone to?

When the master did not find his youngest in her room, he stumbled across every chamber in the mansion, searching for the deliverer of his desire. He found her standing in his study, standing in front of the broken bodies of her sisters. Tears flowed from her eyes, even as her face remained hollow. She turned to look at the master that created them, and he felt the cold touch of Death’s scythe around his neck. He wanted to run for his life, escape from the hell of his own making. And yet he couldn’t turn away from the beauty of his best creation. His desire for her burned bright and dark, even up till the very end.

In a moment it was done, his blood spurting from the hole in his chest. He fell back on the floor, the crimson life pouring from his mouth and his beating heart. And Alicia – poor, poor Alicia – felt a pain so strong that it was too much to bear. She sat down, leaning her back on what remained of her sisters, and slept for twenty years.

When she woke, she was in an unfamiliar place, staring up at an unfamiliar face. She felt strong muscles carry her, and she saw a rather strange yellow thing on the man’s lip. Her mind was clear as a blank piece of paper, a feeling of peace settling down on her very heart. She waited for the man to finish talking about his family and his muscles and something called ‘Lamia Scale.’ When he was done, she looked up at him and smiled, despite a small flutter of darkness lingering inside.

“Hello there. My name is Alicia Blackthorn. Are you my father?”

Last edited by Alicia Blackthorn on Tue Jan 28, 2014 8:49 pm; edited 12 times in total

2Alicia Blackthorn Empty Re: Alicia Blackthorn Sat Jan 25, 2014 3:29 am

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
Hiya! I'll be prereviewing your application for final approval. Let's get started!

Traits: Please put a total after them. While it isn't required, it just makes it easy on us mathematically challenged mods.

Bump when edited.

3Alicia Blackthorn Empty Re: Alicia Blackthorn Sat Jan 25, 2014 3:31 am

Alicia Blackthorn

Alicia Blackthorn

4Alicia Blackthorn Empty Re: Alicia Blackthorn Sat Jan 25, 2014 3:33 am

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
Magic: Please state that the runes can only be placed on surfaces that are inanimate. I.E. Trees, buildings, etc. The way it is worded now, it could be exploited.

5Alicia Blackthorn Empty Re: Alicia Blackthorn Sat Jan 25, 2014 3:36 am

Alicia Blackthorn

Alicia Blackthorn

6Alicia Blackthorn Empty Re: Alicia Blackthorn Sat Jan 25, 2014 3:41 am

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
Alright, passing this up for final approval!

7Alicia Blackthorn Empty Re: Alicia Blackthorn Sat Jan 25, 2014 7:21 pm

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Personally, your magic sounds extremely similar to Dark Ecriture, which is banned unfortunately. I have informed the site admins of the situation and they will give their opinions ASAP. I apologize deeply for this inconvenience.

8Alicia Blackthorn Empty Re: Alicia Blackthorn Sun Jan 26, 2014 12:58 am

Alicia Blackthorn

Alicia Blackthorn

9Alicia Blackthorn Empty Re: Alicia Blackthorn Tue Jan 28, 2014 8:24 pm

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Just a couple more things.
Extend your magic weakness to 75 words.
Also, remove the part about slowing down the perception of time. This is a variant of Slowing Magic which is not allowed.

10Alicia Blackthorn Empty Re: Alicia Blackthorn Tue Jan 28, 2014 8:52 pm

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Approvd for final review

11Alicia Blackthorn Empty Re: Alicia Blackthorn Tue Jan 28, 2014 11:49 pm

Alyssa Strauss

Alyssa Strauss

Sponsored content

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