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Eliara Mitsurugi

Eliara Mitsurugi
Name: CQC Nosebleed Inducing Exoskeleton
Rank: C
Magic Cost: 20
Sustain Cost: 10 per post
Requirements: Must be in possession of the Unspeakable Bar Thing
Class: Offensive/Supplementary
Element: Darkness
Cooldown: 5 posts
Duration: Until dismissed or destroyed
Effect: Eli creates an exoskeleton out of darkness around her. Replacing her outfit for the duration of the spell. If the spell is dismissed or destroyed Eli's original outfit returns instantly upon dismissal or destruction. This Exoskeleton increases Eli's strength by 50%. It also gives her a massive gun and claw on both of her hands that deal C rank damage with their attacks. The gun shoots large lasers of darkness a meter in diameter that travel at 10 meters a second. The gun has a maximum range of 10 meters. Eli can attack twice in a post with each weapon. The Exoskeleton can be targeted and destroyed. Taking one C rank spell or two D rank spells before being destroyed. Or just one D rank light spell before being destroyed. All attacks can be blocked with a defensive spell or weapon, or dodged if the opponent is fast enough. And the laser gun can be negated completely with an Elder Sign. Which would mean it would be nullified if an Elder Sign is used, otherwise the laser will just branch off in several directions as it disperses around whatever blocks it unless it is a defensive spell that does different things to whatever it blocks. The claw is strangely unaffected by the Elder Sign and Eli doesn't know why. But when blocked it acts like any other melee weapon that is blocked and bounces off, or stops completely.

(Taken DIRECTLY from the magic rules for buff spells of non buff magic.
C-class Spell: Buff 50% (+0.5 rank) or Debuff 10% Link

Exoskeleton Appearance:

Name: CQC Hamster Sanctuary of Pain
Rank: C
Magic Cost: 20
Requirements: Must be in possession of the Unspeakable Bar Thing
Class: Defensive
Element: Darkness
Cooldown: 4 posts
Duration: Until dismissed or destroyed
Effect: Eli creates a sphere of darkness around herself, enclosing herself in it. The sphere cannot be seen into but Eli can see out of it just fine. This sphere covers Eli Entirely, even going underneath her feet so that when she moves it is like she is in a giant hamster ball. At this rank the darkness actually has a physical mass to it, so that it can deflect even physical attacks, not just magical ones. It can take four D rank damage, two C ranks, or one B rank before being destroyed. Or it can take two D ranks and just one C rank light spell before being destroyed. Eli can expand the darkness sphere at will, to a maximum diameter of 10 meters. It can even push people around, since they cannot pass through the sphere.

Name: Create Nightgaunt
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10
Sustain Cost: 5 per post
Requirements: Must be in possession of the Unspeakable Bar Thing
Class: Offensive
Element: Darkness
Cooldown: 3 posts
Duration: Until dismissed or destroyed
Effect: Eli creates a being from one of her childhood nightmares out of darkness. It takes the form of a black, winged, faceless demon about two meters tall. Along with the shoggie, it's sole purpose is to destroy her opponent. It can fly because of it's wings and can only travel 5 meters away from Eli before being destroyed. It travels at about 5 meters a second. And can deal D rank damage to her opponent by either clawing, punching, or it's face opening to reveal a large sideways mouth full of sharp teeth and attempting to bite them. It can be destroyed with any D rank damage. Also it will be destroyed immediately after coming in contact with an Elder Sign. No exceptions. The nightgaunt is not strong enough to carry Eli or anyone else in flight.

Nightgaunt Appearance:

Name: CQC Big Thumper
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10
Requirements: Must be in possession of the Unspeakable Bar Thing
Class: Offensive
Element: Darkness
Cooldown: 2 posts
Duration: Instantaneous
Effect: Eli creates an aura of darkness around her crowbar. Shaping it and changing it into a massive mallet two meters large. Because of this Eli has to be within at least two meters of her opponent to hit them with this spell. This mallet weighs the same as her crowbar did, but hits with the force that it's size suggests. Dealing D rank damage on impact and launching her opponent backwards 5 meters from the force of the strike. This attack can be defended against with a defensive spell, or be negated completely with an Elder Sign. Although if Eli swings at her opponent and they defend with an elder sign, the spell will be negated, but she will still be swinging her crowbar at them. Meaning if the blow lands they will still be taking damage from her crowbar.

Last edited by Eliara Mitsurugi on Thu Feb 06, 2014 3:59 pm; edited 8 times in total

Eliara Mitsurugi

Eliara Mitsurugi
Bump for completion~!

Eliara Mitsurugi

Eliara Mitsurugi
Bumping for a reminder that it is finished in here.

Alyssa Strauss

Alyssa Strauss

CQC Nosebleed Inducing Exoskeleton:

-The maximum buff you may give a C-Rank spell is 25% so make the necessary edits.

-State what weaknesses the attacks themselves have and what happens when they encounter their elemental weakness.

CQC Hamster Sanctuary of Pain:


Create Nightgaunt:

-Add a sustain cost.

CQC Big Thumper:


Bump when completed for a re-checking.

Eliara Mitsurugi

Eliara Mitsurugi
Bump, I've bolded the sections that involve the information you requested.

Alyssa Strauss

Alyssa Strauss
CQC Nosebleed Inducing Exoskeleton:

-You still need to state what happens to the spells. Are they nullified? Are they just weakened? Do they branch off in different directions when blocked? etc.

Bump when finished.

Eliara Mitsurugi

Eliara Mitsurugi
Bump, the necessary edits are in the bold and underlined areas again.

Alyssa Strauss

Alyssa Strauss
Approved for final review :)

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
I'll be doing a final review for your spells!

CQC Nosebleed Inducing Exoskeleton: Can the weapons be destroyed? Keep in mind only Holder items are indestructible...i.e. your bar.

Create Nightgaunt: State that this cannot carry you in flight.

Bump when edited.

Eliara Mitsurugi

Eliara Mitsurugi
Bump~ The requested information has been highlighted

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
Approved for training, link back when done.

Eliara Mitsurugi

Eliara Mitsurugi
Training Finished!

Linky: Here

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
Bonus Spell Training Approved!

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