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1Faith Noel Empty Faith Noel Mon Jan 20, 2014 3:11 pm

Faith Noel

Faith Noel

   Faith Noel P4a_fuuka_1141
   "I feel strong... because I know my friends are behind me all the way."

Name(s):Faith Noel
Nickname(s): Lamia Scale's Shining Faith
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Birthday: 12/22/X760
Sexuality: straight
Class: Mystic
Alignment: Lawful Good
Guild: Lamia Scale
Guild Tattoo:Left thigh -Teal
Face Claim: Fuuka Yamagishi-Persona 3


Weight:152 lb
Hair: Teal green
Eyes: darker Teal color
General Appearance: A slender young lady she has a pale skin complection and she has rosy cheeks and pink lips with dark teal eyes and teal colored hair. Faith has long hair that she keeps braided to the side. She has a simple way of dressing, she wears a long sleeved white dress with black stockings with a pair of white short heeled boots. She wears four handcrafted bracelets on her right arm and a necklace she calls the Oracle's pendant around her neck.
Extra: N/a


Faith seems to be somewhat outspoken and kind but, she doesn't know how to react in certain situations. Faith is a very friendly young Lady, she has a big heart and tries to help where and whenever she possibly can. She doesn’t mind it to get her hands dirty, as long as others are willing to appreciate her work. Faith has almost no experience with the other sex, and being informed about how the bees and flowers stuff works, she is very pure, chaste and sometimes even considered to be still a little bit childish. Nevertheless, Faith has a big heart, so she is, even when she show off her stubborn side, she is a lovley young lady. Despite that, deep insider her, Faith has a lonely, cold side of herself, which is almost always hidden by her all the time cheerful mask. As long as nothing happens, that will really affect her personality, this side of her will be unknown to those around her. During all the years India has spent with helping others and trying to be the perfect “Idol” for them, she had missed to show some love to herself and to be the girl she really wants to be, a sad side of her, which is never visible to others, since she only shows it when she is lonely.

  • Church
  • Animals
  • Flowers
  • Friends
  • Classical music
  • Candy


  • Asparagus
  • Evil guilds
  • Alcohol
  • Bitter people
  • Bullies
  • Woman with no class

~To make something out of her life~
Faith tries to live her life in a way so that way even
if she were to pass she can say
it was worth something and because of her benevolent
and kind actions, for a lot of humans she was more than
just a normal young lady. She wants to be a special person
for as much people as possible, a savior and someone who
came into their lives and made a difference.
~To learn more about her magic~
Faith want to learn more about her magic so that she can fully manipulate her magic so she is able to protect herself people think just because she's nice she can't protect herself.

  • Being alone
  • Not being able to protect herself
  • Rodents
  • Small spaces

Positive Traits:

  • Animal Tongue (+4): You are capable of speaking with animals.

Negative Traits:

  • Careless (-1): For some reason, people always seem to escape your clutches. You don't understand how that's possible. After all, you throw them into your easily escapable deathtraps before leaving them alone with your bumbling guards while you wander away for no apparent reason. You just can't manage to do a great job at anything.
  • Trusting (-2): You don't like to believe that other people are capable of misleading and lying to you. After all, people are basically good, right?
  • Cautious (-1): You are uneasy engaging in behavior that carries a chance of failure. You must spend twice as long performing any skill that requires an action. For example, deciphering a page of text would take 2 minutes for you instead of 1.


Magic: Chronicle
Caster or Holder: Caster
Description: A magic that is similar to archive magic in some of its capabilities then archive.a form of unique magic that allows the user to convert information into magical data to be stored, enabling them to gain access to previously stored information such as magic. Unlike Archive, Chronicle can use Force fields and also use  screens/firewalls as small shields. Chronicle has larger forms of attack then archive but, still limited in Offensive combat. This magic is supplementary it can be used to make a telepathic connection between allies and also link a virus to your opponents freezing them or slowing them down for a few seconds.
Strengths: This magic allows information to be stored and the ability to communicate with allies over a long distance, whether it be mentally or outwardly. This magic gives the user a larger range of offensive and defensive magic then archive magic. Unlike archive, Chronicle magic can make Data swords,force fields and more in comparison Chronicle magic would be better in offensive combat than Archive who is not suited for combat what so ever, while Chronicle gives the user somewhat more protection then Archive magic would give its user.
Weaknesses: When comparing Archive magic and Chronicle magic they basically have similar capabilities and chronicle has more variations of defense then archive it is still limited in offensive magic like Archive that is what makes these two magics similar in that matter. This magic also has a slight weakness to lightning magic when lightning magic is used on chronicle magic the magic may malfunction leaving the user vunerable to enemy attacks. It would be better for the user to not even go against a lightning mage or the may risk losing their life


Once upon a time,
There lived a village hidden by the rays of the sun in between two mountains. In that village there lived villagers that enjoyed their life with no negative activity no raids no violence it was a peaceful village the sun was their guardian that protected them from harm. The sun for many years was seen as a god to the people of the village. The rulers of the village the King and his queen were loved by all the villagers but,the rulers were having some troubles in paradise. The queen of the village could not bear a child the queen wheeped day after day and the king was always their to comfort her everytime. One day the king decided to go the the highest part of the moutain closest to the sun to pray to the Sun to bless the queen with a child. So the king traveled up the harsh snowy moutain with his wife as their shoes slushed against the snow with the blanket, their only means warmth barely keeping them warm. As they reached the peak of the moutain the sun stood in front of them as if it were looking down on them. The king got on his knees and prayed to the sun to bless his wife with a child, the sun seem to shine brighter and as time passed the couple headed back down the moutain and back to the village.

After a few months the queen stomach had grown and was soon to concieve her child in just a few a days. The queen layed in her bed with sweat rolling down her face as she was attempting to push out her baby. Screams filled the castle bedroom, Finally the baby was out but no screams the baby was quite with no crying, no heartbeat the baby was not moving the queen screamed and cryed and the king rushed into the room the couple weeped as they had lost all hope until the bright shining rays of the sun creeped through the couples draped window. They rushed outside and and they prayed to the sun an said "Sun oh dear sun please shine you gleaming rays upon our child and we pray, we pray we will be forever in your debt." The sun shined brighter and brighter as a single warm ray shined upon the baby girl and a voice echoed through the village it said with a deep mystical voice " You loved me you, prayed to me,and you praise me for being so loyal and kindhearted I will give your daughter life to show my gratitude."  child opened her eye and smiled and grabbed towards the sun the sun's rays dimed and went farther then usual, away from the village and after this day the sun would no longer be brightess thing in the village anymore now the child of the rulers shined brighter then any star. The couple smiled and the queen said " we bless your life to the sun and we will be forever in his dept." The king smiled "I will name you Faith. The Village's Shining Faith."The king chuckled, the couple proceeded to their castle to live their life with their new daughter.

Last edited by Sayla Iriart on Wed Jan 22, 2014 5:22 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Faith Noel Empty Re: Faith Noel Tue Jan 21, 2014 9:41 pm

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Please expand magic strengths and weaknesses to 75 words each
To be the specified age, the birth year would have to be X762

3Faith Noel Empty Re: Faith Noel Wed Jan 22, 2014 5:23 pm

Faith Noel

Faith Noel
~Bump~ Edits made

4Faith Noel Empty Re: Faith Noel Wed Jan 22, 2014 7:10 pm

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Approved for final review

5Faith Noel Empty Re: Faith Noel Thu Jan 23, 2014 6:34 am

Alyssa Strauss

Alyssa Strauss
Approved! Congratulations and have fun!

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